Items where Division is "School of Writing, Publishing and the Humanities" and Year is 2009

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Number of items: 141.

Jose, N, ed. (2009) Contemporary art and philanthropy: private foundations - Asia Pacific focus. Power, Sydney. ISBN 9780957738232

Jose, N, ed. (2009) Macquarie PEN anthology of Australian literature. Allen & Unwin, Crows Nest, NSW. ISBN 9781741754407

Griffin, B, ed. (2009) New voices in Irish studies: essays on history and literature. Bath Spa University Press, Bath.

Jose, N, ed. (2009) The literature of Australia: an anthology. Norton, New York. ISBN 9780393072617

Almond, D (2009) The savage. Walker Books, London. ISBN 9781406319859

Bailey, G, Newland, C, Nilsson, A and Schofield, J (2009) 'Transit, transition: excavating J641 VUJ.' Cambridge Archaeological Journal, 19 (1). pp. 1-28. Please click the title to check availability.

Bentham, R (2009) 'Poem.' In: Richardson, S and Ashton, G, eds. In the telling. Cinnamon Press, Blaenau Ffestiniog. ISBN 9781905614929

Brayfield, C (2009) 'Babelfish Babylon: teaching creative writing in a multi-literate community.' New Writing, 6 (3). pp. 201-214.

Brayfield, C (2009) 'Creative writing: the frequently asked question.' New Writing, 6 (3). pp. 175-186.

Bryant, J and May, S (2009) Higher 2: partners. In: Afternoon Drama, BBC Radio 4, 20 August 2009.

Bryant, J and May, S (2009) Higher 3: inspection. In: Afternoon Drama, BBC Radio 4, 21 August 2009.

Caldecott, E (2009) How Kirsty Jenkins stole the elephant. Bloomsbury, London. ISBN 9780747599197

Casale, A (2009) The death of the fictional novel: are postmodern historical novels primarily non-fictional? In: Narrative Dominions: On Writing the History of the Novel in English, 22 July 2009, Institute of English Studies, London, UK.

Chalus, E (2009) '"Ladies are often very good scaffolding" : women and politics in the age of Anne.' In: Jones, C, ed. British politics in the age of Holmes : Geoffrey Holmes' s 'British Politics in the Age of Anne': 40 years on. Wiley-Blackwell for the Parliamentary History Yearbook Trust, Chichester. ISBN 9781405193344

Christopher, L (2009) Stolen. Chicken House, Frome. ISBN 9781906427139

Colfer, E and Dafydd, S.M (2009) Artemis Gwarth ac antur Yr Arctig [translation]. Gomer Press, Llandysul. ISBN 9781843238447

Colfer, E and Dafydd, S.M (2009) Artemis Gwarth: a chôd tragwyddoldeb [translation]. Gomer Press, Llandysul. ISBN 9781843238454

Collier, J (2009) Finding the middling sort: the women of New King Street. In: No. 1 Royal Crescent Lecture Series, 15 June 2009, Royal Crescent, Bath, UK.

Cologne-Brookes, G (2009) 'Looking back: a conversation with William Styron.' Mississippi Quarterly, 62 (3-4).

Cush, D (2009) 'Religious studies versus theology: why I’m still glad that I 'converted' from theology to religious studies.' In: Bird, D.L and Smith, S.G, eds. Theology and religious studies in higher education: global perspectives. Continuum, London, pp. 15-30. ISBN 9781847063113

Dafydd, S.M (2009) Y trydydd peth: enillydd y Fedal Ryddiaith 2009. Gomer Press, Llandysul. ISBN 9781848510906

Deegalle, M (2009) 'Buddhist ethics in politics of religious conversion.' In: Proceedings of the International Research Seminar on Buddhism: Truthful Knowledge and Quality of Life, Buddhist Research Institute, Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University, Ayutthaya, Thailand, 2009. Buddhist Research Institute MCU, Ayutthaya, pp. 153-161.

