The shooting gallery

Etter, C (2020) The shooting gallery. Verve Poetry Press, Birmingham. ISBN 9781912565450

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In this poetry pamphlet Carrie Etter juxtaposes two series of prose poems: one exploring Czech surrealist Toyen’s World War II line drawings and one addressing US school and university shootings since Columbine High School in 1999. Both series consider the awful conjunction of youth and violence, at once real and surreal. In these terse, chilling, and compelling poems, Etter explores the aftermath, a landscape of loss and unanswerable questions.

Item Type: Book

24 poems.

Divisions: School of Writing, Publishing and the Humanities
Research Centres and Groups: Bath Spa Creative Writing Research Centre
Date Deposited: 22 Oct 2020 11:51
Last Modified: 17 May 2022 14:26
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