Supposing truth is a woman? A commentary

Sullivan, S (2011) 'Supposing truth is a woman? A commentary.' International Feminist Journal of Politics, 13 (2). pp. 231-237.

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In this commentary I engage with Coleman and Bassi’s significant intervention ‘Deconstructing Militant Manhood’. My intention is a further problematization of what they identify as the exclusionary orderings of powerful gendered and heteronormative scripts within left-political organizations that otherwise identify with a project of con- testing the inequities associated with patriarchal modernity. I draw on Nietzsche in considering the production and exclusion of societal ‘truths’, and the (im)possibilities of ‘speaking truth to power’, when what is empowered is so precisely through dismissal of difference. I affirm the significant political project of ‘becoming-other’, as a multiplicity of choices that do not collude with contemporary onto-epistemological order, at the same time as noting the seeming impasse of identity politics in shifting the juggernaut of broader disciplining structures.

Item Type: Article
Keywords: (anti-)globalization, Nietzsche, Other, patriarchy, subjectivity, truth
Divisions: School of Writing, Publishing and the Humanities
Date Deposited: 15 Jan 2014 12:15
Last Modified: 15 Jan 2024 16:16
ISSN: 1461-6742
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