Items where Division is "School of Writing, Publishing and the Humanities" and Year is 2020

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Number of items: 80.

Abba, T, Dovey, J and Pullinger, K, eds. (2020) Ambient literature: towards a new poetics of situated writing and reading practices. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham. ISBN 9783030414559

Azadpour, L, Flavel, S and Re Manning, R, eds. (2020) Differences in identity in philosophy and religion: a cross-cultural approach. Bloomsbury, London. ISBN 9781350076501

Re Manning, R, ed. (2020) Mutual enrichment between psychology and theology. Routledge, Abingdon. ISBN 9781472415899

Rosquvist, H, Chown, N and Stenning, A, eds. (2020) Neurodiversity studies: a new critical paradigm. Routledge, Abingdon. ISBN 9780367338312

Barraclough, E.R (2020) 'The ice giant cometh: the Far North in the Old Norse-Icelandic sagas.' In: Figenschow, S, Holt, R and Tveit, M, eds. Myths and magic in the medieval Far North: realities and representations of a region on the edge of Europe. Brepols, Turnhout, pp. 71-94. ISBN 9782503588230

Bartles-Smith, A, Crosby, K, Harvey, P, Premasiri, P.D, Tilakaratne, A, Ratheiser, D, Deegalle, M, Trew, N.M, Travagnin, S and Harris, E (2020) 'Reducing suffering during conflict: the interface between Buddhism and international humanitarian law.' Contemporary Buddhism, 21 (1-2). pp. 369-435.

Campbell, A (2020) Climate crisis and the 21st-century British novel [book review]. Green Letters, 24 (1). pp. 79-81.

Cuthew, L (2020) Blood moon. Walker, London. ISBN 9781406393446

Dovey, J and Pullinger, K (2020) ''Breathe': an artist interview with Kate Pullinger.' In: Abba, T, Dovey, J and Pullinger, K, eds. Ambient literature: towards a new poetics of situated writing and reading practices. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham, pp. 263-274. ISBN 9783030414559

Dunlap, A and Sullivan, S (2020) 'A faultline in neoliberal environmental governance scholarship? Or, why accumulation-by-alienation matters.' Environment and Planning E: Nature and Space, 3 (2). pp. 552-579.

Dunn, L (2020) My sister, my mirror [essay]. Aeon, Oct.

Dunn, L (2020) The joy of intimacy [essay]. Aeon, Feb.

English, L (2020) 'Creative infection: how haikus went viral.' Mslexia (87). pp. 72-73.

English, L, Falkenberg, P and Cochran, J (2020) I Want to Breathe Sweet Air.

Etter, C (2020) The shooting gallery. Verve Poetry Press, Birmingham. ISBN 9781912565450

Filer, N (2020) 'Mad fiction: who has the right to write what?' Asylum Magazine, 27 (4).

Flavel, S and Hall, B (2020) 'Exemplary paternalism: a consideration of Confucian models of moral oversight.' Culture and Dialogue, 8 (2). pp. 220-250.

Flavel, S and Hall, B (2020) 'State maternalism: rethinking anarchist readings of the Daodejing.' Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy, 19. pp. 353-369.

Forna, A (2020) Civil conflict, trauma and resilience: a reflection on my own work. PhD thesis, Bath Spa University.

Gadd, I ORCID: 0000-0002-6154-5990 (2020) 'Ready reader one: recovering reading as an ambient practice.' In: Abba, T, Dovey, J and Pullinger, K, eds. Ambient literature: towards a new poetics of situated writing and reading practices. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham, pp. 27-51. ISBN 9783030414559

Gee, M (2020) 'Onceness, biofiction and the living body.' In: Layne, B, ed. Biofiction and writers’ afterlives. Cambridge Scholars, Newcastle upon Tyne, pp. 82-97. ISBN 9781527549678

Gee, M and Dzhumaylo, O (2020) '"Never forget that people's deepest patterns of behaviour relate to their childhoods, their deepest wounds, their need for love".' Практики & интерпретации = Practices & Interpretations, 5 (2). pp. 7-16.

Glaser, E (2020) Elitism: a progressive defence. Biteback Publishing, London. ISBN 9781785906077

Gregg, S.H (2020) Old books and digital publishing: Eighteenth-Century Collections Online. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. ISBN 9781108767415

Hackett, S (2020) Britain’s rural Muslims: rethinking integration. Manchester University Press, Manchester. ISBN 9781526110145

Hannis, M (2020) 'Why virtue is good for you: the politics of ecological eudaimonism.' In: Bai, H, Chang, D and Scott, C, eds. A book of ecological virtues: living well in the Anthropocene. University of Regina Press, Regina. ISBN 9780889777569 Please click the title to check availability.

