Items where Division is "School of Writing, Publishing and the Humanities" and Year is 2008

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Number of items: 127.


Deegalle, M, ed. (2008) Dharma to the UK : a centennial celebration of Buddhist legacy. World Buddhist Foundation, London. ISBN 0951895729

Morrison, R and Roberts, D.S, eds. (2008) Thomas De Quincey: new theoretical and critical directions. Routledge, Abingdon. ISBN 9780415399630

Almond, D (2008) Jackdaw summer. Hodder Children's Books, London. ISBN 9780340881989

Brayfield, C (2008) Arts reviews... and how to write them. Kamera Books, Harpenden. ISBN 9781904048916

Cologne-Brookes, G (2008) If I'm ever back this way. X/A Books. ISBN 978-0955821103

Gadd, I ORCID: 0000-0002-6154-5990 and Goldgar, B (2008) Jonathan Swift - English political writings 1711-1714: 'The conduct of the allies' and other works. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. ISBN 9780521829298

Gifford, T (2008) Ted Hughes. Routledge, London. ISBN 9780415311892

Green, J (2008) Beowulf the brave. A&C Black, London. ISBN 9780713688412

Harris, C (2008) Consequences 5: Holding the front page. Hodder Children's Books, London. ISBN 9780340930434

Harsent, D (2008) The Minotaur: an opera. Boosey & Hawkes, London. ISBN 9780851625553

Hensher, P (2008) The northern clemency. Harper Press, London. ISBN 9780007174805

Hughes, W (2008) Bram Stoker: Dracula. Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke. ISBN 9781403987785

Jose, N (2008) Avenue of eternal peace. Wakefield. ISBN 9780140117240

Kane, B (2008) Impotence and Virginity in the late medieval ecclesiastical Court of York. Borthwick Institute Publications. ISBN 9781904497271

Malik, I.H (2008) A history of Pakistan. Greenwood Press, Westport, Conn. ISBN 9780313341373

Martin, M (2008) Three jumpers. PaperBooks, London. ISBN 9781906558482

Meyer, P (2008) What love. Telegram, London. ISBN 9781846590443

Middleton, T (2008) Studying culture: a practical introduction. 2nd ed. Wiley-Blackwell, London. ISBN 9781405155922

Moss, S (2008) A sky full of starlings: a diary of a birding year. Aurum Press, London. ISBN 9781845133535

Neale, J (2008) Stop global warming: change the world. Bookmarks Publications, London. ISBN 9781905192373

Sullivan, S and Salter, K (2008) 'Shell to sea' in Ireland: building social movement potency. NGPA working paper series, 5 . Non-Governmental Public Action Programme, London. ISBN 9780853282242

Voake, S (2008) Daisy Dawson and the secret pool. Walker Books. ISBN 9781406304015

Weldon, F (2008) The stepmother's diary. Quercus, London. ISBN 9781849168977

Woodward, G (2008) Caravan thieves. Chatto & Windus, London. ISBN 9780701177607

Book Chapter or Section

Backus, J and Cush, D (2008) 'Buddhism within the English state school system.' In: Deegalle, M, ed. Dharma to the UK: a centennial celebration of Buddhist legacy. World Buddhist Foundation, London, pp. 231-245. ISBN 9780951895726

Cush, D (2008) 'Religious and cultural plurality in education.' In: Ward, S, ed. A student's guide to education studies. 2nd ed. Routledge, Abingdon. ISBN 9780415465373

Dafydd, S.M (2008) 'Hand of a giant.' In: MacNamee, J, ed. In her element. Honno, Dinas Powys. ISBN 9781870206969

Dafydd, S.M (2008) 'Yellow ribbons on a pear tree.' In: Oakley, C, ed. Coming up roses: short stories by women from Wales. Honno, Dinas Powys. ISBN 9781870206938

Deegalle, M (2008) 'Sustainable development and Buddhism.' In: Kimura, T, ed. Religion, science and sustainability. Union Press, Osaka. ISBN 9784946428357

Deegalle, M and Sumana, N (2008) 'Promoting Buddhism while adapting to the UK: Sri Saddhatissa International Buddhist Centre's contribution to British Buddhism.' In: Deegalle, M, ed. Dharma to the UK: a centennial celebration of Buddhist legacy. World Buddhist Foundation, London, pp. 180-230. ISBN 9780951895726

Forna, A (2008) 'In transit.' In: Horizons. Ivory Press.

