From learner-centred to learning-centred: becoming a ‘hybrid’ practitioner

Bremner, N (2019) 'From learner-centred to learning-centred: becoming a ‘hybrid’ practitioner.' International Journal of Educational Research, 97. pp. 53-64.

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This study examined the educational life histories of five Mexican EFL teachers, and specifically how “learner-centred” they felt their beliefs and practices were at different points in time. The methods used included semi-structured interviews and a written timeline activity. All five teachers began with mainly teacher-centred beliefs and practices, but eventually became more convinced by more learner-centred approaches. However, they struggled to fully put these beliefs into practice due to contextual constraints in their working contexts. This led them to adopt a “hybrid” combination of teacher- and learner-centred practices. The study casts further doubt on the notion of learner-centred education as a “best practice” of education, and stresses the need for contextually appropriate pedagogies to be promoted at policy level.

Item Type: Article
Keywords: learner-centred education, learning-centred education, second language learning, life history research, beliefs, teaching practices
Divisions: School of Education
Date Deposited: 22 Jul 2019 09:41
Last Modified: 15 Aug 2021 09:52
ISSN: 0883-0355
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