Harris, C (2020) 'The real new publishing: how interconnected 'outsiders' are setting the trends.' In: Baverstock, A, Bradford, R and Gonzalez, M, eds. Contemporary publishing and the culture of books. Routledge, Abingdon, pp. 185-205.

Harvey, S (2020) The shapeless unease: a year of not sleeping. Jonathan Cape. ISBN 9781787332027

Hensher, P (2020) A small revolution in Germany. Fourth Estate, London. ISBN 9780008323073

Hill, T (2020) '"To the Honour of our Nation abroad": the merchant as adventurer in civic pageantry.' In: Finlayson, J.C and Sen, A, eds. Civic performance: pageantry and entertainments in early modern London. Routledge, Abingdon, pp. 13-31. ISBN 9781138228399

Hooper, E (2020) Quartet for the end of time.

Ivic, C (2020) The subject of Britain: 1603-25. Manchester University Press, Manchester. ISBN 9780719088704

Jones, O, Rigby, K and Williams, L (2020) 'Everyday ecocide, toxic dwelling, and the inability to mourn: a speculative response to geographies of extinction.' Environmental Humanities, 12 (1). pp. 388-405.

Kaznowska, H (2020) 'Stories between storeys: the uses of stairs to gain domestic control.' Early Modern Literary Studies, 29.

Lendelvo, S.M, Pinto, M and Sullivan, S (2020) 'A perfect storm? The impact of COVID-19 on community-based conservation in Namibia.' Namibian Journal of the Environment, 4 B. pp. 1-15.

Liardet, T (2020) Prayer to mother serotonin. The London Magazine. June/July.

Liardet, T (2020) Self-portrait with multiple yells; Aisling. Poetry Review, 110 (3).

Lloyd, N (2020) Christina Morin, 'The Gothic novel in Ireland, c. 1760–1829' [book review]. Irish University Review, 50 (1). pp. 243-245. Please click the title to check availability.

Lloyd, N (2020) 'Lady Morgan and "the babbling page of history": cultural transition as performance in the Irish national tale.' In: Connolly, C, ed. Irish literature in transition, 1780-1830. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 206-225. ISBN 9781108492980 Please click the title to check availability.

Lloyd, N (2020) 'The fiction of Mary Julia Young: female trade Gothic and Romantic genre-mixing.' In: Hudson, K, ed. Women's authorship and the early Gothic: innovations and legacies. University of Wales Press, Cardiff. ISBN 9781786836106

Luzar, R (2020) 'Events of excess, being and existence in Jean-Luc Nancy and Jean-Luc Marion's philosophies.' In: Azadpour, L, Flavel, S and Re Manning, R, eds. Differences in identity in philosophy and religion: a cross-cultural approach. Bloomsbury, London, pp. 175-200. ISBN 9781350076501

Malik, I.H (2020) 'Political Islam in South Asia.' In: South Asia 2021. 18th ed. Routledge, Abingdon. ISBN 9780367440398

Malik, I.H (2020) The silk road and beyond: narratives of a Muslim historian. Oxford University Press, Karachi. ISBN 9780199405961

Marshall, A (2020) '‘Faisons meieux’: Henry Bennet, Earl of Arlington and his political tactics.' In: Eagles, R and Dennehy, C.A, eds. Henry Bennet, Earl of Arlington, and his world: Restoration court, politics and diplomacy. Routledge, Abingdon. ISBN 9780367513108 Please click the title to check availability.

Marshall, A (2020) Invisible agents: women and espionage in seventeenth-century Britain [book review]. Journal of Social History, 53 (4). pp. 1099-1101.

Marshall, A (2020) Oliver Cromwell and the secret arts of government. In: Public Lecture Series, 19 March 2020, Hampstead & North West Branch of the Historical Association.

Marshall, A (2020) '‘Secret wheeles’: clandestine information, espionage, and European intelligence.' In: Ebben, M.A and Sicking, L, eds. Beyond ambassadors: consuls, missionaries and spies in premodern diplomacy. Brill, Leiden. ISBN 9789004438842 doi: 10.1163/9789004438989_010 Please click the title to check availability.

Morton, S (2020) 'Inside the human remains store: the impact of repatriation on museum practice in the United Kingdom.' In: Fforde, C, Keeler, H and McKeown, T, eds. The Routledge companion to indigenous repatriation: return, reconcile, renew. Routledge, Abingdon, pp. 902-917. ISBN 9781138303584

Moss, S (2020) '‘Writing in the field’: the importance of a local patch.' In: Burt, T and Thompson, D, eds. Curious about nature: a passion for fieldwork. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 275-279. ISBN 9781108448642

Moss, S (2020) The accidental countryside: hidden havens for Britain's wildlife. Faber, London. ISBN 9781783351640

Moss, S (2020) The swallow: a biography. Square Peg, London. ISBN 9781529110265

Nadin, J (2020) A life story: Alan Turing. Scholastic, London. ISBN 9781407193199

Nanson, A (2020) '"The future has gone bad; we need a new one": neoliberal science fiction and the writing of ecotopian possibility.' In: Molthan-Hill, P, Luna, H, Wall, T, Puntha, H and Baden, D, eds. Storytelling for sustainability in higher education: an educator's handbook. Routledge, Abingdon, pp. 130-142. ISBN 9780367260262

Newland, C (2020) 'Economic objects.' In: White, C.L, ed. A cultural history of objects: in the age of industry - volume 5. Bloomsbury, London, pp. 57-76. ISBN 9781474298797

Nita, M (2020) High religiosity and “resisting” Covid 19 governmental advice in Romania [blog post]. Contemporary Religion in Historical Perspective.

