Traced papers: Leuchter (2021-)

Luzar, R (2023) Traced papers: Leuchter (2021-). In: What is Drawing Research?, Birmingham School of Art, UK, 3 November 2023.

Item Type: Exhibition
Creators: Luzar, R
Abstract: This set of Traced Papers specifically uses The Leuchter Report. According to the Auschwitz-Birkenau State Museum ‘[The] facts make it clear that the “Leuchter Report,” allegedly a watershed in understanding Auschwitz, is in fact nothing more than an attempt, concealed beneath an academic-looking smokescreen of graphs, analyses, and calculations, at misinforming readers who have no access to the scholarly literature—or who are looking for precisely the sort of conclusions that Leuchter offers.’
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Date: 3 November 2023
Event Location: Birmingham School of Art, UK
Medium: graphite on ink-jet prints of found papers (public/private documents, reports, information)

This exhibition, curated by the UWE BCU Drawing Research Group, served as an introduction and testament to the evolving significance of drawing as a cross-disciplinary tool for research, communication and ideation. It aimed to challenge established perceptions of Drawing while emphasising its role in fostering innovation, visual thinking and knowledge advancement.

It accompanied a symposium of the same name where the drawing research community investigated the question "What is drawing research in 2023?".

Divisions: Bath School of Art, Film and Media
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Date Deposited: 21 Dec 2023 18:30
Last Modified: 21 Dec 2023 18:30
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