The reproduction of the gender regime: the military and education as state apparatuses constraining the military wife student

Macer, M and Chadderton, C (2021) 'The reproduction of the gender regime: the military and education as state apparatuses constraining the military wife student.' Gender and Education, 33 (3). pp. 337-354.

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This paper reports on the experiences and perspectives of military wives as students and potential students of Access to Higher Education Diplomas, a qualification for widening participation in HE for ‘non-traditional’ students in the UK – an under-researched topic. Contributing to both Marxist and feminist theory, we argue that the combined practices of the state apparatuses, the military and education system, constrain these women's access to, and progress in, HE, and that the patriarchal gender regime is reproduced through institutional structures and practices. The study found that military wives' own education plays a secondary role to their serving partners' military careers; that the military promotes their roles as wives and mothers above adult educational opportunities; and that despite the widening participation agenda, an inflexible HE system further blocks educational opportunities for this group.

Item Type: Article

This article was first published in May 2020 ahead of its inclusion in an issue. It was submitted as an output to REF 2021.

Keywords: military wives, gender regime, ideological state apparatuses, Higher Education, access courses
Divisions: School of Education
Research Centres and Groups: Centre for Research in Equity, Inclusion and Community (CREIC)
UoA: Education
Date Deposited: 21 Apr 2020 13:47
Last Modified: 18 Nov 2021 01:40
ISSN: 0954-0253
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