Items where Subject is "QH Natural history"

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Calvey, T, de Sousa, A.A ORCID: and Beaudet, A, eds. (2023) From fossils to mind. Progress in Brain Research, 274 . Elsevier, Amsterdam. ISBN 9780323991070 Please click the title to check availability.

Chaffey, N, ed. (2002) Wood formation in trees: cell and molecular biology techniques. CRC Press, London. ISBN 9780415272155

Gifford, T (2018) Gale Researcher guide for: nature poetry. Gale. ISBN 9781535853576

Gifford, T, Sewell, J, Sutherhill, C and Syder, D (1997) The blue bang theory: new nature poetry. Redbeck Press, Bradford. ISBN 9780946980383

Golley, M and Moss, S (1996) The complete garden bird book: how to identify and attract birds to your garden. New Holland, London. ISBN 9781843300359

Moss, S (2011) Birds Britannia: why the British fell in love with birds. HarperCollins, London. ISBN 9780007413447

Moss, S (2000) Gardening for birds: how to help birds make the most of your garden. Collins, London. ISBN 9780007123179

Moss, S (2012) Wild hares and hummingbirds: the natural history of an English village. Vintage, London. ISBN 9780099552468

Moss, S (2004) A bird in the bush: a social history of birdwatching. Aurum Press, London. ISBN 9781854109934

Moss, S (2007) The birder's companion. Firefly Books, Richmond Hill, Canada. ISBN 9781554072125

Moss, S (2009) The bumper book of nature. Square Peg, London. ISBN 9780224086165

Moss, S (2008) A sky full of starlings: a diary of a birding year. Aurum Press, London. ISBN 9781845133535

Oddie, B, Moss, S and Pitcher, F (2005) Bill Oddie's how to watch wildlife. Collins, London. ISBN 9780007184552

Book Chapter or Section

Gifford, T (2018) 'From countryside to environment: reaching common ground.' In: McLoughlin, K, ed. British literature in transition, 1960-1980: flower power. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 152-166. ISBN 9781107129573

Gifford, T (2008) 'John Muir.' In: Baird Callicott, J and Frodeman, R, eds. Encyclopedia of environmental ethics and philosophy. Macmillan Reference USA, Michigan, USA, pp. 76-78. ISBN 9780028661407

Haas, J, Hass, R, Spocter, M.A and de Sousa, A.A ORCID: 0000-0003-2379-3894 (2020) 'Human visual neurobiology.' In: Shackelford, T and Weekes-Shackelford, V, eds. Encyclopedia of evolutionary psychological science. Springer, Cham. ISBN 9783319169996 Please click the title to check availability.

Moss, S (2008) 'Foreword.' In: Barlow, J and Paul, M, eds. Wing beats: British birds in haiku. Natural History Book Service, Totnes, pp. 9-12. ISBN 9781903543245

Pocock, M.J.O, Chandler, M, Bonney, R, Thornhill, I, Albin, A, August, T, Bachman, S, Brown, P.M.J, Fernandes Cunha, D-G, Grez, A, Jackson, C, Peters, M, Rabarijaon, N.R, Roy, H.E, Zaviezo, T and Danielsen, F (2018) 'A vision for global biodiversity monitoring with citizen science.' In: Bohan, D.A, Dumbrell, A.J, Woodward, G and Jackson, M, eds. Next generation biomonitoring: part 2. Advances in Ecological Research series (59). Elsevier, pp. 169-223. ISBN 9780128143179 Please click the title to check availability.

de Sousa, A.A ORCID: 0000-0003-2379-3894 and Cunha, E (2012) 'Hominins and the emergence of the modern human brain.' In: Hofman, M.A and Falk, D, eds. Evolution of the primate brain: from neuron to behavior. Elsevier, Amsterdam, pp. 293-322. ISBN 9780444538604

de Sousa, A.A ORCID: 0000-0003-2379-3894 and Scheller, M (2023) 'Mate preferences.' In: Shackelford, T.K, ed. Encyclopedia of sexual psychology and behavior. Springer, Cham. ISBN 9783031089565 Please click the title to check availability.


Barks, S.K, Bauernfeind, A.L, Bonar, C.J, Cranfield, M.R, de Sousa, A.A ORCID: 0000-0003-2379-3894, Erwin, J.M, Hopkins, W.D, Lewandowski, A.H, Mudakikwa, A, Phillips, K.A, Raghanti, M.A, Stimpson, C.D, Hof, P.R, Zilles, K and Sherwood, C.C (2014) 'Variable temporoinsular cortex neuroanatomy in primates suggests a bottleneck effect in eastern gorillas.' Journal of Comparative Neurology, 522 (4). pp. 844-860.

Carver, L and Sullivan, S (2017) 'How economic contexts shape calculations of "yield" in biodiversity offsetting.' Conservation Biology, 31 (5). pp. 1053-1065.

Chaffey, N (1999) 'Cambium: old challenges – new opportunities.' Trees: Structure and Function, 13 (3). pp. 138-151.

Davies, L, Bell, J.N.B, Bone, J, Head, M, Hill, I, Howard, C, Hobbs, S.J, Jones, D.T, Power, S.A, Rose, N, Ryder, C, Seed, L, Stevens, G, Toumi, R, Voulvoulis, N and White, P.C.L (2011) 'Open Air Laboratories (OPAL): a community-driven research programme.' Environmental Pollution, 159 (8-9). pp. 2203-2210.

Flys Junquera, C, Gifford, T and Ignacio Oliva, J (2012) 'Ecocriticism: a theoretical biosphere.' Revista Canaria de Estudios Ingleses, 64. pp. 13-28.