Deegalle, M (2009) 'A Buddhist guide in tackling the challenges of economic crises.' In: Buddhist approach to economic crisis. UNDV Conference volume. Proceedings of the International Conference on the United Nations Day of Vesak celebrations, Ayutthaya, Thailand 2009. UNDV, Ayutthaya, pp. 38-48.

Deegalle, M (2009) 'Dialogue and Division: a Buddhist response to interfaith dialogue.' In: Dhammajoti, K and Karundasa, Y, eds. Buddhist and Pali Studies: in honour of the Venerable Professor Kakkapalliye Anuruddha. University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong. ISBN 9789889929640

Deegalle, M (2009) 'Norms of war in Theravada Buddhism.' In: Popovski, V, Reichberg, G and Turner, N, eds. World religions and norms of war. United Nations University Press, Tokyo. ISBN 9789280811636

Deegalle, M (2009) 'Religious concerns in the ethno-politics of Sri Lanka.' The Mahachulalongkorn Journal of Buddhist Studies, 2. pp. 79-109.

English, L (2009) Why I'm here. Typical Mundy, Bristol. ISBN 9780956315106

Etter, C (2009) The son. Oystercatcher Press, Norfolk. ISBN 9781905885244

Etter, C (2009) The tethers. Seren, Bridgend. ISBN 9781854114921

Evans, P (2009) The Island of Secrets. BBC Radio 4, 25 March 2009.

Forna, A (2009) 'Portrait of secrets.' C-Photo Magazine.

Forna, A (2009) 'The last vet.' Granta, 109.

Frenzel, F and Sullivan, S (2009) 'Globalization from below? ICTs and democratic development in the project 'Indymedia Africa'.' In: Mudhai, O.F, Tettey, W.J and Banda, F, eds. African media and the digital public sphere. Palgrave Macmillan series in international political communication . Palgrave Macmillan, New York ; Basingstoke, pp. 165-182. ISBN 9780230614864

Gadd, I ORCID: 0000-0002-6154-5990 (2009) 'The use and misuse of 'Early English Books Online'.' Literature Compass, 6 (3). pp. 680-692.

Garrard, G (2009) 'Ian McEwan's next novel and the future of ecocriticism.' Contemporary Literature, 50 (4). pp. 695-720.

Gee, M (2009) My driver. Telegram Books, London. ISBN 9781846590528

Gifford, T (2009) 'Afterword.' In: James, D and Tews, P, eds. New versions of pastoral: post-Romantic, modern, and contemporary responses to the tradition. Fairleigh Dickinson University Press, Madison, USA, pp. 245-257. ISBN 9781611473988

Gifford, T (2009) Ecology and modern Scottish literature / Welsh environments in contemporary poetry [book review]. ISLE: Interdisciplinary Studies in Literature and Environment, 16 (4). pp. 871-873.

Gifford, T (2009) Ecology and modern Scottish literature [book review]. ISLE: Interdisciplinary Studies in Literature and Environment, 16 (4). pp. 871-873.

Gifford, T (2009) 'A ecocrítica na mira da crítica atual.' Terceira Margem, XIII (20). pp. 244-261.

Green, J (2009) Breathing underwater. Bloomsbury, London. ISBN 9781408819555

Green, J (2009) 'Snow swan.' In: Winter magic. Stripes, London. ISBN 9781847151070

Gregg, S.H (2009) Defoe's writings and manliness: contrary men. Ashgate, Farnham. ISBN 9780754656050

Gregg, S.H (2009) Effeminacy and manliness in Defoe's poetry. In: The First Biennial Meeting of the Defoe Society, 25-26 September 2009, Oklahoma State University, Tulsa OK, USA.

Grieves, K (2009) Style over substance: political culture in an historical context. In: Bath Spa University First Annual Summer Symposium, 10 July 2009, Bath Spa University, Corsham, UK.

Griffin, B (2009) 'Introduction.' In: Griffin, B, ed. New voices in Irish studies: essays on history and literature. Bath Spa University Press, Bath, UK, pp. 9-14.

