Using techniques of neutralisation to maintain contact; the experiences of loved ones supporting remand prisoners

Masson, I and Booth, N (2022) 'Using techniques of neutralisation to maintain contact; the experiences of loved ones supporting remand prisoners.' The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice, 61 (4). pp. 463-483.

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This article proposes that loved ones supporting prisoners with experience of remand in England and Wales may use Sykes & Matza's (1957) ‘techniques of neutralization’ by proxy. Adopting neutralisations may enable those in prison to be viewed not as those who have harmed, or bad people, but as those who themselves have been harmed. Potential benefits of these techniques are twofold: they help to reject stigma; and explain and enable continued contact. This framework may be a useful basis for work exploring familial contact and support for those affected by imprisonment.

Item Type: Article
Keywords: contact, loved ones, remand prisoners, stigma, techniques of neutralisation
Divisions: School of Sciences
Date Deposited: 10 Aug 2022 15:04
Last Modified: 22 Dec 2022 12:40
ISSN: 2059-1101
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