Nita, M (2020) '‘Inside story’: participatory storytelling and imagination in eco-pedagogical contexts.' In: Molthan-Hill, P, Luna, H, Wall, T, Puntha, H and Baden, N, eds. Storytelling for sustainability in higher education: an educator's handbook. Routledge, Abingdon, pp. 154-167. ISBN 9780367260262

Nita, M and Gemie, S (2020) 'Counterculture, local authorities and British Christianity at the Windsor and Watchfield Free Festivals (1972–5).' Twentieth Century British History, 31 (1). pp. 51-78.

Peters, F (2020) 'True crime narratives.' Crime Fiction Studies, 1 (1). pp. 23-40.

Peters, F (2020) 'Uncanny snails: Patricia Highsmith and the allure of the gastropods.' In: Heholt, R and Edmundson, M, eds. Gothic animals: uncanny otherness and the animal with-out. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham, pp. 159-171. ISBN 9783030345396 Please click the title to check availability.

Pickering, P (2020) Sympathy for the devil: Faust, history and poetics in my novels. PhD thesis, Bath Spa University.

Presley, N (2020) Anne Sexton, Sylvia Plath and media culture. PhD thesis, Bath Spa University.

Pullinger, K (2020) Forest green. Doubleday Canada, Toronto. ISBN 9780385683043

Pullinger, K (2020) 'No more eggs.' Studies in the Maternal, 13 (1). p. 24.

Pullinger, K and Attlee, J (2020) ''The cartographer’s confession': an artist interview with James Attlee.' In: Abba, T, Dovey, J and Pullinger, K, eds. Ambient literature: towards a new poetics of situated writing and reading practices. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham, pp. 187-197. ISBN 9783030414559

Pullinger, K and Speakman, D (2020) ''It must have been dark by then': an artist interview with Duncan Speakman.' In: Abba, T, Dovey, J and Pullinger, K, eds. Ambient literature: towards a new poetics of situated writing and reading practices. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham, pp. 103-113. ISBN 9783030414559

Rigby, K (2020) Reclaiming Romanticism: towards an ecopoetics of decolonization. Bloomsbury Academic, London. ISBN 9781474290593

Robinson, C and Cush, D (2020) Hindu worldview traditions [online essay]. RE:ONLINE.

Smith Daniels, S (2020) Letting go of a concept: finding 'I remember, I forget'. PhD thesis, Bath Spa University. Please click the title to check availability.

Stenning, A (2020) 'Understanding empathy through a study of autistic life writing: on the importance of neurodiverse morality.' In: Rosquvist, H, Chown, N and Stenning, A, eds. Neurodiversity studies: a new critical paradigm. Routledge, Abingdon, pp. 108-124. ISBN 9780367338312

Stillwater, G (2020) Drawing with time. PhD thesis, Bath Spa University.

Sullivan, S and Ganuses, W.S (2020) 'Understanding Damara / ǂNūkhoen and ǁUbun indigeneity and marginalisation in Namibia.' In: Odendaal, W and Werner, W, eds. ‘Neither here nor there’: indigeneity, marginalisation and land rights in post-independence Namibia. Land, Environment and Development Project, Legal Assistance Centre, Windhoek, pp. 283-324. ISBN 9789994561582

Swenson, A (2020) 'Under false pretenses.' In: Buckland, A and Qureshi, S, eds. Time travelers: Victorian encounters with time and history. University of Chicago Press, Chicago. ISBN 9780226676791 Please click the title to check availability.

Walton, S (2020) 'Feminism's critique of the Anthropocene.' In: Cooke, J, ed. The new feminist literary studies. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 113-128. ISBN 9781108471930

Walton, S (2020) The living world: Nan Shepherd and environmental thought. Bloomsbury, London. ISBN 9781350153226

Wright, E.H (2020) '“Cry with the pack and kill what we fear”: Woolf ’s pacifism and contemporary women dramatists.' In: Mildenberg, A and Novillo-Corvalán, P, eds. Virginia Woolf, Europe and peace. Vol 1: transnational circulations. Clemson University Press, Clemson, SC, pp. 129-144. ISBN 9781949979350

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