Griffin, B (2009) Irish republicanism in Scotland 1858-1916: Fenians in exile [book review]. The Irish Sword, 26 (106). pp. 458-459.

Griffin, B (2009) Sport and society in Victorian Ireland: the case of Westmeath [book review]. Irish Studies Review, 17 (4). pp. 525-526.

Griffin, B (2009) 'The romance of the wheel: cycling, fiction and late nineteenth-century Ireland.' Sport in History, 29 (2). pp. 277-295.

Hadjiafxendi, K (2009) 'Profession, vocation, trade: Marian Evans and the making of the woman professional writer.' Nineteenth-Century Gender Studies, 5.2.

Hadjiafxendi, K and Plunkett, J (2009) 'The pre-history of the 'Little Magazine'.' In: Brooker, P and Thacker, A, eds. The Oxford critical and cultural history of modernist magazines, volume I: Britain and Ireland 1880-1955. Oxford University Press, pp. 33-50. ISBN 9780199211159

Hadley, T (2009) 'The godchildren.' New Yorker, 85 (32). p. 106.

Hannis, M (2009) 'Planning for permaculture? Land-use planning, sustainable development, and 'ecosystem people'.' In: Bohm, S, Lohmann, L and Dabhi, S, eds. Upsetting the offset: the political economy of carbon markets. MayFly. ISBN 9781906948061

Harris, C (2009) Ms Harris's book of green household management. John Murray, London. ISBN 9781848540088

Harsent, D (2009) The Corridor: a scena for soprano, tenor and six instruments. Boosey & Hawkes Music Publishers Ltd. ISBN 9780851626062

Harvey, S (2009) The wilderness. Jonathan Cape, London. ISBN 9780224086073

Hughes, W (2009) Bram Stoker’s 'Dracula': a reader's guide. Continuum, London. ISBN 9780826495372

Hughes, W (2009) Dickensian bliss: the understated Victorian stylistics of contemporary British crime fiction. In: The Novel in the Twenty-First Century: Text and Context, 29 November - 1 December 2009, University of Allahabad, India.

Hughes, W (2009) For Elaine [poetry]. Asian Journal of Literature, Culture and Society, 3 (1). p. 111.

Hughes, W (2009) '‘M. R. James’; ‘Bram Stoker’; Gothic medicine’; and ‘Vampire'.' In: Mulvey-Roberts, M, ed. The handbook of the Gothic. 2nd ed. Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke. ISBN 9780230008533

Hughes, W (2009) 'The redemptive degenerate on the Montmartre omnibus: perverse eugenics and French decadence in Marie Corelli's "Wormwood".' In: Duperray, M, ed. Gothic N.E.W.S.: exploring the gothic in relation to new critical perspectives and the geographical polarities of north, east, west and south. Michel Houdiard, Paris, pp. 189-201. ISBN 9782356920089

Hughes, W (2009) '"The taste of blood meant the end of aloneness": vampires and gay men in Poppy Z. Brite’s 'Lost souls'.' In: Smith, A and Hughes, W, eds. Queering the Gothic. Manchester University Press, Manchester, pp. 189-201. ISBN 9780719078156

Hughes, W and Smith, A (2009) Queering the Gothic. Manchester University Press, Manchester. ISBN 9780719078156

Ivic, C (2009) 'Spenser and interpellative memory.' In: Beecher, D and Williams, G, eds. Ars reminiscendi: mind and memory in Renaissance culture. Centre for Reformation and Renaissance Studies, Toronto. ISBN 9780772720481

Jose, N (2009) 'After the show.' In: Tuffield, A, ed. New Australian stories. Scribe, Melbourne, pp. 183-188. ISBN 9781921372568

Jose, N (2009) 'Australian literature inside and out.' Journal of the Association for the Study of Australian Literature, Spec. pp. 1-13.

