Aiming higher: the Plymouth and Peninsula Tri-Level Model (PPM) for school/HE links - putting the university into school and community

Reynolds, D, Nichol, J, la Velle, L, Gunraj, J, Goulbourn, J, Iji, N, Parkinson, G, Sutton, C, MacLeod, I and Koshy, V (2010) Aiming higher: the Plymouth and Peninsula Tri-Level Model (PPM) for school/HE links - putting the university into school and community. University of Plymouth, Faculty of Education, Plymouth. ISBN 9781841022376


This report outlines an innovative, effective model of school/higher education (HE) liaison, the Plymouth & Peninsula Model (PPM). The PPM is of major national and international importance. The defining quality of PPM is that it is a genuine partnership, with parity of esteem between HEIs, schools and local authorities (LAs), supported by other major stakeholders. The PPM is based upon firm research evidence, is highly cost effective and could be rolled out nationally to cover geographically all primary and secondary schools and college grouped in consortia.

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Date Deposited: 23 Nov 2018 16:19
Last Modified: 15 Aug 2021 09:51
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