Number of items at this level: 150.
Moss, S, ed.
Blokes and birds.
New Holland Publishers, London, UK.
ISBN 9781843304845
Moss, S
Garden birds.
Collins gem
HarperCollins, London.
ISBN 9780007176144
Book Chapter or Section
Chaffey, N
Chaffey, N, ed.
Wood formation in trees: cell and molecular biology techniques.
CRC Press, London, pp. 1-8.
ISBN 9780415272155
Chaffey, N
'Microtubules and microfilaments: immunofluorescent techniques for examining aspects of the cell biology of wood-fibres.'
Schmitt, U,
Ander, P,
Barnett, J.R,
Emons, A.M.C,
Jeronomidis, G,
Sararanpää, P and
Tschegg, S, eds.
Wood fibre cell walls: methods to study their formation, structure and properties.
COST Action E20
Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Uppsala, Sweden, pp. 11-25.
ISBN 9789157668035
Chaffey, N
'Wood microscopical techniques.'
Chaffey, N, ed.
Wood formation in trees: cell and molecular biology techniques.
CRC Press, London, pp. 17-40.
ISBN 9780415272155
Chaffey, N and Barlow, P.W
'Actin in the secondary vascular system of woody plants.'
Staiger, C,
Baluška, F,
Volkmann, D and
Barlow, P.W, eds.
Actin : a dynamic framework for multiple plant cell functions.
Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht ; London, pp. 587-600.
ISBN 9780792364122
Chaffey, N, Barlow, P.W and Barnett, J.R
'Microtubular cytoskeleton of vascular cambium and its derivatives in roots of Aesculus hippocastanum L. (Hippocastanaceae).'
Donaldson, L.A,
Singh, P.A,
Butterfield, B.G and
Whitehouse, L.J, eds.
Recent advances in wood anatomy.
New Zealand Forest Research Institute, Rotorua, New Zealand, pp. 171-183.
ISBN 9780477017718
Chaffey, N, Barnett, J.R and Barlow, P.W
'Arrangement of microtubules, but not microfilaments, indicates determination of cambial derivatives.'
Altman, A and
Waisel, Y, eds.
Biology of root formation and development.
Plenum Press, London: New York, pp. 52-54.
ISBN 9780306457067
Chaffey, N, Barnett, J.R and Barlow, P.W
'Cortical microtubules and microfibril angle.'
Butterfield, B.G, ed.
Microfibril angle in wood : the proceedings of the IAWA/IUFRO International Workshop on the Significance of Microfibril Angle to Wood Quality ; Westport, New Zealand, November 1997.
University of Canterbury for the International Association of Wood Anatomists and International Union of Forestry Research Organisations, Christchurch, New Zealand, pp. 253-271.
Moss, S
Barlow, J and
Paul, M, eds.
Wing beats: British birds in haiku.
Natural History Book Service, Totnes, pp. 9-12.
ISBN 9781903543245
Pestana, C, de Sousa, A.A
ORCID: 0000-0003-2379-3894, Todorov, O.S, Beaudet, A and Benoit, J
'Evolutionary history of hominin brain size and phylogenetic comparative methods.'
Calvey, T,
de Sousa, A.A and
Beaudet, A, eds.
From fossils to mind.
Progress in Brain Research, 275
Elsevier, Amsterdam, pp. 217-232.
ISBN 9780323991070
Please click the title to check availability.
Pocock, M.J.O, Chandler, M, Bonney, R, Thornhill, I, Albin, A, August, T, Bachman, S, Brown, P.M.J, Fernandes Cunha, D-G, Grez, A, Jackson, C, Peters, M, Rabarijaon, N.R, Roy, H.E, Zaviezo, T and Danielsen, F
'A vision for global biodiversity monitoring with citizen science.'
Bohan, D.A,
Dumbrell, A.J,
Woodward, G and
Jackson, M, eds.
Next generation biomonitoring: part 2.
Advances in Ecological Research series
Elsevier, pp. 169-223.
ISBN 9780128143179
Please click the title to check availability.
