Items where Subject is "RC Internal medicine"

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Brindley, L, Thomas, M, Muthukumaraswarmy, S, Gibbon, F, Kirby, A, Perry, G, Peters, L, te Water Naudé, J, Williams, N, Singh, K and Hamandi, K (2011) Motor cortex oscillations and motor control in rolandic epilepsy. In: International League Against Epilepsy UK Chapter: Annual Scientific Meeting, 9 - 11 November 2011, York Racecourse, York, UK.

Brindley, L.M, Thomas, M, Gibbon, F.M, Kirby, A, Peters, L, te Water Naudé, J, Williams, N, Singh, K.D, Jones, D.K and Hamandi, K (2012) Motor circuit tractography predicts motor performance in children with rolandic epilepsy. In: ILAE 10th European Congress on Epileptology, 30 September - 3 October 2012, ICC, London, UK.

Brindley, L.M, Thomas, M, Perry, G, Muthukumaraswamy, S, Gibbon, F.M, Kirby, A, Peters, L, te Water Naudé, J, Williams, N, Jones, D.K, Singh, K.D and Hamandi, k (2012) Motor cortex oscillations, motor pathways and motor control in rolandic epilepsy. In: 18th International Conference on Biomagnetism, 26 - 30 August 2012, Maison de la Chimie, Paris, France.


Evans, B.A, Bedson, E, Bell, P, Hutchings, H, Lowes, L, Rea, D, Seagrove, A, Siebert, S, Smith, G, Snooks, H, Thomas, M, Thorne, K and Russell, I (2013) 'Involving service users in trials: developing a standard operating procedure.' Trials, 14 (219).


Goodman, H (2016) Home remedies and hydrotherapy: stressed scientists and medical consumerism in nineteenth-century Europe. In: British Association for Victorian Studies (BAVS) Annual Conference 2016: Consuming (the) Victorians, 31 August - 2 September 2016, Cardiff University, UK.

Goodman, H (2015) Mourning masculinities: death, Dickens, and pathological melancholia. In: British Association for Victorian Studies (BAVS) Annual Conference: Victorian Age(s), 27 - 29 August 2015, Leeds Trinity University, UK.


Kerr, J.R, Christian, P, Hodgetts, A, Langford, P.R, Devanur, L.D, Petty, R, Burke, B, Sinclair, L.I, Richards, S.C.M, Montgomery, J, McDermott, C.R, Harrison, T.J, Kellam, P, Nutt, D.J, Holgate, S.T and Thomas, M (2007) 'Current research priorities in chronic fatigue syndrome/myalgic encephalomyelitis: disease mechanisms, a diagnostic test and specific treatments.' Journal of Clinical Pathology, 60 (2). pp. 113-116.

Kirby, A, Thomas, M and Williams, N (2012) What at the reported executive functioning skills deficits in students with DCD compared to other students in university? In: Developmental Coordination Disorder UK Conference: Knowledge Exchange: Research - Practice, 22 June 2012, Queen Margaret University, Edinburgh, UK.

Kirby, A, Williams, N, Thomas, M and Hill, E.L (2013) 'Self-reported mood, general health, wellbeing and employment status in adults with suspected DCD.' Research in Developmental Disabilities, 34 (4). pp. 1357-1364.


Scriven, M.W, Thomas, M, Manku, M.S, Steward, J.C.M, Horribin, D.F and Puntis, MC.A (1990) 'Essential fatty acid metabolism is abnormal in obstructive jaundice.' Journal of Hepato-Biliary-Pancreatic Surgery, Sup211.

Smith, A, Pollock, J, Thomas, M, Llewelyn, M and Borysiewicz, L (1996) 'The relationship between subjective ratings of sleep and mental functioning in healthy subjects and patients with chronic fatigue syndrome.' Human Psychopharmacology: Clinical and Experimental, 11 (3). pp. 161-167.

Smith, A, Thomas, M, Kent, J and Nicholson, K (1998) 'Effects of the common cold on mood and performance.' Psychoneuroendocrinology, 23 (7). pp. 733-739.