Jose, N (2009) 'Introduction.' In: Jose, N, ed. Macquarie PEN anthology of Australian literature. Allen & Unwin, Crows Nest, NSW, pp. 1-8. ISBN 9781741754407

Jose, N (2009) 'Introduction.' In: Jose, N, ed. Contemporary art and philanthropy: private foundations - Asia Pacific focus. Power, Sydney, pp. 1-15. ISBN 9780957738232

Jose, N (2009) 'My China project.' In: Xiaogang, Z and Yang, W, eds. The China project. Queensland Art Gallery, South Brisbane, Qld. ISBN 9781876509934

Jose, N (2009) Who'll come a-morphing. Australian Literary Review, 4 (7). pp. 14-15.

Jose, N (2009) 'The aunt's garden's story.' In: Britton, G and Lawrence, S, eds. Small city tales of strangeness and beauty. Wakefield Press, Adelaide, pp. 85-87. ISBN 9781862548343

Kerridge, R (2009) 'Green pleasures.' In: Soper, K, Ryle, M and Thomas, L, eds. The politics and pleasures of consuming differently. Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke. ISBN 9780230537286

Lewis, J (2009) '“Sympathetic travelling”: horizontal ethics and aesthetics in Paco Ignacio Taibo’s Belascoarán Shayne novels.' In: Pearson, N and Singer, M, eds. Detective fiction in a postcolonial and transnational world. Ashgate, Farnham, pp. 135-155. ISBN 9780754668480

Lloyd, N (2009) ”Breaking the great chain of society”: sympathy in the fiction of Ann Radcliffe and Charlotte Dacre. In: British Association for Romantic Studies (BARS) International Conference: Romantic Circulations, 23 -26 July 2009, Roehampton University, London, UK.

Malik, I.H (2009) Civil society in Pakistan: state holders in a contested state. Pakistan Security Research Unit, University of Bradford.

Malik, I.H (2009) 'Pakistan.' In: Forsythe, D, ed. Encyclopedia of human rights. Oxford University Press, Oxford. ISBN 9780195334029

Malik, I.H (2009) The United States and Pakistan. In: Tower Center Conference on Security, 18 November 2009, Southern Methodist University, Dallas TX, USA.

Marshall, A (2009) The Death of Nicholas Fairles: law and community in South Shields, 1832. Papers in North East History . NEEHI/Teeside University, Middlesbrough. ISBN 0954506464

Marshall, A (2009) 'Foreword.' In: Jones, C, ed. British politics in the age of Holmes: Geoffrey Holmes's "British Politics in the age of Anne" 40 years on. Parliamentary History: Texts & Studies . Wiley-Blackwell. ISBN 9781405193344

Marshall, A (2009) The trials of Thomas Harrison, regicide 1649 and the execution of King Charles. In: London Socialist Historians Group, 7 Febraury 2009, Institute of Historical Research, London.

May, S (2009) If I applied for my own job now, would I get it - and, if not, who would? In: Association of Writers and Writing Programs Annual Conference, 11-14 February 2009, Chicago ILL, USA.

May, S (2009) Story - the heart of the matter. In: Association of Writers and Writing Programs Annual Conference, 11-14 February 2009, Chicago ILL, USA.

May, S (2009) What did scriptwriting ever do for us novelists? In: Association of Writers and Writing Programs Annual Conference, 11-14 February 2009, Chicago ILL, USA.

Morrison, R (2009) The English opium eater: a biography of Thomas De Quincey. Weidenfeld & Nicolson, London. ISBN 9780753827895

Moss, S (2009) The bumper book of nature. Square Peg, London. ISBN 9780224086165

Neale, J (2009) Climate change and green jobs. In: Klimaforum09, 7-18 December 2009, Copenhagen, Denmark.

Newland, C (2009) 'Marconi's first transatlantic wireless transmission.' In: Schofield, J, ed. Defining moments: dramatic archaeologies of the twentieth-century. Archaeopress (BAR), Oxford, pp. 9-18. ISBN 9781407305813 Please click the title to check availability.

Newsinger, J (2009) '1934: year of the fightback.' International Socialism, 122.

Newsinger, J (2009) America right or wrong: the Labour Party and Uncle Sam's wars. Bookmarks Publications, London. ISBN 9781905192564

Newsinger, J (2009) Liberal apologists autopsied [book review]. International Socialism, 122.

