Items where Division is "School of Education" and Year is 2010

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Number of items: 74.


Anagnostopoulou, K and Quinsee, S (2010) Researching one’s own profession: considerations and guidance. Higher Education Academy.


Barrington, R, Rowe, I and White, S (2010) What impact does coaching have on undergraduates career planning, development of their transferable skills and therefore their employability? In: BERA Annual Conference, 1-4 September 2010, University of Warwick.

Bhatti, G (2010) 'Learning behind bars: education in prisons.' Teaching and Teacher Education, 26 (1). pp. 31-36.

Bianchi, J (2010) Cultural Connections.

Bianchi, J (2010) Life stories: developing intercultural strategies through arts education. In: International Conference on the Arts in Society, 22-25 July 2010, University of Sydney, Australia.

Bianchi, J (2010) 'Sustainable development and inclusion through the arts.' A'N'D, National Society of Education in Art and Design (37).

Bizley, K, Chalk, S and Halliday, C (2010) BTEC first sport level 2. Collins, London. ISBN 9780007342648


Campagna, P (2010) Inclusion through languages and sport. In: Languages meet sport 2, October 2010, Trieste, Italy.

Colley, H, Chadderton, C and Lewin, C (2010) 'Changing career guidance practice in Connexions: a question of ethics?' Career Guidance Today, 18 (3). pp. 33-37.

Collier, C (2010) 'Evaluating the effectiveness of a teaching intervention in developing pre-service primary teachers’ knowledge of rock identification.' In: Holbrook, J, Rannikmae, M, Soobard, R, Cavas, B and Kim, M, eds. Proceedings of ICASE 2010: Innovation in Science and Technology Education. International Council of Associations for Science Education, pp. 43-45.

Coombs, S (2010) 'Critical thinking, portfolio assessment and e-scaffolding of continuing professional development for knowledge elicitation.' In: Proceedings of Global Learn 2010. AACE, pp. 4010-4014. ISBN 1880094797

Coombs, S, Barrington, R, Sorensen, N, Caston, A, Maine, F and Wisdom, P (2010) Fixed vs negotiated CPD: abridging the best of the TDA’s PPD with the new MTL. In: International Professional Development Association, 26-27 November 2010, Aston University, Birmingham.

Coombs, S and Sorensen, N (2010) 'Authorised to teach?' CPD Update, 126. pp. 8-9.

Coombs, S and Sorensen, N (2010) 'Whither Postgraduate Professional Development? Towards a theoretical framework to guide long-term teacher development in England.' Professional Development in Education, 36 (4). pp. 683-689.

Coombs, S, Zhao, H. and Zhou, X. (2010) 'Developing professional knowledge about teachers through metaphor research: facilitating a process of change.' Teacher Development, 14 (3). pp. 381-395.

Crawley, J (2010) In at the deep end: a survival guide for teachers in post-compulsory education. 2nd ed. Routledge, London. ISBN 9780415499897


Davies, D (2010) 'Enhancing the role of the arts in primary pre-service teacher education.' Teaching and Teacher Education, 26 (3). pp. 630-638.

Davies, D (2010) 'What’s changed? Issues of impact and evaluation in primary science professional development.' Professional Development in Education, 36 (3). pp. 511-523.

Davies, D, Collier, C, Howe, A and McMahon, K (2010) 'E-scape assessment.' Primary Science, 115. pp. 18-21.

Davies, D and Lam, E (2010) 'The role of first-hand experience in the development education of university students.' International Journal of Development Education and Global Learning, 2 (2). pp. 35-52.


Emira, M (2010) 'Leading to decide or deciding to lead? Understanding the relationship between teacher leadership and decision making.' Educational Management Administration & Leadership, 38 (5). pp. 591-612.


Felstead, A, Bishop, D, Fuller, A, Jewson, N, Unwin, L and Kakavelakis, K (2010) 'Working as belonging: the management of personal and collective identities.' In: Ecclestone, K, Biesta, G and Hughes, M, eds. Transitions and learning through the life course. Routledge, London, pp. 147-161. ISBN 9780415481731

Ferrell, G, Alves, P, Alves, M.A, Farrugia, M, Fernandez, C, Engert, S, Epelboin, Y, Grepilloux, J, Hayes, S ORCID: 0000-0001-8633-0155, Leao, C, Madoz, E, Piteira, M, Restivo, T, Soares, F and Uhomoibhi, J (2010) 'The state of the nations: current and future developments in technology-enhanced-learning.' In: Rudak, L, ed. University information systems: selected problems [EUNIS 2010 Conference]. Difin, Warsaw, pp. 53-67. ISBN 9788376413563


Gardner, F, Coombs, S and Larcombe, A (2010) 'Becoming research practitioners: freedom and values.' Counselling at Work, 10 (Winter). pp. 12-14.

