The autism worldview dilemma: to normalise or not to normalise, that is the question

Chown, N, Murphy, S.L and Suckle, E (2023) 'The autism worldview dilemma: to normalise or not to normalise, that is the question.' Good Autism Practice, 24 (2). pp. 5-12.

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This paper should be read by all who live and work with autistic children and adults. It serves to question the perspective we take and the potential outcomes. Three perspectives or paradigms are described – the medical model, radical behaviourism and the neurodivergent-affirmative model. Each derives from a different view of autism and so differ in their methods, with little common ground, termed by the authors as the ‘autism worldview dilemma.’ The authors argue that the most respectful and positive paradigm in terms of process and outcome is the neurodivergent perspective. This is gathering momentum as autistic communities and other neurodivergent groups take to social media and have greater visibility in research and the workplace. There is also now more effective and frequent consultation with autistic people on decisions which affect them.

Item Type: Article
Divisions: School of Education
Date Deposited: 19 Oct 2023 08:31
Last Modified: 22 Jan 2024 03:17
ISSN: 1466-2973
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