Number of items at this level: 452.
Almond, D
Hodder Children's, London.
ISBN 0340773847
Almond, D
Counting stars.
Hodder Children's, London.
ISBN 0340784792
Almond, D
Heaven eyes.
Hodder Children's, London.
ISBN 0340764813
Almond, D
Secret heart.
Hodder Children's, London.
ISBN 0340743697
Almond, D
Hodder Children's, London.
ISBN 0340716002
Bentham, R
'Short man.'
Jones, M, ed.
Up to our necks in it: poems on the way we live now., p. 47.
ISBN 9781409297826
Binckes, F
''Harsh laughter': reading Tarr.'
Gasiorek, A and
Waddell, N, eds.
Wyndham Lewis: a critical guide.
Edinburgh University Press, Edinburgh.
ISBN 9780748685684
Binckes, F
'Journalism and periodical culture.'
Marcus, L,
Mendelssohn, M and
Shepherd-Barr, K.E, eds.
Late Victorian into Modern.
Oxford University Press, Oxford.
ISBN 9780198704393
Binckes, F
'Modernist magazines.'
Maude, U and
Nixon, M, eds.
The Bloomsbury companion to modernist literature.
Bloomsbury, London.
ISBN 9781780936413
Brayfield, C
Getting home.
Little Brown and Co, London.
ISBN 9780316642460
Brayfield, C
Viking, London.
ISBN 9780670841011
Brayfield, C
Little Brown, London.
ISBN 9780316851831
Brayfield, C
Chatto & Windus, London.
ISBN 9780701131074
Brayfield, C
Little Brown, London.
ISBN 9780316646864
Brayfield, C
White ice.
Viking, London.
ISBN 9780670841004
Brayfield, C
Wild weekend.
Time Warner, London.
ISBN 9780751535280
Brayfield, C
The prince.
Chatto & Windus, London.
ISBN 9780701133573
Evans, P
Little Toller Books, Toller Fratrum, Dorset.
ISBN 9781908213167
Forna, A
'On happiness.'
Cambridge Journal of Postcolonial Literary Enquiry, 6 (3).
pp. 418-422.
Forna, A
Freeman, J, ed.
Freeman's: the best new writing on power.
Grove/Atlantic, New York, NY, pp. 53-68.
ISBN 9780802128201
Please click the title to check availability.
Gee, M
My cleaner.
Saqi, London.
ISBN 9780863565441
Gee, M
The blue.
Telegram, London.
ISBN 9781846590139
Gifford, T
James, D and
Tews, P, eds.
New versions of pastoral: post-Romantic, modern, and contemporary responses to the tradition.
Fairleigh Dickinson University Press, Madison, USA, pp. 245-257.
ISBN 9781611473988
Gifford, T
'Changing ideas of pastoral.'
Haynes, K, ed.
The Oxford history of classical reception in English literature. Volume 5: After 1880.
Oxford University Press, Oxford.
ISBN 9780199585106
Gifford, T
Wheeler, M, ed.
Ruskin and environment: the storm cloud of the nineteenth century.
Manchester University Press, Manchester, pp. 187-194.
ISBN 9780719043772
Gifford, T
'Cyprus souvenir.'
Cadences: A Journal of Literature and the Arts in Cyprus, 9.
pp. 105-106.
Gifford, T
'Death of a cat.'
Ramsden, J, ed.
Cat kist: the Redbeck anthology of contemporary cats.
Redbeck Press, Bradford, p. 68.
ISBN 9781904338277
Gifford, T
Real : an exhibition by three of Cumbria's leading figurative painters.
Tullie House Museum and Art Gallery, Carlisle, p. 4.
Gifford, T
Gifford, T, ed.
The Climbers' Club centenary journal.
Cordee, Leicester, pp. 9-10.
ISBN 9780901601674
Gifford, T
Interdisciplinary Studies in Literature and Environment, 21 (1).
p. 143.
Gifford, T
Bates, R.H, ed.
Mystery, beauty, and danger: the literature of the mountains and mountain climbing published in English before 1946.
Peter E. Randall Publisher, Portsmouth, NH, vii.
ISBN 9780914339915
Gifford, T
'From Jack Scout Crag.'
Wood, P, ed.
The sea: a celebration.
David & Charles, Newton Abbot, p. 110.
ISBN 9780715300367
Gifford, T
'Hinkley G.'
Jelley, C, ed.