Rigby Dames, B.A, Kilili, H, Charvet, C.J, Díaz-Barba, K, Proulx, M.J, de Sousa, A.A
ORCID: 0000-0003-2379-3894 and Urrutia, A.O
'Evolutionary and genomic perspectives of brain aging and neurodegenerative diseases.'
Calvey, T,
de Sousa, A.A and
Beaudet, A, eds.
From fossils to mind.
Progress in Brain Research, 275
Elsevier, Amsterdam, pp. 165-215.
ISBN 9780323991070
Please click the title to check availability.
Sewell, R.D.E, Lane, S and Nicholls, P
'Investigation into the biological contamination of cotton fibres, as an indicator of quality and safety.'
Schneider, T,
Heap, S and
Stevens, J, eds.
Proceedings of the 27th International Cotton Conference.
Faserinstitut, Bremen, Germany, pp. 55-61.
Sewell, R.D.E, Lane, S and Nicholls, P
'The pharmacology and toxicology of inhaled dusts, endotoxins and glucans.'
Salem, H and
Katz, S, eds.
Inhalation Toxicology Second Edition.
CRC Press, Boca Raton, Florida, pp. 803-824.
ISBN 9780849340499
Heuer, K, Traut, N, de Sousa, A.A
ORCID: 0000-0003-2379-3894, Valk, S.L, Clavel, J and Toro, R
'Diversity and evolution of cerebellar folding in mammals.'
eLife, 12.
Kelker, M.S, Berry, C, Evans, S.L, Pai, R, McCaskill, D.G, Wang, N.X, Russell, J.C, Baker, M.D, Yang, C, Pflugrath, J.W, Wade, M, Wess, T.J and Narva, K.E
'Structural and biophysical characterization of bacillus thuringiensis insecticidal proteins Cry34Ab1 and Cry35Ab1.'
PLoS ONE, 9 (11).
Pecorelli, J.P, Macphie, K.H, Hebditch, C, Clifton-Dey, D.R.J, Thornhill, I and Debney, A.J
'Using citizen science to improve the conservation of the European eel (Anguilla anguilla) in the Thames River Basin District.'
Freshwater Science, 38 (2).
pp. 281-291.
Sherwood, C.C, Raghanti, M.A, Stimpson, C.D, Bonar, C.J, de Sousa, A.A
ORCID: 0000-0003-2379-3894, Preuss, T.M and Hof, P.R
'Scaling of inhibitory interneurons in areas V1 and V2 of anthropoid primates as revealed by calcium-binding protein immunohistochemistry.'
Brain, Behavior and Evolution, 69 (3).
pp. 176-195.
Thornhill, I, Biggs, J, Hill, M, Briers, R, Gledhill, D, Wood, P, Gee, J and Hassall, C
'The functional response and resilience in small waterbodies
along land-use and environmental gradients.'
Global Change Biology, 24 (7).
pp. 3079-3092.
Please click the title to check availability.
Yhnell, E, Wood, H, Baker, M.D, Amici-Dargan, S, Taylor, C, Randerson, P and Shore, A
'The impact of attaining the Welsh Baccalaureate Advanced Diploma on academic performance in bioscience higher education.'
International Journal of Science Education, 38 (1).
pp. 156-169.
de Sousa, A.A
ORCID: 0000-0003-2379-3894, Rigby Dames, B.A, Graff, E.C, Mohamedelhassan, R, Vassilopoulos, T and Charvet, C.J
'Going beyond established model systems of Alzheimer’s disease: companion animals provide novel insights into the neurobiology of aging.'
Communications Biology, 6.
de Sousa, A.A
ORCID: 0000-0003-2379-3894, Sherwood, C.C, Mohlberg, H, Amunts, K, Schleicher, A, MacLeod, C.E, Hof, P.R, Frahm, H and Zilles, K
'Hominoid visual brain structure volumes and the position of the lunate sulcus.'
Journal of Human Evolution, 58 (4).
pp. 281-292.
Conference or Workshop Item
Khattab, A, Lewarne, T, Jenkinson, D.F, Wijesinghe, L and Ali, I.S
Immunochemical analysis of enzymes affecting carotid plaque morphology: implications for plaque stability and stroke.
In: British Association of Stroke Physicians, Annual Scientific Meeting, 8 February 2006.
Commissioned Report
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