Irish ex-prisoner reflections on their psychological wellbeing whilst in prison in England and Wales

Gavin, P (2020) 'Irish ex-prisoner reflections on their psychological wellbeing whilst in prison in England and Wales.' Advancing Corrections Journal, 9 (1). pp. 101-118.

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Over the past 25 years the prison population of England and Wales has doubled and this has resulted in a significant proportion of the prisoner population suffering from mental ill-health. This paper considers the position of an under-researched group within the prison population in England and Wales, that of the Irish prisoner population. 37 semi-structured interviews were undertaken with recently released (within 2 years) Irish prisoners in England and Wales who were asked to reflect on their experiences of incarceration. It considers how themes of depression, paranoia and fear, and loneliness and isolation, all of which were identified as major factors within their experience of imprisonment in England and Wales, relate to the overall experience of incarceration.

Item Type: Article
Divisions: School of Sciences
Date Deposited: 06 May 2020 09:56
Last Modified: 15 Aug 2021 09:54
ISSN: 2517-9233
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