Green, L (2010) Non-sporty girls take the lead: a participatory approach to youth work and sport. In: Researching Youth Sport Conference, 10 November 2010, Loughborough University, Loughborough, UK.

Green, L (2010) Playing out! Moral panic and the management of childhood. In: Moral Panics In the Contemporary World, 10-12 December 2010, Bunel University, London, UK.


Hayes, S ORCID: 0000-0001-8633-0155, Lowe, P.K, Gruszczynska, A and Marsh, D (2010) 'Motivations to deposit: two approaches to Open Educational Resources (OER) within Languages and Social Sciences (LSS) at Aston University.' In: Rudak, L, ed. University information systems: selected problems [EUNIS 2010 Conference]. Difin, Warsaw, pp. 449-470. ISBN 9788376413563

Howard, J and McInnes, K (2010) Learning and development: play - on cue. Nursery World, 8.

Howard, J and McInnes, K (2010) 'Thinking through the challenge of a play-based curriculum: increasing playfulness via co-construction.' In: Moyles, J, ed. Thinking about play: developing a reflective approach. McGraw-Hill Open University Press, Maidenhead, pp. 30-44. ISBN 9780335241088

Howard, J and McInnes, K (2010) The difference between work and play. National Literacy Trust.

Howe, A (2010) Assessment of Trainee Teachers’ Subject Knowledge in Science: Developing an e-portfolio approach to formative assessment. In: International Confederation of Associations of Science Education Conference: Innovation in Science and Technology Education, 28 June - 2 July 2010, University of Tartu, Talinn, Estonia.


Jones, P (2010) 'Cultural political economy and the international governance of education: a theoretical framework.' In: Karin Amos, S, ed. International Educational Governance. International Perspectives on Education and Society, 12 (1). Emerald Group Publishing Limited, Bingley, pp. 19-56. ISBN 9780857243034

Jones, P (2010) Cultural political economy and wicked problems: addressing the limits of neo-liberalism. In: Royal Geographic Society (RGS) annual conference, 01 - 03 September 2010, RGS-IGB, London.

Jones, P (2010) The EU central Asia strategy: the regionalisation of higher education? In: Association of American Geographers (AAG) annual conference 2010, 14 - 16 April 2010, Washington, DC, USA.

Jones, P (2010) Participation in Adult Learning. Equality and Human Rights Commission.

Jones, P (2010) 'Regulatory regionalism and education: the European Union in central Asia.' Globalisation, Societies and Education, 8 (1). pp. 59-85.

Jones, P (2010) Regulatory regionalism: higher education in central Asia. In: 54th Annual Conference of the Comparative and International Education Society (CIES), 1 - 5 March 2010, Chicago, Illinois, USA.

Jones, P (2010) The economics of education and higher education in the European Union: neo-liberal regulatory regionalism? In: The European Conference on Educational Research 2010, 25 - 27 August 2010, Helsinki, Finland.

Jones, P (2010) 'The politics of the economics of education in the European Union.' European Educational Research Journal, 9 (3). pp. 359-380.


Lawrence, S (2010) 'Alternative ways to teaching space: teaching of geometry in 19th century England and France.' In: Fox, R and Joly, B, eds. Echanges franco-britanniques entre savants depuis le XVII siecle. Franco-British Interactions in Science since the seventeenth century. Cahiers de Logique et d'Epistemologie (7). College Publications, London. ISBN 1848900023

Levinson, M.P (2010) 'Accountability to research participants: unresolved dilemmas and unravelling ethics.' Ethnography and Education, 5 (2). pp. 193-207.


McInnes, K (2010) Comparing indicators of wellbeing in activities children define as play or not play. In: BPS Psychology of Education Section Annual Conference, 12 -14 November 2010, Milton Keynes, UK.

McInnes, K, Howard, J, Miles, G and Crowley, K (2010) 'Differences in adult-child interactions during playful and formal practice conditions: an initial investigation.' Psychology of Education Review, 34 (1). pp. 14-20.

McMahon, K (2010) Interactive whole-class teaching in science lessons. In: International Confederation of Associations of Science Education Conference: Innovation in Science and Technology Education, 28 June - 2 July 2010, University of Tartu, Talinn, Estonia.

Mortimore, T (2010) 'Putting style theory into practice in the UK secondary school: inclusive classrooms for vulnerable learners.' In: Rayner, S and Cools, E, eds. Style differences in cognition, learning, and management: theory, research, and practice. Routledge studies in management, organizations and society . Routledge, London, pp. 278-294. ISBN 9780415801997


O'Brien, N and Whittaker, V (2010) 'Community of learners.' ReFocus (10).


Paulson, J (2010) '‘History and hysteria’: Peru’s Truth and Reconciliation Commission and conflict in the national curriculum.' International Journal for Education Law and Policy, Spec. pp. 132-146.