Gadd, I ORCID: 0000-0002-6154-5990 and Wallis, P (2008) 'Reaching beyond the City Wall: London guilds and national regulation, 1500–1700.' In: Epstein, S and Prak, M, eds. Guilds, innovation, and the European economy 1400–1800. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. ISBN 9780521887175

Gifford, T (2008) 'America in Spain.' In: McCarthy, J.M, ed. Contact: mountain climbing and environmental thinking. University of Nevada Press, Reno, NV, pp. 213-219. ISBN 9780874177466

Gifford, T (2008) 'Critiques of ecocriticism.' In: Zhenzhao, N and Chen, H, eds. Proceedings of [the] International Conference on Literature and Environment, Wuhan, 2008. Huazhong Normal University Press, Wuhan, China, pp. 15-26. ISBN 9787562247340

Gifford, T (2008) 'John Muir.' In: Baird Callicott, J and Frodeman, R, eds. Encyclopedia of environmental ethics and philosophy. Macmillan Reference USA, Michigan, USA, pp. 76-78. ISBN 9780028661407

Green, J (2008) 'One more step.' In: Bradman, T, ed. My kind of school. A&C Black, London. ISBN 9781408100905

Green, J (2008) 'Reindeer girl.' In: Winter tales. Stripes, London. ISBN 9781847150691

Hughes, W (2008) '"Who is the third who walks always beside you?" Eliot, Stoker and Stetson in 'The waste land'.' In: Horner, A and Zlosnik, S, eds. Le Gothic: influences and appropriations in Europe and America. Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke, pp. 151-165. ISBN 9780230517646

Jose, N (2008) 'Emeritus Professor Wally Frith addresses a ceremony at Peking Union Medical College (Beijing, 2008).' In: Wood, C, ed. Asia literary review (Summer 2008, No.8). Creative Work, pp. 213-217. ISBN 9789889966959

Jose, N (2008) 'Preface.' In: Heiss, A and Minter, P, eds. Macquarie PEN anthology of Aboriginal literature. Allen & Unwin. ISBN 9781741754384

May, S (2008) 'Inspiration, deadlines and working to a brief: student views of creativity, coursework and the world beyond.' In: Brien, D and Neave, L, eds. The creativity and uncertainty papers: the refereed proceedings of the 13th conference of the Australian Association of Writing Programs. Australasian Association of Writing Programs, Brisbane. ISBN 970980757316

Morrison, R (2008) '"Earthquake and eclipse": radical energies and De Quincey’s 1821 'Confessions'.' In: Morrison, R and Roberts, D.S, eds. Thomas De Quincey: new theoretical and critical directions. Routledge, Abingdon, pp. 63-79. ISBN 9780415399630

Morrison, R and Roberts, D.S (2008) '"I was worshipped; I was sacrificed": a passage to Thomas De Quincey.' In: Morrison, R and Roberts, D.S, eds. Thomas De Quincey: new theoretical and critical directions. Routledge, Abingdon, pp. 1-18. ISBN 9780415399630

Moss, S (2008) 'Foreword.' In: Barlow, J and Paul, M, eds. Wing beats: British birds in haiku. Natural History Book Service, Totnes, pp. 9-12. ISBN 9781903543245

Neale, J (2008) 'Ranting and silence: the contradictions of writing for activists and academics.' In: Armbruster, H and Laerke, A, eds. Taking sides: ethics, politics, and fieldwork in anthropology. Berghahn, New York; Oxford. ISBN 9781845454210

Otele, O (2008) 'Multiculturalisme et régionalisme : les apories d’une identité britannique au pays de Galles.' In: Whitton, T, ed. Le New Labour et l'identite britannique. Observatoire de la société britannique, pp. 49-64. ISBN 2-9526-375-4-7

Otele, O (2008) 'Religion and slavery: a powerful weapon for pro-slavery and abolitionist campaigners.' In: Prum, M and Le Jeune, F, eds. Le Debat sur l'abolition de l'esclavage en Grande Bretagne, 1787-1840. Editions Ellipses, Paris, pp. 89-102. ISBN 9782729840327

Otele, O (2008) 'Within and outside Western feminism and grand narratives : Cameroonian women’s sites of resistance.' In: Piquet, M, ed. Nationalism(s), post-nationalism(s) : Centre de Recherche Interdisciplinaire. Presses de Paris-Dauphine, Paris, pp. 119-129.