A walk down the rift: poems from the great Somerset imposition.
Flycatcher Press, England, p. 54.
ISBN 9780993340406
Gifford, T
Gifford, T, ed.
John Muir: his life and letters and other writings.
Baton Wicks, London, pp. 7-10.
ISBN 9781898573074
Gifford, T
'La Pileta.'
ISLE: Interdisciplinary Studies in Literature and Environment, 19 (3).
pp. 582-583.
Gifford, T
Green Humanities: A Journal of Ecological Thought in Literature, Philosophy & the Arts, 1 (Winter).
p. 193.
Gifford, T
'On Monday in the mountains.'
North, C, ed.
Red rock dreaming: evocations of life on the Levant Coast.
McFarlands Publishing, Isle of Man, p. 13.
Gifford, T
Littlewood Press, Todmorden.
ISBN 9780946407620
Gifford, T
Routledge, London.
ISBN 9780415147330
Gifford, T
'Pastoral, anti-pastoral, post-pastoral.'
Westling, L, ed.
The Cambridge companion to literature and the environment.
Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 17-30.
ISBN 9781107628960
Gifford, T
'Scottish portraits.'
Steck, A,
Roper, S and
Harris, D, eds.
Ascent: the mountaineering experience in word and image. 14th revised ed.
American Alpine Club, Golden, CO, pp. 103-111.
ISBN 9780930410803
Gifford, T
'Six stages in the greening of Ted Hughes.'
Gifford, T,
Robertson, N and
Womald, M, eds.
Ted Hughes, nature and culture.
Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke, Hampshire, UK.
ISBN 9783319975733
Gifford, T
Ted Hughes.
Routledge, London.
ISBN 9780415311892
Gifford, T
'Ted Hughes.'
Bullock, A and
Woodings, R.B, eds.
The Fontana biographical companion to modern thought.
Collins, London, pp. 346-347.
ISBN 9780002163293
Gifford, T
'Ted Hughes and South Yorkshire.'
Gammage, N, ed.
The epic poise: a celebration of Ted Hughes.
Faber & Faber, London, pp. 216-218.
ISBN 9780571196869
Gifford, T
'Ted Hughes's social ecology.'
Gifford, T, ed.
The Cambridge companion to Ted Hughes.
Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 81-93.
ISBN 9780521145763
Gifford, T
'Truss Buttress, Swindale.'
Stainforth, G, ed.
Lakeland: landscape of imagination.
Constable, London, p. 164.
ISBN 9780094718005
Gifford, T
'Working with poetry.'
Blatchford, R, ed.
The English teacher's handbook.
Hutchinson, London, pp. 168-193.
ISBN 9780091612306
Gifford, T
'The book of The Burren.'
Steck, A and
Roper, S, eds.
The best of Ascent: twenty-five years of the mountaineering experience.
Diadem Books, London, pp. 304-309.
ISBN 9780906371572
Gifford, T
'The bull of the Bernia.'
North, C, ed.
Red rock dreaming: evocations of life on the Levant Coast.
McFarlands Publishing, Isle of Man, p. 22.
Gifford, T
'A logjam on Lawson’s fork.'
Duarte, J and
Vale de Gato, M, eds.
Natural in verso.
Mariposa Azul, Lisbon, Portugal, p. 117.
ISBN 9789728481421
Gifford, T
The rope.
Redbeck Press, Bradford.
ISBN 9780946980352
Gifford, T and Brandāo, I
Espiral de fogo.
Universidade Federal de Alagoas, Maceio, Brazil, p. 1.
ISBN 9788571770300
Gifford, T and Brown, J
'Cave birds.'
Dyson, A.E, ed.
Three contemporary poets: Thom Gunn, R. S. Thomas and Ted Hughes.
Macmillan, London, pp. 181-190.
ISBN 9780333319437
Gifford, T and Kerslake, L
Feminismo/s (22).
pp. 13-16.
Gifford, T, Lui, G, Haueter, S and Talbert, V
'Outdoor gate.'
Writing in Education, 13.
pp. 15-16.
Gifford, T and Roberts, N
'The idea of nature in English poetry.'
Murphy, P.D, ed.
Literature of nature: an international sourcebook.
Fitzroy Dearborn, London, pp. 166-176.
ISBN 9781579580100
Goodman, H
'‘A story of treasure, war, and wild adventure’: hero-worship, imperial masculinities, and inter-generational ideology in H. Rider Haggard’s 1880s fiction.'
