Cologne Cathedral as an international monument

Swenson, A (2015) 'Cologne Cathedral as an international monument.' In: Rüger, J and Wachsmann, N, eds. Rewriting German history: new perspectives on modern Germany. Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke, pp. 29-51. ISBN 9781137347787

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The paper examines international involvement in the completion of Germany’s most famous ‘national monument’. Long before Cologne Cathedral was listed as UNESCO World Heritage, it played an important part in the development of an international heritage consciousness. The paper sketches the multidirectional ways in which the cathedral was fashioned internationally. The first part examines how personal networks helped initiate the nineteenth-century completion; the second looks at international financial support and the place of the cathedral in cultural diplomacy and foreign heritage policies. The third analyses the broader reception by international audiences beyond the completion in the twentieth century. By understanding how historical culture in Germany developed transnationally, the paper suggests ways of overcoming the dominance of short-term and isolated perspectives in German history.

Item Type: Book Chapter or Section

Part of the 'New perspectives on modern Germany' series. Festschrift of original essays dedicated to Sir Richard J. Evans, to mark his retirement as Regius Professor of History at Cambridge University.

Divisions: School of Writing, Publishing and the Humanities
UoA: History
Date Deposited: 12 Oct 2017 15:55
Last Modified: 15 Aug 2021 09:47
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