Pullinger, K (2008) 'Digital fiction: from the page to the screen.' In: Adams, R, ed. Transdisciplinary digital art: sound, vision and the new screen. Springer, New York, NY, pp. 120-126. ISBN 9783540794851

Reid-Bowen, P (2008) 'Why women need to be ripped, shredded and sliced: political, philosophical and thealogical reflections.' In: Althaus-Reid, M and Isherwood, L, eds. Controversies in body theology. SCM Press, London, pp. 207-226. ISBN 9780334041573

Rigby, K (2008) '(Post-)koloniale Inkorperierung: Ökologie und Esskultur in Australien.' In: Lillge, C and Meyer, A, eds. Interkulturelle Mahlzeiten: Kulinarische Begegnungen und Kommunikation in der Literatur. Transcript Verlag, Bielefeld, pp. 315-336. ISBN 9783899428810

Swenson, A (2008) 'Founders of the National Trust (act. 1894–1895).' In: Goldman, L, ed. Oxford Dictionary of National Biography. Oxford University Press, Oxford.

Swenson, A (2008) 'Zwischen Region, Nation und Internationalismus. Kulturerbekonzepte in Frankreich, Deutschland und England um die Jahrhundertwende.' In: Altenburg, D, Ehrlich, L and John, J, eds. Im Herzen Europas : nationale Identitäten und Erinnerungskulturen. Böhlau, Köln, pp. 81-103. ISBN 9783412200947

Woodward, G (2008) 'The underhouse.' In: Eyre, S and Page, R, eds. The new uncanny. Comma Press, Manchester. ISBN 9781905583188


Barraclough, E.R (2008) 'Following the trollish 'baton sinister': ludic design in 'Bárðar saga Snæfellsáss'.' Viking and Medieval Scandinavia, 4. pp. 15-43.

Brayfield, C (2008) 'Abderrazak Benchaabane.' Gardens Illustrated (139). p. 54.

Gifford, T (2008) 'Recent critiques of ecocriticism.' New Formations, 64. pp. 15-24.

Gifford, T (2008) 'Rivers and water quality in the work of Brian Clarke and Ted Hughes.' Concentric: Literary and Cultural Studies, 34 (1). pp. 75-91.

Gifford, T (2008) 'Ted Hughes, translation and ecopoetic.' Modern Poetry in Translation, 3 (10). pp. 76-81.

Hadjiafxendi, K (2008) 'Cornhill Magazine.' The Literary Encyclopedia.

Hughes, W (2008) '"My little American mind, my Indian heart": the intercontinental Gothic of Poppy Z. Brite's 'Calcutta, Lord of Nerves'.' Asian Journal of Literature, Culture and Society, 2 (2). pp. 19-28.

Jose, N (2008) 'I had written him a letter.' Griffith Review, 23.

Jose, N (2008) 'Penumbra: contemporary art from Taiwan.' Art Monthly Australia, 209. pp. 9-11.

Jose, N (2008) 'The disappearing book.' Biblio: A Review of Books, xiii (9&10).

Lloyd, N (2008) 'Mary Julia Young: a biographical and bibliographical study.' Romantic Textualities: Literature and Print Culture, 1780–1840, 18.

Neale, J (2008) 'Afghanistan: the case against 'the good war'.' International Socialism, 120.

Otele, O (2008) 'Les ports de Bristol et Liverpool et la traite Atlantique.' Cahiers des Anneaux de la Mémoire (11).

Rigby, K (2008) 'Art, animals and sustainability [guest editor].' PAN: Philosophy, Activism, Nature (5). pp. 1-2.

Rigby, K (2008) 'Discoursing on disaster: the hermeneutics of environmental catastrophe.' Tamkang Review, 39 (1). pp. 19-40.

