Creating authentic and positive stories about personhood for people with profound and multiple learning disabilities: a call for reader expressions of interest

Read, S, Simmons, B and Parfitt, A (2023) 'Creating authentic and positive stories about personhood for people with profound and multiple learning disabilities: a call for reader expressions of interest.' PMLD Link, 35.1 (104). pp. 37-38.

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This paper introduces the controversial concept of ‘personhood’ as it relates to people with profound and multiple learning disabilities (PMLD). Traditional narratives of ‘PMLD’, combined with dominant accounts of what it means to be a person, can lead to people with PMLD being identified as ‘non-persons’. We are concerned that framing people with PMLD as non-persons contributes to the perpetuation of existing inequalities that this group experiences. We are interested in changing this narrative in ways that allow authentic and positive stories of personhood for people with PMLD to be generated and shared. In closing this paper, we introduce our new research in this field, and welcome readers to contact us if they are interested in getting involved.

Item Type: Article
Subjects: L Education > L Education (General)
Divisions: School of Education
Research Centres and Groups: Centre for Research in Equity, Inclusion and Community (CREIC)
Date Deposited: 18 May 2023 16:12
Last Modified: 19 May 2023 14:38
ISSN: 2042-5619
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