Diasporic Nepali online journalism: a study of professionalism and sustainability

Yogi, B and Karki, J (2022) 'Diasporic Nepali online journalism: a study of professionalism and sustainability.' In: Acharya, B.B and Sharma, S, eds. Global perspectives on journalism in Nepal: Nepalese news media in the twenty-first century. Routledge, Abingdon, pp. 58-70. ISBN 9780367687861

Official URL: https://www.taylorfrancis.com/chapters/edit/10.432...


This chapter reports findings of a study about professionalism and sustainability potentials of online media run by members of the diaspora Nepali community. Using a systematic study of the issue, it seeks to answer two main questions related to Nepali diaspora online media: what professional standards the portals of online media follow and how they ensure standards, and how the portals sustain financially and generate revenue. Deploying the case study methodology, this chapter examines the media portals outside Nepal, exploring various issues of the diasporic media in various countries that attempt to answer the above two questions. It was found that a majority of diaspora Nepali online journalists have to go a long way to achieve professional standards, such as following the code of ethics prepared by the Press Council Nepal and the Federation of Nepali Journalists, but the news portals across different countries were not within the jurisdiction of the codes developed for Nepali journalists. Sustainability is another major issue, as earnings of media owners of Nepali diaspora cannot afford professional journalists to maintain professionalism on news portals.

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Divisions: Bath Business School
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Last Modified: 26 Feb 2025 17:18
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