Rigby, K (2008) '“Lifting our eyes from the page”: literature, religion and the earth [guest editor].' Religion and Literature, 40 (1). pp. 1-9.

Rigby, K (2008) 'Noah’s Ark revisited: (counter-)utopianism and (eco-)catastrophe.' Arena Journal, 31. pp. 163-178.

Robinson, C and Reid-Bowen, P (2008) 'Staff expectations and student experience: a case study of first year undergraduate curriculum planning and evaluation.' Discourse: Learning and Teaching in Philosophical and Religious Studies, 8 (1). pp. 73-89.

Sagar, K, Gifford, T and Weissbort, D (2008) 'A response to 'Letters of Ted Hughes'.' The Wolf, 17. pp. 65-66.

Sullivan, S (2008) 'Global enclosures: an ecosystem at your service.' The Land, Winter. pp. 21-23.

Conference or Workshop Item

Brain, T (2008) Wish I had a Sylvia Plath. In: Oxford Literary Festival after-performance discussion, 4 April 2008, Oxford Playhouse, Oxford, UK.

Cologne-Brookes, G (2008) The road from the pearl: John Steinbeck’s influence on Cormac McCarthy. In: American Literature Association 19th Annual Conference, 22 - 25 May 2008, San Francisco.

Cush, D (2008) Beyond the Big Six: using a broader range of religions and spiritualities (Jainism, Baha'i, Paganism and Humanism). In: 2020 Vision: Inspiring the New Generation - Annual Religious Education Conference, 2008, Staffordshire, UK.

Cush, D (2008) Children of the goddess: Pagan theology, the spirituality of young Pagans and the implications for religious education. In: International Seminar on Religious Education and Values (ISREV), 27 July - 1 August 2008, University of Ankara, Turkey.

Cush, D (2008) Why teenage witchcraft? What can we learn about young people's spirituality from their interest in witchcraft and Paganism? In: BSA Sociology of Religion Study Group Conference: Religion and Youth, 8 - 10 April 2008, Woodbrooke Quaker Study Centre, Birmingham, UK.

Hackett, S (2008) Employment patterns among Muslim immigrant communities in Newcastle upon Tyne and Bremen. In: Muslim geographies conference, 4 April - 5 April 2008, University of Liverpool.

Hackett, S (2008) Integrated or isolated? the experiences of Muslim immigrants in Bremen c. 1960 to the present. In: Postgraduate student conference, 10 January - 12 January 2008, German Historical Institute, London.

Hill, T (2008) 'A briefe narration of each seuerall shew': the Lord Mayor's Show from street to print. In: Material Readings in Early Modern Culture: 1550-1700, 11-12 April 2008, University of Plymouth.

Ivic, C (2008) The creation and reception of Jacobean Union ideas. In: The Bibliographical Society AGM, 16 December 2008, London.

Malik, I.H (2008) Muslim reformism in South Asia after 1857: Persian/Islamic culture and Britain. In: Royal Society for Asian Affairs: Public Talk, 23 January 2008, 2 Belgrave Square, London.

May, S (2008) Developing a creative writing benchmark. In: National Association of Writers in Education conference, 14-16 November 2008, Manchester, UK.

May, S (2008) Student expectations and experience of the Creative Writing BA. In: Beyond the Placement: Creative Writing and Employability. English Subject Centre conference, 23 October 2008, Bath Spa University, Bath, UK.

Middleton, T (2008) Creative writing and creative industries. In: Association of Writers and Writing Programmes Annual Conference, 28 January - 2 Feb 2008, New York, NY.

Middleton, T (2008) Locative media. In: Solstice 2008 eLearning and Learning Environments for the Future, 5 June 2008, Edge Hill University.

Neale, J (2008) Climate change and employment. In: European Social Forum, September 2008, Malmo, Sweden.

Otele, O (2008) A paradigm shift of the nonconformist ethos or the practicality of dogma in Ontario, Canada. In: Abolition of the Trans-Atlantic slave trade: telling the story, 21 - 23 February 2008, The College of the Bahamas, Nassau.

Reid-Bowen, P (2008) The divided goddess: schisms and trends in 21st century goddess feminism. In: Research Seminar, Cardiff University.

