Together With Them She Went

Walton, A and Lucas, A (2020) Together With Them She Went. Tintype Gallery, London, UK, 1 April – 30 May 2020.

Item Type: Exhibition
Creators: Walton, A and Lucas, A
Abstract: Anna Lucas and Alice Walton have been working on a collaborative strand of practice since 2016, exploring the notion of ‘alongside looking’, a looking with and in conversation. Anna Lucas makes photographs and films, Alice Walton works with found photographic images. Both have honed their understanding ofthe investment made by the viewer when an image is framed, processed, and presented. Together With Them She Went presents a two films (113, and Elektra) they have made together using Walton’s extensive found-image archive. The films are presented within sculptural installations where the use of reflective and translucent materials draw the viewer into becoming an active element of the work. The female body is a recurring subject, sometimes appearing as a sculpture, on a stage or in a rehearsal space along with the elements of drapes and windows, light and shade. The simple gesture of turning pages, creates a quietly hypnotic engagement of shared looking and touch. Sound creates space, alluding to an off-screen narrative; footsteps over the floor, a window opening -distant sounds that ebb and flow throughout.
Official URL:
Date: April 2020
Event Location: Tintype Gallery, London, UK
Number of Pieces: 2
Measurements/Duration: two films (113 and Elektra)
Divisions: Bath School of Art, Film and Media
Related URLs:
Date Deposited: 04 Mar 2024 10:30
Last Modified: 04 Mar 2024 10:30
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