Implementing reasonable adjustments for disabled people in healthcare services

Heslop, P, Turner, S, Read, S, Tucker, J, Seaton, S and Evans, B (2019) 'Implementing reasonable adjustments for disabled people in healthcare services.' Nursing Standard. doi: 10.7748/ns.2019.e11172

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Disabled people are one of the groups in society with the greatest health needs, yet they experience some of the most significant barriers to accessing healthcare services. This article describes examples of how three healthcare services have met the Equality Act 2010 duty to make reasonable adjustments for disabled people, so that they are not disadvantaged in accessing these services. Each of these services identified disabled patients, and considered and recorded the specific reasonable adjustments that were required. In doing so, they took time to fully understand the needs of the individual from their perspective. The services collaborated and coordinated the provision of reasonably adjusted care by communicating effectively with other health and social care providers, working together as a team, and treating disabled people as individuals.

Item Type: Article

We can learn a lot from examples of what has worked well. Drawing on examples of good practice shared at research workshops, this paper shares how three services have met the Equality Act 2010 duty for health services to make reasonable adjustments so that disabled people are not disadvantaged in using those services.

Each of the services identified disabled patients and considered and recorded their need for reasonable adjustments and the specific adjustments required. In doing so, they took time to fully understand the needs of the disabled person from the person's own perspective as far as possible. They then collaborated and coordinated the provision of reasonably adjusted care by communicating well with other care providers, working together as a team, and treating people as individuals.

Keywords: accessible information, disability, diversity, equality, health inequalities, inclusion, learning disability, public health, reasonable adjustments
Divisions: School of Education
Research Centres and Groups: Centre for Research in Equity, Inclusion and Community (CREIC)
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Date Deposited: 04 Oct 2018 12:44
Last Modified: 15 Aug 2021 09:51
ISSN: 0029-6570
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