Mortimore, T and Zsolnai, A (2015) 'Inclusive education and social competence development.' Hungarian Educational Research Journal (HERJ), 5 (1).
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Students with special educational needs are exposed to the same social and cultural effects as any other child. Their social and emotional development also evolves under those influences and they, too, must adjust to the conditions of their environment. In several cases, however, an inadequate learning environment keeps these children from experiencing and learning social skills and abilities (such as self-confidence and independence). Inclusive education for children with special educational needs is not common practice in Hungary even though it is equally well suited to fostering different social skills and abilities in children with either average or non-average development. This paper endeavours to argue for the importance of having inclusive education in Hungary by discussing examples abroad, with special emphasis on research and practical implementations in Great Britain.
Item Type: | Article |
Keywords: | inclusive education, learning disabilities, social skills and abilities, |
Subjects: | B Philosophy. Psychology. Religion > BF Psychology L Education > L Education (General) |
Divisions: | School of Education |
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Date Deposited: | 21 Jul 2015 16:25 |
Last Modified: | 15 Aug 2021 09:40 |
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