Paulson, J (2010) 'Truth commissions and national curricula: the case of Recordandonos in Peru.' In: Parmar, S, Roseman, M, Siegrist, S and Sowa, T, eds. Children and transitional justice: truth-telling, accountability and reconciliation. Human Rights Program . Harvard University Press, Cambridge, MA, pp. 327-364. ISBN 9780979639548


Reynolds, D, Nichol, J, la Velle, L, Gunraj, J, Goulbourn, J, Iji, N, Parkinson, G, Sutton, C, MacLeod, I and Koshy, V (2010) Aiming higher: the Plymouth and Peninsula Tri-Level Model (PPM) for school/HE links - putting the university into school and community. University of Plymouth, Faculty of Education, Plymouth. ISBN 9781841022376

Riddell, R (2010) Aspiration, identity and self belief: snapshots of social structure at work. Trentham Books, Stoke on Trent. ISBN 9781858564654

Rose, J and Rogers, S (2010) 'Early years practice: building on firm foundations.' In: Arthur, J and Cremin, T, eds. Learning to teach in the primary school. 2nd edn. Routledge, Abingdon, pp. 81-94. ISBN 9780415487900


Shields, R (2010) 'Student Mobility and Emerging Hubs in Global Higher Education.' In: Rust, V, Portnoi, L and Bagley, S, eds. Higher Education, Policy, and the Global Competition Phenomenon. International and Development Education . Palgrave MacMillian, New York. ISBN 9780230618183

Simon, C.A and Gibson, H (2010) 'Every parent matters: reflections from England upon New Labour's parent policy.' Canadian Journal of Educational Administration and Policy, 114. pp. 93-117.

Simon, C.A and Gibson, H (2010) A parent policy or apparent policy? Questioning New Labour's conviction that Every Parent Matters. In: BERA Annual Conference, 1-4 September 2010, University of Warwick.

Slade, C and Anderson, J (2010) Internationalisation and curricular change: fostering global citizenship within the university. In: Going Global 4: the International Education Conference, 24 -26 March 2010, Queen Elizabeth II Conference Centre, London.

Sorensen, N (2010) Creating “authorised” teachers: the leadership of CPD in a self-improving school system. In: International Professional Development Association International Conference, 26-27 November 2010, Aston University, Birmingham.

Sorensen, N (2010) Researching teachers lives: finding out how brilliant teachers improvise and why this is a good thing. In: Bath Spa University Second Annual Summer Symposium, 4 June 2010, Corsham Court Centre, Bath Spa University.

Sorensen, N and Law, J (2010) The journey home.

Stakelum, M (2010) Assessment practices at primary school: lessons from the past. In: 18th EAS Congress, 26-29 April 2010, Abant Ýzzet Baysal University, Turkey.

Stakelum, M (2010) 'A commentary on assessment practices in music education at primary level in England: are there lessons to learn from the past?' In: Kalyoncu, N, Erice, D and Akyüz, M, eds. Music and music education within the context of socio-cultural changes. Series of Culture Books (5). Müsik Eğitimi Publications, Ankara, pp. 443-450. ISBN 9786056155727

Stakelum, M (2010) A language for practice: studying the impact of music technology on teaching and learning music. In: 29th ISME World Conference :Harmony and the World Future, 1 - 6 August 2010, China National Convention Centre, Beijing, China.


Ward, S and Simon, C.A (2010) Does every child matter? Understanding New Labour's social reforms. Routledge, Abingdon. ISBN 9780415495790

Whitty, G (2010) 'Marketization and post-marketization in contemporary education policy.' In: Kauko, J, Rinne, R and Kynkäänniemi, H, eds. Restructuring the truth of schooling : essays on discursive practices in the sociology and politics of education - a festschrift for Hannu Simola. Research in educational sciences (48). Finnish Educational Research Association, Jyväskylä. ISBN 9789525401509

Whitty, G (2010) 'Revisiting school knowledge: some sociological perspectives on new school curricula.' European Journal of Education, 45 (1). pp. 28-45.

Whitty, G and Leaton Gray, S (2010) 'Social trajectories or disrupted identities? Changing and competing models of teacher professionalism under New Labour.' Cambridge Journal of Education, 40 (1). pp. 5-23.

Whitty, G, Power, S, Curtis, A and Edwards, T (2010) 'Private education and disadvantage: the experiences of Assisted Place holders.' International Studies in Sociology of Education, 20 (1). pp. 23-38.


Yuan, T (2010) The rising ‘China model’ of educational cooperation with Africa: features, perceptions and discourses. In: WCCES 14th World Congress: Bordering, Re-Bordering and New Possibilities for Change in Education and Society, 13 - 18 June 2010, Istanbul, Turkey.

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