Towards preparing young people for employment and further study: first evaluation of the City & Guilds TechBac

Emira, M and Rahman, Z (2017) 'Towards preparing young people for employment and further study: first evaluation of the City & Guilds TechBac.' Research in Post-Compulsory Education, 22 (1). pp. 49-67.

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Despite the United Kingdom government increasing efforts to tackle unemployment, young people face a number of barriers to be employed. As a leading awarding body, City & Guilds launched the TechBac in 2014 to address some of these barriers and provide learners with a balanced programme of vocational study. This article is based on the initial findings of the TechBac evaluation to assess its impact on learners. Using a mixed-method approach, the research involved qualitative interviews with learners, tutors and employers and a quantitative learner survey. It aimed to understand the experiences of learners doing, and tutors delivering, the TechBac; identify mediating and moderating factors in this process and suggest improvements. The findings indicated positive impact on learners’ knowledge, skills and their attitude to learning, which are demanded by employers. A few mediating (e.g. meeting stakeholders’ needs) and moderating (e.g. insufficient information about some elements of the TechBac) factors in the programme learning experience and delivery were identified. The article concludes with some recommendations to improve future provision of the TechBac.

Item Type: Article

vocational education, impact, City & Guilds TechBac, learner, barriers, youth employment

Divisions: School of Education
UoA: Education
Date Deposited: 19 Apr 2018 14:54
Last Modified: 15 Aug 2021 09:49
ISSN: 1359-6748
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