Smith, A, Thomas, M and Whitney, H (2000) 'Effects of upper respiratory tract illnesses on mood and performance over the working day.' Ergonomics, 43 (6). pp. 752-763.

Smith, A, Whitney, H, Thomas, M, Perry, K and Brockman, P (1995) 'Effects of regular alcohol intake and stress on mental performance, mood and cardiovascular function.' Human Psychopharmacology: Clinical and Experimental, 10 (5). pp. 423-431.

Smith, A.P, Borysiewicz, L, Pollock, J, Thomas, M, Perry, K and Llewlyn, M (1999) 'Acute fatigue in chronic fatigue syndrome.' Psychological Medicine, 29 (2). pp. 283-290.

Smith, A.P, Brockman, P, Flynn, R, Maben, A and Thomas, M (1993) 'An investigation of the effects of coffee on alertness and performance during the day and night.' Neuropsychobiology, 27 (4). pp. 217-233.

Smith, A.P, Harvey, I, Richmond, P, Peters, T.J, Thomas, M and Brockman, P (1994) 'Upper respiratory tract illnesses and accidents.' Occupational Medicine, 44 (3). pp. 141-144.

Smith, A.P and Thomas, M (2015) 'Chronic fatigue syndrome and increased susceptibility to upper respiratory tract infections and illnesses.' Fatigue: Biomedicine, Health & Behaviour, 3 (3). pp. 156-163.

Smith, A.P, Thomas, M, Borysiewicz, L and Llewelyn, M (1999) 'Chronic fatigue syndrome and susceptibility to upper respiratory tract illnesses.' British Journal of Health Psychology, 4 (4). pp. 327-335.

Smith, A.P, Thomas, M, Brockman, P, Kent, J and Nicholson, K.G (1993) 'Effect of influenza B virus on human performance.' British Medical Journal, 306. pp. 760-761.

Smith, A.P, Thomas, M, Perry, K and Whitney, H (1997) 'Caffeine and the common cold.' Journal of Psychopharmacology, 11 (4). pp. 319-324.

Smith, A.P, Whitney, H, Thomas, M, Brockman, P and Perry, K (1995) 'A comparison of the acute effects of a low dose of alcohol on mood and performance of healthy volunteers and subjects with upper respiratory tract illnesses.' Journal of Psychopharmacology, 9 (3). pp. 267-272.

Smith, A.P, Whitney, H, Thomas, M, Perry, K and Brockman, P (1997) 'Effects of caffeine and noise on mood, performance and cardiovascular functioning.' Human Psychopharmacology: Clinical and Experimental, 12 (1). pp. 27-33.


Thomas, M and Christopher, G (2015) The impact of social problem solving on reported symptomatology in chronic fatigue syndrome. In: The Inaugural International Convention of Psychological Science (ICPS), 12 - 14 March 2015, Beurs Van Berlage, Amsterdam, Netherlands.

Thomas, M, Christopher, G, Williams, N and Heirene, R (2015) 'Measuring fatigue and related symptoms in adults with Developmental Coordination Disorder (DCD).' Journal of Comorbidity, 5 (2). pp. 102-103.

Thomas, M, Evans, A, Snooks, H, Well, B, Turner, J and Wollard, M (2008) What are the highest priorities for research in prehospital care: the results of a review and consultation exercise. In: Health Services Research Network and National Institute for Health Research Service Delivery and Organisation (NIHR SDO) Programme Joint Annual Conference, 5 - 6 June 2008, Manchester University, Manchester, UK.

Thomas, M, Kirby, A and Edwards, L (2011) What are the reported Executive Functioning skills deficits in students with Specific Learning Difficulties compared to other students in higher education? In: SRHE Annual Research Conference: Positive Futures for Higher Education; Connections, Communities and Criticality, 7 - 9 December 2011, Celtic Manor Resort, Newport, Wales.

Thomas, M, Puntis, M, Jiang, W, Mathews, M and Hughes, L (1991) 'Effect of monocyte production of tumour necrosis factor in jaundice.' British Journal of Surgery, 78 (6). p. 759.

