Online opera: an applied collision of opera and web creativity

Scott, L.T.D (2021) Online opera: an applied collision of opera and web creativity. PhD thesis, Bath Spa University. doi: 10.17870/bathspa.00014406

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This practice-based research explores the collision of opera and web creativity through the development and evaluation of a new 'online opera' called "The Village" (2015). Contrasting existing offerings that position the web as a means of disseminating more familiar representations of opera, "The Village" draws on concepts of participatory culture, digital storytelling and co-creativity to advance a culturally novel apprehension of online opera that treats the web as a unique creative space. This interpretation is intrinsically digital, unable to be realised through conventional forms of theatrical presentation, and transformative in its approach to the core elements of opera. "The Village" in additional serves as a vehicle to investigate how the phenomenon of 'liveness' - that is, a feeling of 'now-ness' experienced in live performance - may be reimagined in the context of an entirely mediated opera. A range of theoretical perspectives are drawn on to establish a set of liveness devices that attempt to evoke in visitors to "The Village" a sense of contemporaneity and shared experience. These include temporal alignment between virtual and real-world events and the facilitation of social interaction through a narrative mechanism called the 'Digital Chorus', amongst others. Evaluative activities critique the effectiveness of such devices, and offer means in which they may be modified to better construct 'the live'.

Item Type: Thesis (PhD)

The document attached to this record is the contextualising research section of the thesis. It does not include all files relating to the creative component. A complete set of files for the thesis is available in the University’s data repository at the link below.

Keywords: PhD by Practice, web creativity, computational art, digital storytelling, live performance, online performance, audience participation, digital opera, media opera
Divisions: Bath School of Design
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Date Deposited: 17 Nov 2021 13:29
Last Modified: 19 Feb 2024 18:35
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