From 'Uncle Tom’s Cabin' to “Countering Colston”: slavery and memory in a transatlantic undergraduate research project

Reid-Maroney, N, Bell, A, Brooks, N, Otele, O and White, R (2019) 'From 'Uncle Tom’s Cabin' to “Countering Colston”: slavery and memory in a transatlantic undergraduate research project.' International Public History, 2 (1). 020190006.

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In 2016–17 and in 2018–19, undergraduate students and faculty at Huron University College in London, Canada, and at Bath Spa University in the UK collaborated on an innovative community-based research project: Phantoms of the Past: Slavery and Resistance, History and Memory in the Atlantic World. Our paper outlines the structure of the project, highlights student research, and argues that the Phantoms undergraduate student researchers helped to create an innovative and important body of work on transatlantic Public History and local commemorative practice.

Item Type: Article
Keywords: undergraduate research; slavery and abolition; sites of memory; Canada; transatlantic community-based research
Divisions: Bath School of Art, Film and Media
Research Centres and Groups: Arts for Social Change Research Group
Centre for Media Research
Date Deposited: 08 Aug 2019 11:05
Last Modified: 17 May 2022 15:09
ISSN: 2567-1111
URI / Page ID:
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