Thomas, M, Sadlier, M and Smith, A (2006) 'The effect of Multi Convergent Therapy on the psychopathology, mood and performance of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome patients: a preliminary study.' Counselling and Psychotherapy Research, 6 (2). pp. 91-99.

Thomas, M, Sadlier, M.J and Smith, A.P (2008) 'A multiconvergent approach to the rehabilitation of patients with chronic fatigue syndrome: a comparative study.' Physiotheraphy, 94 (1). pp. 35-42.

Thomas, M and Smith, A (2009) 'An investigation into the cognitive deficits associated with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.' The Open Neurology Journal, 3. pp. 13-23.

Thomas, M, Smith, A and Christopher, G (2011) Measuring recovery in chronic fatigue syndrome patients and assessing the impact of associated risk factors on positive outcome. In: British Psychological Society Annual Conference, 4 - 6 May 2011, Glasgow, UK.

Thomas, M and Smith, A.P (2006) 'An investigation of the long-term benefits of antidepressant medication in the recovery of patients with chronic fatigue syndrome.' Human Psychopharmacology: Clinical and Experimental, 21 (8). pp. 503-509.

Thomas, M, Smith, A.P and Sadlier, M (2002) Healthcare evaluation and assessment of patients with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. In: Fatigue Annual Meeting, 17 - 18 May 2002, National ME Centre for Fatigue Syndromes, London, UK.

Thomas, M, Smith, A.P and Sadlier, M (2007) An investigation into the efficacy of a multi convergent therapy to facilitate return to work in patients with CFS: a preliminary study. In: QUIC/AWARD Conference, 5 December 2007, Swansea Grand Theatre, Swansea, Wales.

Thomas, M, Smith, A.P and Sadlier, M (2008) A multi convergent therapy for the rehabilitation of patients with CFS: short-term and long-term outcomes. In: Chronic Illness Management Conference, 2008, Healthcare Conference Centre, Harrogate, UK.

Thomas, M, Williams, N and Kirby, A (2013) 'Working with DCD: Supporting adults with developmental coordination disorder (DCD) in the workplace.' Occupational Health at Work, 10 (1). pp. 33-35.


Walsh, J, Eccelston, C and Keogh, E (2014) Attentional bias to pain body postures using the bodies in the crowd task. In: International Association for the Study of Pain: 15th World Congress on Pain, 6 - 11 October 2014, La Rural Convention Center, Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Walsh, J, Eccelston, C and Keogh, E (2012) Sex differences in the recognition of nonverbal pain presented across modalities. In: British Pain Society Annual Scientific Meeting, 24 - 27 April 2012, BT Convention Centre, Liverpool, UK.

Walsh, J, Eccleston, C and Keogh, E (2013) Pain communication through body posture: the creation and validation of a stimulus set of affective body posture including pain. In: British Pain Society Annual Scientific Meeting, 16 - 19 April 2013, Bournemouth International Centre, Bournemouth, UK.

Walsh, J, Eccleston, C and Keogh, E (2014) Sex differences in pain recognition accuracy of pain-communicative body postures. In: International Association for the Study of Pain: 15th World Congress on Pain, 6 - 11 October 2014, La Rural Convention Center, Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Walsh, J, Eccleston, C and Keogh, E (2014) Sex differences in the decoding of pain in body posture. In: European Pain Forum, 2014, Maastricht, Netherlands.

Walsh, J, Keogh, E, Bartlett, J, Attridge, N and Eccleston, C (2016) Exploring attentional biases to body expressions of pain in men and women. In: The British Pain Society: 2016 Annual Scientific Meeting, 10 - 12 May 2016, Harrogate International Centre, Harrogate, UK.

Williams, N, Thomas, M and Kirby, A (2015) Investigating the association between rolandic epilepsy and Developmental Coordination Disorder. In: International Convention of Psychological Science (ICPS) 2015, 12 - 14 March 2015, Beurs Van Berlage, Amsterdam, Netherlands.

Williams, N, Thomas, M and Kirby, A (2015) 'The lived experiences of female adults seeking a diagnosis of Developmental Coordination Disorder.' The Dyspraxia Foundation Professional Journal, 13. pp. 21-31.

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