WRITING/PAINTING/READING/DRAWING: something not yet, and yet, still something

Dutton, S (2018) 'WRITING/PAINTING/READING/DRAWING: something not yet, and yet, still something.' Studies in Theatre and Performance, 38 (3). pp. 302-312.

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Official URL: https://doi.org/10.1080/14682761.2018.1507201


An artistic practice might suggest an act of work as the act of seeking (and finding) or summoning something, but what is the practice of the writing up of a practice, working in the present tense of making and doing, but nevertheless referring to something which has already taken place? Writing, documenting and reflecting in terms of artistic practice (or research) might, in some instances at least, be a stand off between the precision of utterance on the one hand and the noise of ‘speaking in tongues’ on the other, but is it possible these opposites hybridise, and if so what forms and affects might be generated? What might this mean for the document, which by its nature, seeks to graft a past and a present onto a future? Might there be a coming together of utterance and glossolalia in an active body of, or even in, writing? I here write around, and as, an artistic practice, which itself concerns the written text as some form of drawing/painting and vice versa, and in turn aims, in some way, to situate knowledge, or a form of knowledge, as generative and creative process in the making.

Item Type: Article
Keywords: glossolalia; utterance; doing; writing; drawing; painting; artistic research, making
Divisions: Bath School of Art, Film and Media
Date Deposited: 23 Jul 2018 16:31
Last Modified: 15 Aug 2021 09:50
ISSN: 1468-2761
URI / Page ID: https://researchspace.bathspa.ac.uk/id/eprint/11346
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