Repository Policies

Metadata Policy

  1. Anyone may access the metadata free of charge.
  2. The metadata may be re-used in any medium without prior permission provided the Open Archives Initiative Identifier or a link to the original metadata record are given.

Data Policy

  1. Anyone may access full items free of charge.
  2. Single copies of full items can be reproduced for personal research or study, educational, or not-for-profit purposes without prior permission or charge provided:
    • the authors, title and full bibliographic details are given
    • a hyperlink and/or URL are given for the original metadata page
    • the content is not changed in any way.
  3. Full items must not be sold commercially in any format or medium without formal permission of the copyright holders.
  4. Full items must not be harvested by robots except transiently for full-text indexing or citation analysis.
  5. Some full items are individually tagged with different rights permissions and conditions.
  6. This repository is not the publisher; it is merely the online archive.
  7. Mention of ResearchSPAce is appreciated but not mandatory.

Content Policy

  1. This is an institutional repository.
  2. ResearchSPAce may include the following types of research outputs produced by university staff and PhD students:
    • Full text research outputs such as journal articles, books, conference papers and commissioned reports.
    • Non textual research outputs such as a digital representation of an image, artefact or composition, or recordings of performances.
    • Selected PhD and MPhil theses with the author’s agreement.
  3. The repository is not intended to provide access to non-scholarly outputs, teaching materials, datasets, software, patents or web material with no evidence of underpinning research.
  4. Items will normally be tagged with:
    • their version type and date.
    • their peer-review status.
    • their publication status.
  5. Principal Languages: English

Submission Policy

  1. Items may only be deposited by the University’s staff and PhD students, or repository staff acting on their behalf. Staff are also welcome to email with a copy of their research output for inclusion in the repository.
  2. Creators will be invited to agree to a Deposit Licence.
  3. Repository staff will review items for the eligibility of authors/depositors, relevance to the scope of ResearchSPAce, valid layout & format, and the exclusion of spam.
  4. The validity and authenticity of the content of submissions is the sole responsibility of the depositor.
  5. Any copyright violations are entirely the responsibility of the authors/depositors.
  6. Items can be deposited at any time, but will not be made publicly visible until any publisher's or funder's embargo period has expired.
  7. If ResearchSPAce receives proof of copyright violation the Notice and Takedown Policy will be invoked.

Preservation Policy

  1. Items will be retained indefinitely.
  2. ResearchSPAce will try to ensure continued readability and accessibility.
  3. ResearchSPAce regularly backs up its files according to current best practice.
  4. Items are not routinely removed from ResearchSPAce, for example, if any employee leaves Bath Spa University items will remain in the repository. Copies can be provided for an institutional repository at the new place of employment.
  5. Errata and corrigenda lists may be included with the original record if required.
  6. Changes to deposited items are not permitted, however, if necessary, an updated version may be deposited.
  7. In the event of ResearchSPAce being closed down, the database will be transferred to another appropriate archive.
  8. As stated above, items may not normally be removed from ResearchSPAce. However, acceptable reasons for withdrawal may include:
    1. Proven copyright violation or plagiarism
    2. Legal requirements and proven violations
    3. National Security
    4. Falsified research
    5. Journal publishers' rules
    6. Withdrawal of consent
    In these circumstances, please refer to the Notice and Takedown Policy for further guidance.

Notice and Takedown Policy

ResearchSPAce is the institutional repository at Bath Spa University. The University has made every reasonable effort to ensure that ResearchSPAce content complies with UK law. However, should you feel that certain content in some way infringes UK law or rights, Bath Spa University will, upon notification, review the status of the relevant material and remove it if the request is found to be valid.

Valid grounds for the removal of content from ResearchSPAce include:

If you believe you have legitimate grounds to request that an item is removed from ResearchSPAce, please notify the repository staff by email at In the email please include the following information:

The 'Notice and Takedown' procedure is then invoked as follows:

  1. If repository staff believe that your request has legitimate grounds, we will remove the item from public view.
  2. If you are not the contributor of the material, repository staff will attempt to contact the contributor and inform them that the item is subject to complaint and under what allegations. Repository staff will try to resolve the issue by mediating between you and the contributor.
  3. The University will endeavour to resolve the issue swiftly and amicably, with the following possible outcomes:
    • The material is reinstated in ResearchSPAce unchanged.
    • The material is reinstated in ResearchSPAce with changes.
    • The material is removed from public view.
    • The material and the metadata citation are permanently removed.

Deposit Licence

Why is a Deposit Licence required?

Bath Spa University supports the long-term preservation of, and free access to, research outputs produced by its staff. It does this through its institutional repository, ResearchSPAce, managed by the Library. To undertake this role, the University needs permission to store, copy and manipulate the material in order to ensure that it can be preserved and made available in the future. Information about your material (metadata) may also be shared with other University systems for the purposes of research management.