Brown, M,
Barry, A.M and
Begiato, J, eds.
Martial masculinities: imagining and experiencing the military in the long nineteenth century.
Manchester University Press, Manchester, pp. 232-254.
ISBN 9781526135629
Green, J
'Mouse magic.'
Winter's night.
Stripes, London.
ISBN 9781847151445
Green, J
'One more step.'
Bradman, T, ed.
My kind of school.
A&C Black, London.
ISBN 9781408100905
Green, J
'Reindeer girl.'
Winter tales.
Stripes, London.
ISBN 9781847150691
Green, J
'Snow swan.'
Winter magic.
Stripes, London.
ISBN 9781847151070
Green, J
'What we love.'
Bradman, T, ed.
Inner city: stories from the thick of it.
A&C Black, London.
ISBN 9781408113776
Green, J
'Will's story.'
Hill, D, ed.
Turning the corner: a collection of post-millennium short stories.
Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
ISBN 9780521703215
Gregg, S.H
''Strange longing' and 'horror' in Robinson Crusoe.'
Rowland, A,
Liggins, E and
Uskalis, E, eds.
Signs of masculinity: men in literature, 1700 to the present.
Rodopi Perspectives on Modern Literature
Rodopi, Amsterdam, pp. 37-63.
ISBN 904200603X
Gregg, S.H and Mueller, A
'Richard Hurd.'
Day, G and
Lynch, J, eds.
The encyclopedia of British literature: 1660-1789.
Wiley-Blackwell encyclopedia of literature
Harvey, S
Dear thief.
Jonathan Cape.
ISBN 9780224101721
Hensher, P
Kitchen venom.
Hamish Hamilton, London.
ISBN 0007152426
Hensher, P
Other Lulus.
Hamish Hamilton, London.
ISBN 0241001919
Hensher, P
Chatto & Windus, London.
ISBN 0701167289
Hensher, P
The fit.
Fourth Estate, London.
ISBN 007174810
Hill, T
‘Partners in the businesse’: Middleton, Dekker, Jonson, Munday, Harrison, Christmas, Norman, Bucket, Challoner, Wilde.
In: 45th Annual Meeting of the Shakespeare Association of America, 5 - 8 April 2017, Hyatt Regency, Atlanta, GA, USA.
Hughes, W
'Gothic criticism: a survey.'
Powell, A and
Smith, A, eds.
Teaching the Gothic.
Palgrave, Basingstoke, pp. 10-28.
ISBN 9781403949301
Hughes, W
'The Gothic.'
Latham, R, ed.
The Oxford handbook of science fiction.
Oxford handbooks of literature
Oxford University Press, New York, pp. 463-474.
ISBN 9780199838844
Hughes, W
Bram Stoker: Dracula.
Artswork Books, Bath.
ISBN 9780954564872
Hughes, W
'Jerome K. Jerome (1859-1927).'
McCarthy, E and
Murphy, B.M, eds.
Lost souls of horror and the Gothic: fifty-four neglected authors, actors, artists and others.
McFarland, Jefferson, NC.
ISBN 9781476663142
Hughes, W
'A biography of Bram Stoker.'
Miller, E, ed.
Dictionary of literary biography: Bram Stoker's Dracula: a documentary volume.
Gale, New York, NY, pp. 7-16.
ISBN 9780787668419
Hugill, A
Pataphysics and computing.
In: Philadelphia à la Pataphysique, March 21st - 23rd 2014, University of Pennsylvania.
Ivic, C
'John Norden.'
Baker, C, ed.
Absolutism and the scientific revolution, 1600-1720: a biographical dictionary.
The Great Cultural Eras of the Western World
Greenwood Press, Westport, Connecticut, pp. 282-283.
ISBN 9780313308277
Ivic, C
'John Speed.'
Baker, C, ed.
Absolutism and the scientific revolution, 1600-1720: a biographical dictionary.
The Great Cultural Eras of the Western World
Greenwood Press, Westport, Connecticut, pp. 356-357.
ISBN 9780313308277
Ivic, C
'Literature and nationalism.'
Stone, J,
Rutledge, D.M,
Rizova, P.S,
Smith, A.D and
Hou, X, eds.
The Wiley Blackwell encyclopedia of race, ethnicity, and nationalism.
Wiley, London, pp. 1-2.