Otele, O (2009) Abolition in Canada in the 19th century: Chatham, a mirage or a promised land in southern Ontario? In: International Conference: Les effets de l'abolition de la traite par la Grande Bretagne sur les discours nationaux, 11 - 13 June 2009, Paris.

Otele, O (2009) 'British slavers against abolition.' Revue Francaise de Civilisation Britannique, XV (1). pp. 161-175.

Otele, O (2009) Contextualising British influence on new settlement in the 19th century. In: Promised Land 2nd Annual General Symposium, 13 - 15 March 2009, Chatham-Kent, Canada.

Otele, O (2009) 'Liverpool dans la traite transatlantique : Imperatifs et pratiques des peres de la cite.' In: Saunier, E, ed. Villes portuaires du commerce triangulaire à l'abolition de l'esclavage. Cahiers de l'histoire et des mémoires de la traite négrière, de l'esclavage et de leurs abolitions en Normandie, 1 . Routes du philanthrope, Cléon, pp. 57-70.

Peters, F (2009) 'What women want? Raunch culture and the erosion of 'dangerous' femininity.' In: Ionoaia, E and Fisher, R, eds. Evil, women and the feminine. Interdisciplinary Press, Oxford.

Pullinger, K (2009) Waving at the gardener. Bloomsbury, London. ISBN 9780747598763

Pullinger, K (2009) The mistress of nothing. Serpent's Tail, London. ISBN 9781846687112

Pullinger, K and Joseph, C (2009) Flight paths: a networked novel [website].

Pullinger, K and Joseph, C (2009) Luke's message [website].

Reeve, K (2009) From field to plate: author talk. In: Bridport Literary Festival, November 2009, Bridport, UK.

Reeve, K and Miller, G (2009) The rough guide to food. Rough Guides, London. ISBN 9781848360013

Reid-Bowen, P (2009) ''Durga/Amba', 'Kali/Canda', 'Matrikas', 'Parvati', 'Sati', 'Uma', 'Mahisa'.' In: Cush, D, Robinson, C and York, M, eds. Encyclopaedia of Hinduism. Routledge, London. ISBN 9780415556231

Reid-Bowen, P (2009) On the potential of blended learning: some reflections on assessment, progression and philosophy curriculum design. In: A Level Above? Progression to Undergraduate Studies in Philosophy Conference, 2nd, July, 2009, St Anne's College, University of Oxford.

Rigby, K (2009) Changing the climate: imagining catastrophe. In: The Global Environmental Changes and Human Security (GECHS) Synthesis Conference: Human Security in an Era of Global Change, 22 -24 June 2009, University of Oslo, Oslo, Norway.

Rigby, K (2009) 'Dancing with disaster.' Australian Humanities Review, 46. pp. 131-144.

Rigby, K (2009) Ecological consciousness and local action: prophetic voices of the Limestone Plains. In: Violent Ends: The Arts of Environmental Anxiety, 11 June 2009, National Museum of Australia, Canberra, Australia.

Rigby, K (2009) Judith Wright’s ecoprophetic legacy. In: Two Fires Festival of Arts and Activism, 27 March 2009, Braidwood, New South Wales, Australia.

Rigby, K (2009) 'Romancing the gift.' In: Manolopoulos, M, ed. With gifted thinkers: conversations with Caputo, Hart, Horner, Kearney, Keller, Rigby, Taylor, Wallace, Westphal. Peter Lang, Bern, pp. 165-197. ISBN 9783034300988

Rigby, K (2009) 'Writing in the Anthropocene: idle chatter or ecoprophetic witness?' Australian Humanities Review, 47. pp. 173-187.

Robinson, C (2009) ''O our India!': towards a reassessment of Sir Edwin Arnold.' Religions of South Asia, 3 (2). pp. 203-219.

Sarma, U (2009) RIOT. American Conservatory Theater, San Fransisco CA, USA, 5 March 2010.

