Engagement and willingness to pay for short form animation content online

Hobbs, J (2016) 'Engagement and willingness to pay for short form animation content online.' The International Journal of Design Management and Professional Practice, 10 (2). pp. 19-40.

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An understanding of engagement and value based on insight from the uses and gratifications framework shows that individual consumers have very different reasons for consuming the same media. As such each consumer will receive different meanings, consequences and levels of value from its consumption. Based on this perspective it is argued that different individuals will display a varied willingness to pay based on their level of engagement and value sought from consuming the content in question. Through the use of an online survey this study explores the differences between individuals who work or have a valued interest within animation (Insiders) and those who do not (Outsiders). The study focuses on respondents reasons and motives for consuming short form animation content to understand their level of engagement and subsequent willingness to pay. The results indicate that Insiders display a wider range of motives and gain greater value from the consumption of short form animation. Insiders also display a greater willingness to pay and willingness to pay more for such content. Therefore, results lend support to dynamic pricing models for creative works distributed online, which can capture the different levels of engagement and value perceptions of consumers. These dynamic pricing models may then go some way towards catering for both sides of what has previously been described as a "Fame vs. Fortune dilemma" and provide creators with a revenue stream that can aid future content production.

Item Type: Article
Divisions: Bath School of Design
Date Deposited: 15 Nov 2017 16:48
Last Modified: 06 Jan 2022 20:17
ISSN: 2325-162X
URI / Page ID: https://researchspace.bathspa.ac.uk/id/eprint/10246
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