Presented as an event in the 'Space Invaders' programme - an installational takeover of JW3. Drawing inspiration from Harold Pinter's nihilistic Poem (Don't look, the world's about to break), Neighbourhood Watch examines the meaning of community, architecturally and socially. Bringing together the work of 18 artists, the show is a space for conversation about what makes us feel both the part, and the whole.
Featuring the work of Howard Tong, Eldar Gantz, Beatrice Jarvis, Pauline Amos/Karolina Nieduza, Roger Clarke, Rob Weir, Norman Mine, Marcin Jozefiak 'James Blite', Lucy Schofield/Katy Dixon, Matilda C, Andreaa Ionescu, Stephanie Bickford-Smith/Zoe Hough/Marcel Helmer, Rachael Haines, and Barbara Bargiel.