Physical literacy and intentionality: embodied beckoning

Durden-Myers, E.J ORCID: 0000-0001-7705-1138, Bartle, G, Whitehead, M.E and Dhillon, K.K (2021) 'Physical literacy and intentionality: embodied beckoning.' Journal of Physical Education, Recreation & Dance, 92 (9). pp. 42-49.

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The purpose of this article is to explore the interconnectedness between physical literacy, intentionality and the notion of embodied beckoning. We coin the term ‘embodied beckoning’ to explain our innate transactional relationship and desire as human beings to explore the world through movement, and how the environment also calls us to move. We draw upon a range of perspectives including post-humanism, social-materialism, and Deleuzian theory and explore how these paradigms may enable us to continue to blur the lines between mind and body, self and environment, and view human embodiment, interaction, and intentionality more holistically.

Item Type: Article
Keywords: embodiment, physical activity, physical education, health, wellbeing, creative movement, creative praxis, intentionality, environment, self, motility, enactivism, affordances physical literacy, flourishment
Divisions: School of Education
Date Deposited: 19 Sep 2023 12:18
Last Modified: 14 Jun 2024 05:30
ISSN: 0730-3084
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