Nothing Ever Stays the Same

Neudecker, M (2024) Nothing Ever Stays the Same. Thomas Rehbein Gallery, Cologne, Germany, 30 August - 12 October 2024.

Item Type: Exhibition
Creators: Neudecker, M
Abstract: Mariele Neudecker sets us on a journey of discovery. In the exhibition the artist reports on her artistic and actual research on and in nature. She asks us what nature and landscape are, what both can be and what they are not. What artificial, artistic, and human intervention can be, and how everything can interact. The exhibition raises cross-genre questions about shaping reality, seeking orientation, and finding direction. The exhibition is a combination of paintings and sculptures, stand-alone or in a cross-genre and questioning sense, in terms of content and form. Global and universal regularities are part of the investigations.
Official URL:
Date: August 2024
Event Location: Thomas Rehbein Gallery, Cologne, Germany
Divisions: Bath School of Art, Film and Media
Date Deposited: 15 Aug 2024 11:30
Last Modified: 15 Aug 2024 11:30
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