Sarma, U (2009) The dark things. Traverse Theatre Company, Edinburgh, UK, 6-24 October 2009.

Sarma, U (2009) The dark things. Oberon Books, London. ISBN 9781840029635

Schofield, J, Newland, C, Bailey, G and Nilsson, A (2009) 'Sic transit gloria mundi.' British Archaeology, 92. pp. 16-21.

Stamp, R (2009) What does a close-up sound like? In: A close up on close-ups, 5 March 2009, Bristol University.

Stamp, R and Bowman, P (2009) 'Jacques Rancière:in disagreement.' Parallax, 15 (3). pp. 1-2.

Sullivan, S (2009) 'Green capitalism, and the cultural poverty of constructing nature as service provider.' In: Böhm, S and Dabhi, S, eds. Upsetting the offset: the political economy of carbon markets. MayFlyBooks, London, pp. 255-274. ISBN 9781906948061

Sullivan, S (2009) (Re)activating animism in environmental politics: Deleuze, Guattari,and human/non-human potencies. In: Deleuze & Activism, 11 - 13 November 2009, Centre for Critical & Cultural Theory, University of Cardiff, UK.

Sullivan, S and Low, C (2009) Shades of the rainbow serpent: a KhoeSān animal between myth and landscape in Southern Africa. In: Living Landscapes, 18 - 21 June 2009, Aberystwyth University, UK.

Sullivan, S and Spicer, A (2009) Becoming global (un)civil society: struggles in the global Indymedia network. In: Beyond NGOS: Civil and Uncivil Society in the 21 st Century, 26 - 27 February 2009, London, UK.

Swenson, A (2009) 'Memory, gender and anti-fascism in France and Britain in the 1930s.' In: Paletschek, S and Schraut, S, eds. The gender of memory: cultures of remembrance in nineteenth- and twentieth-century Europe. Campus Verlag/Chicago University Press, pp. 125-146. ISBN 9783593385495

Swenson, A (2009) 'Musées de moulages et protection du patrimoine.' In: Rolland, A-S and Murauskaya, H, eds. Les musées de la nation: créations, transpositions, renouveau. Europe XIXe-XXe siècles. Editions L’Harmattan, pp. 205-219. ISBN 9782296074378

Swenson, A (2009) The culture of history: English uses of the past 1800—1953 [book review]. Journal of Contemporary History, 44 (2). pp. 338-341.

Thebo, M (2009) Placements without places: supporting freelance work experience. In: ASET Annual Conference: The Placement and Employability Professionals’ Conference, 8 - 10 September 2009, Lancaster University, Lancaster.

Thebo, M (2009) The corner booth chronicles. Ballantine Books, New York. ISBN 9780345492203

Thebo, M and Anderson, R (2009) Embedding employability within subject delivery. In: Meeting The Current Challenges: The Humanities And Employability, Entrepreneurship And Employer Engagement, 23 October 2009, Woburn House, London.

Thebo, M, May, S, Albers, R, McNair, P and English, L (2009) Teach a writer to fish. In: Creative Writing In Education : NAWE Autumn Conference, 13 - 15 November 2009, Chilworth Manor, Southampton, UK.

Voake, S (2009) Blood hunters. Faber & Faber, London. ISBN 9780571230013

Voake, S (2009) Daisy Dawson and the big freeze. Walker Books. ISBN 9781406311020

Voake, S (2009) Insect detective. Walker Books, London. ISBN 9781406310511

Weldon, F (2009) Chalcot Crescent. Corvus, London. ISBN 9781848872684

Westwood, B, Watson, C and Moss, S (2009) A guide to water birds.

Wright, E.H (2009) Street theatre: the drama of London in Woolf's fiction. In: Woolf and the City: Nineteenth Annual International Conference on Virginia Woolf, 4-7 June 2009, Fordham University, New York City, US.

Wright, E.H (2009) 'Virginia Woolf, 'The common readers' and the common reader.' Virginia Woolf Bulletin, 32 (Sept). pp. 31-35.

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