This deposit licence agreement is designed to give the University the right to make your research material publicly available, and to confirm that you, the depositor, have the right to submit the material to the repository.

By agreeing to this deposit licence, you will be granting permission to Bath Spa University (acting through ResearchSPAce) in respect of the particular material you wish to deposit, subject to and in accordance with the terms and conditions set out below. The Licence is non-exclusive, and therefore does not prevent you exercising any rights you might have to publish the material, in its present or future versions, elsewhere.

1. Covered Work

  1. 1.1. I, the Depositor, would like to deposit my Work in Bath Spa University’s Institutional Repository (ResearchSPAce).
  2. 1.2. The term “Work” used in this deposit licence agreement means the particular item(s) or material(s) which I chose to deposit in ResearchSPAce, including abstract, text, images, audio, video, and related data.

2. Depositor's declaration

I grant a non-exclusive licence to Bath Spa University (“the University”) to present the Work on ResearchSPAce, and I warrant that:

  1. 2.1. I am the sole author of, and sole owner of the copyright in, the whole Work (including content & layout), or am duly authorised by the author(s) and owner(s) (including any co-authors and co-owners) to make this agreement;
  2. 2.2. The Work is not and shall be in no way a violation or infringement of any copyright, trademark, patent, or other rights whatsoever of any third party, nor does it contain defamatory material or false or misleading research results;
  3. 2.3. If the Work has been commissioned, sponsored or supported by any organisation, I have fulfilled all of the obligations required by such contract(s) or agreement(s);
  4. 2.4. I have read and understand the copyright guidelines for authors depositing work in ResearchSPAce available from the FAQ’s section of the ResearchSPAce website.

3. Rights granted to the University

The University (acting through ResearchSPAce) may:

  1. 3.1. distribute copies of the Work (including the abstract) worldwide, in electronic format via any medium in perpetuity for the purpose of open access without charge (except for associated media costs);
  2. 3.2. electronically store, migrate, or copy the Work to ensure its future preservation and accessibility, unless and until notified by the Depositor that specific restrictions apply;
  3. 3.3. incorporate the Work’s metadata (descriptive data about the item) into public access catalogues and the University’s research management systems;
  4. 3.4. make PhD theses available via the British Library’s Electronic Theses Online Service (EThOS) and similar theses services.
  5. The above rights are subject to any restriction agreed with a third party which still exists on publication of the Work and which I have expressly notified to ResearchSPAce at the time of deposit.

Additionally, the University shall:

  1. 3.5. have the right to remove the Work from ResearchSPAce for professional or administrative reasons, or if it is found to violate the copyright or other legal rights of a third party;
  2. 3.6. not be under any obligation to take legal action on behalf of the Depositor or other rights holders in the event of breach of intellectual property rights or any other right in the material deposited;
  3. 3.7. not be under any obligation to reproduce, transmit, broadcast, or display the Work in the same format or software as that in which it was originally created.

4. Other Provision

  1. 4.1. While every care will be taken to preserve the physical integrity of the Work, the University shall incur no liability, either expressed or implicit, for the Work or for the loss of or damage to any of the Work or associated data.

Accessibility Statement

This accessibility statement applies to

Bath Spa University is committed to making its websites accessible, in accordance with the Public Sector Bodies (Websites and Mobile Applications) (No. 2) Accessibility Regulations 2018. The ResearchSPAce website is hosted and developed by Eprints for Bath Spa University and other subscribers.

How accessible is this website?

This website is partially compliant with the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines version 2.1 AA standard:-

  • most of the public website can be navigated using just a keyboard
  • descriptive headings are provided
  • there is a suitable difference between the background, font-weight, font-style, border, or text-decoration in computed style for the link and the surrounding text
  • most of the public website can be navigated using speech recognition software
  • most of the public website can be accessed with a screen reader
  • standard form-based pages are compliant, e.g. Simple Search, Advanced Search.

Some parts of this website are not fully accessible:-

  • some research outputs and previews of data may be inaccessible. Content in ResearchSPAce is created and uploaded by a large number of users (university staff and PhD students); as such, the level of accessibility may vary
  • there are parts of this website which are access-restricted for internal use only
  • some images may not have alternative text
  • some form fields may be missing labels.

Reporting accessibility problems with this website

We’re always looking to improve the accessibility of this website. See the Eprints accessibility roadmap at

If you find any problems not listed on this page, or need an alternative to content that isn’t accessible, please email

Enforcement procedure

The Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC) is responsible for enforcing the Public Sector Bodies (Websites and Mobile Applications) (No. 2) Accessibility Regulations 2018 (the ‘accessibility regulations’). If you’re not happy with how we respond to your complaint, contact the Equality Advisory and Support Service (EASS).

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