ISBN 9781405189781
Ivic, C
'Michael Drayton.'
Baker, C, ed.
Absolutism and the scientific revolution, 1600-1720: a biographical dictionary.
The Great Cultural Eras of the Western World
Greenwood Press, Westport, Connecticut, pp. 97-98.
ISBN 9780313308277
Ivic, C
'Reassuring fratricide in '1 Henry IV'.'
Ivic, C and
Williams, G, eds.
Forgetting in early modern English literature and culture: Lethe's legacies.
Routledge studies in renaissance literature and culture
Routledge, London, pp. 99-109.
ISBN 0415310466
Ivic, C
'Samuel Daniel.'
Baker, C, ed.
Absolutism and the scientific revolution, 1600-1720: a biographical dictionary.
The Great Cultural Eras of the Western World
Greenwood Press, Westport, Connecticut, pp. 84-85.
ISBN 9780313308277
Ivic, C
The Union book.
In: New Developments in Textual Culture, 17 February 2007, Department of English Studies, University of Stirling.
Ivic, C and Maley, W
'Gendering the archipelago: nation, state and empire in the prophetic writings of Lady Eleanor Davies.'
Orgis, R and
Heim, M, eds.
Fashioning England and the English: literature, nation, gender.
Palgrave Macmillan, Cham, pp. 97-118.
ISBN 9783319921259
Please click the title to check availability.
Kendal, C
I spy.
Harper Collins, London.
ISBN 9780008256838
Liardet, T
Clay Hill.
Poetry Wales poets, 12
Poetry Wales Press, Ogmore-by-Sea.
ISBN 9780907476887
Meyer, P
What love.
Telegram, London.
ISBN 9781846590443
Neale, J
Redwords, London.
ISBN 9781872208091
Newman, J and Molloy, C
'How the elephant forgot its politics.'
Shakur, T and
D'Souza, K, eds.
Picturing South Asian culture in English: textual and visual representations.
Open House Press, Liverpool, pp. 176-191.
ISBN 9780954446307
Robertson, M, Upton, L and Apak, A
Writers Forum Workshop, 5 May 2012.
Simmons, G
'Walking with RLS.'
Fortunate voyager: a celebration of Robert Louis Stevenson.
Merchiston Publishing, Edinburgh, pp. 172-175.
ISBN 9781911524038
Strachan, J
'Romantic literature.'
Birch, D, ed.
The Oxford companion to English literature. 7th ed.
Oxford University Press, Oxford.
ISBN 9780192806871
Strachan, J and O'Malley-Younger, A
Ireland at war and peace.
Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Newcastle-upon-Tyne.
ISBN 9781443826334
Strachan, J and Terry, R
Poetry. 2nd ed.
Edinburgh University Press, Edinburgh.
ISBN 9780748644018
Sweetman, L
'I w8 fr yr mesg.'
Goodwin, D, ed.
Essential poems (to fall in love with).
HarperCollins, London.
ISBN 9780007160655
Thebo, M
Destination garret? Employability and the arts.
In: 9th Quality In Higher Education International Seminar: Enhancing Student Employablity Higher Education And Workforce Development, 27 - 28 January 2005, Hyatt Regency Birmingham.
Thebo, M
Get real.
ISBN 9780007142804
Thebo, M, May, S, Albers, R, McNair, P and English, L
Teach a writer to fish.
In: Creative Writing In Education : NAWE Autumn Conference, 13 - 15 November 2009, Chilworth Manor, Southampton, UK.
Vyner, T
World team.
Red Fox, London.
ISBN 9780099427582
Walton, S and Lindsay, J
In: Enemies: Hidden Door Arts Festival, Edinburgh, 29 April 2014.
Woodward, G
After the deafening.
Chatto poetry series, Poetry book society choice
ISBN 0701162716
Woodward, G
Paterson, D and
Shapcott, J, eds.
Last words.
Picador, London.
Woodward, G
Chatto poetry, Poetry book society choice
Chatto & Windus, London.
ISBN 0701137584
Woodward, G
Sweeney, M and
Shapcott, J, eds.
Emergency kit : poems for strange times.
Faber and Faber, London, pp. 99-100.
ISBN 9780571223008
Woodward, G
Picador, London.
ISBN 9780330518642
Woodward, G
'The underhouse.'
Eyre, S and
Page, R, eds.
The new uncanny.
Comma Press, Manchester.
ISBN 9781905583188
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