Gifford, T (2004) 'Why did John Muir not become a professional scientist? Muir’s multiple discourses.' Green Letters: Studies in Ecocriticism, 5 (1). pp. 30-33.

Gifford, T (1996) 'The social construction of nature.' ISLE: Interdisciplinary Studies in Literature and Environment, 3 (2). pp. 27-35.

Gifford, T and Stenning, A (2015) 'Introduction: European new nature writing.' Ecozon@, 6 (1). pp. 1-6.

Heuer, K, Traut, N, de Sousa, A.A ORCID: 0000-0003-2379-3894, Valk, S.L, Clavel, J and Toro, R (2023) 'Diversity and evolution of cerebellar folding in mammals.' eLife, 12. e85907.

Hobbs, S.J and White, P.C.L (2016) 'Achieving positive social outcomes through participatory urban wildlife conservation projects.' Wildlife Research, 42 (7). pp. 607-617.

Miguel-Chinchilla, L, Heasley, E, Loiselle, S and Thornhill, I (2019) 'Local and landscape influences on turbidity in urban streams: a global approach using citizen scientists.' Freshwater Science, 38 (2). pp. 303-320.

Pecorelli, J.P, Macphie, K.H, Hebditch, C, Clifton-Dey, D.R.J, Thornhill, I and Debney, A.J (2019) 'Using citizen science to improve the conservation of the European eel (Anguilla anguilla) in the Thames River Basin District.' Freshwater Science, 38 (2). pp. 281-291.

Sewell, R.D.E and Lane, S (2006) 'Endotoxins and glucans: environmental troublemakers.' The Biologist, 53 (3). pp. 129-134.

Stenning, A and Gifford, T (2013) 'Editorial: twentieth-century nature writing in Britain and Ireland.' Green Letters: Studies in Ecocriticism, 17 (1). pp. 1-4.

Thornhill, I, Batty, L, Hewitt, M, Friberg, N.R and Ledger, M.E (2017) 'The application of graph theory and percolation analysis for assessing change in the spatial configuration of pond networks.' Urban Ecosystems, 21 (2). pp. 213-225.

Thornhill, I, Biggs, J, Hill, M, Briers, R, Gledhill, D, Wood, P, Gee, J and Hassall, C (2018) 'The functional response and resilience in small waterbodies along land-use and environmental gradients.' Global Change Biology, 24 (7). pp. 3079-3092. Please click the title to check availability.

Thornhill, I, Cornelissen, J.H.C, McPherson, J.M, MacBride‐Stewart, S, Mohamad, Z, White, H.J and Wiersma, Y.F (2021) 'Towards ecological science for all by all.' Journal of Applied Ecology, 58 (2). pp. 206-213.

Thornhill, I, Friberg, N, Batty, L, Thamia, V and Ledger, M.E (2021) 'Leaf breakdown rates as a functional indicator were influenced by an invasive non-native invertebrate in urban ponds.' Ecological Indicators, 124. e107360.

Thornhill, I, Loiselle, S, Clymans, W and van Noordwijk, C.G.E (2019) 'How citizen scientists can enrich freshwater science as contributors, collaborators, and co-creators.' Freshwater Science, 38 (2). pp. 231-235.

de Sousa, A.A ORCID: 0000-0003-2379-3894 et al (2023) 'From fossils to mind.' Communications Biology, 6. e636.

de Sousa, A.A ORCID: 0000-0003-2379-3894, Rigby Dames, B.A, Graff, E.C, Mohamedelhassan, R, Vassilopoulos, T and Charvet, C.J (2023) 'Going beyond established model systems of Alzheimer’s disease: companion animals provide novel insights into the neurobiology of aging.' Communications Biology, 6. e655.

de Sousa, A.A ORCID: 0000-0003-2379-3894, Sherwood, C.C, Mohlberg, H, Amunts, K, Schleicher, A, MacLeod, C.E, Hof, P.R, Frahm, H and Zilles, K (2010) 'Hominoid visual brain structure volumes and the position of the lunate sulcus.' Journal of Human Evolution, 58 (4). pp. 281-292.

de Sousa, A.A ORCID: 0000-0003-2379-3894, Sherwood, C.C, Schleicher, A, Amunts, K, MacLeod, C.E, Hof, P.R and Zilles, K (2010) 'Comparative cytoarchitectural analyses of striate and extrastriate areas in hominoids.' Cerebral Cortex, 20 (4). pp. 966-981.

Conference or Workshop Item

Goodman, H (2016) Symptoms of stress and self-medication in the nineteenth-century scientific community. In: British Society for Literature and Science Annual Conference, 7 - 9 April 2016, University of Birmingham, UK.

Goodman, H (2016) Symptoms of stress and the modern man of science. In: Medicine and Modernity in the Long Nineteenth Century, 10 - 11 September 2016, St Anne's College, University of Oxford, UK.

Commissioned Report


Tweed, C (2017) Soon we will become output. Stanley Picker Gallery, London, UK, 13 - 20 December 2017. ISBN 9781527217836


Moss, S, Watson, C and Paterson, B (2001) Soundscape: the swallow's journey.


Chaffey, N (2007) The emerald planet: how plants changed the earth's history [book review]. Annals of Botany, 100 (7). pp. 1605-1606.

Chaffey, N (2001) A timely celebration of trees [book review]. New Phytologist, 149 (3). pp. 365-366.

Gifford, T (2015) 'D. H. Lawrence: nature, narrative, art, identity' by John Beer [book review]. Journal of D.H. Lawrence Studies, 4 (1). pp. 172-174.

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