Rigby, K (2008) Common ground in creation. In: Towards Religious Harmony: Mentions of God in Poetry and Prose, 13 - 17 July 2008, St. Anne’s College, Oxford University, Oxford, UK.

Rigby, K (2008) Culture and environment: historical legacies and future prospects for Canberra. In: Culture and Knowledge Workshop for the ACT Planning and Land Authority, 1 December 2008, Australian National University, Canberra, Australia.

Rigby, K (2008) Negative ecopoetics and the prophetic imagination. In: Activism, Apocalypse and the Avant-Garde : The Fifth Bi-Annual Conference for the Association for Study of Literature and the Environment (ASLE), 10 - 13 July 2008, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh.

Rigby, K (2008) Relocations: the place of place in a warming world. In: Home and Away: Writing about Place (in honour of Bruce Bennett), 24 - 25 September 2008, National Library of Australia, Canberra, Australia.

Rigby, K (2008) What is ecopoetry? In: Public Lecture Series, 24 April 2008, Melbourne Poets’ Union, Melbourne, Australia.

Robinson, C (2008) Haile Selassie in Bath. In: Celebrating Diversity Month, February 2008, University of Bath.

Stamp, R (2008) Stupidity, in theory - or, why reading Ranciere matters for cultural studies. In: Jacques Rancière symposium, 21 May 2008, University of Roehampton.

Sullivan, S (2008) Markets for biodiversity and ecosystems: reframing nature for capitalist expansion? In: Rethinking Conservation Through the Lens of Food Sovereignty: Implications for Policy and Practice, 7 - 12 October 2008, Barcelona, Spain.

Sullivan, S (2008) On bioculturalism and unlearning the creed of growth. In: American Museum of Natural History’s Symposium on Sustaining Cultural and Biological Diversity in a Rapidly Changing World: Lessons for Global Policy, 2 - 5 April 2008, New York, USA.

Thebo, M (2008) Welcome to the house of fun: preparing students for the creative industries. In: WACE-CGI International Conference, 3 - 5 December 2008, University of Madrid, Madrid, Spain.

Wright, E.H (2008) "A scene from the past": Virginia Woolf and dramatised memory. In: Symposium: Memory, Mourning and Landscape, 9 June 2008, University of Glasglow, UK.


Merch Lleuad, M (2008) 'Strange familiars' and its genesis. PhD thesis, Bath Spa University.

Rheingans, J (2008) The eighth Karmapa's life and his interpretation of the Great Seal. PhD thesis, Bath Spa University. Please click the title to check availability.

Commissioned Report


Bryant, J and May, S (2008) Higher. In: Afternoon Drama, BBC Radio 4, 12 May 2008.

Evans, P (2008) Owls. In: Afternoon Drama, BBC Radio 4, 17 October 2010.

May, S (2008) Horizon. In: Afternoon Drama, BBC Radio 4, 19 May 2008.


Westwood, B, Watson, C and Moss, S (2008) A guide to woodland birds.


Alderman, N (2008) Alice in Storyland.

Evans, P (2008) A country diary.

Griffin, B (2008) Cycling and society [book review]. Contemporary British History, 22 (3). pp. 429-431.

Hughes, W (2008) 'Dracula and the eastern question' by Matthew Gibson [book review]. Irish Studies Review, 16 (4). pp. 520-521.

Newsinger, J (2008) America right or wrong: Anglo-American relations since 1945. Monthly Review, 60 (7).

Newsinger, J (2008) Philadelphia Wobblies [book review]. International Socialism, 120.

Newsinger, J (2008) When old Labour went to war [book review]. International Socialism, 118.

Pullinger, K (2008) Inanimate Alice [website].

Rigby, K (2008) 'Romantic rocks, aesthetic geology' by Noah Heringham [book review]. Romantic Circles Reviews, 11 (1).

Sullivan, S and Young, Z (2008) Affirming life and diversity: rural images and voices on food sovereignty in South India [book review]. Participatory Learning and Action, 58. p. 140.

Wright, E.H (2008) 'Vanessa and Virginia' by Susan Sellers [book review]. Virginia Woolf Bulletin, 29. pp. 54-57.

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