Measuring sustainability along the food supply chain: further development of a tool for measuring environmental impact of a food business

Marshall, R (2014) Measuring sustainability along the food supply chain: further development of a tool for measuring environmental impact of a food business. In: 3rd International ISEKI Food Conference: Bridging Training and Research for Industry and the Wider Community, 21 - 23 May 2014, Athens, Greece.

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The sustainability of the food industry with respect to its environmental impact and use of resources is one of the key challenges it faces. Tools and systems are available to measure these but require specialist knowledge in order to apply them. A simple tool for measuring environmental impact was recently published (Salvá et al., 2013) that quantifies various aspects of a food business and gives an overview of its sustainability. This poster describes the further development of this tool so that the parameters can be measured in a more objective and systematic way, using principles from sensory science. The parameters were scaled by defining higher and lower anchors and intermediate points along otherwise-unstructured line scales. A number of food businesses were invited to complete the questionnaire. Scoring was done by marking the point along each scale at which the business believed it lay. By setting up the questionnaire in a spreadsheet, e.g. Excel, the results were produced rapidly, with minimum effort. Data were analysed by presenting the scores on a spider diagram. Differences between businesses were compared statistically in a separate analysis. The study demonstrated that the tool was easy to use and provided both industry, their suppliers and their customers with easily-interpretable results. The tool could be used for longer-term planning and for showing how a business was developing its sustainability.

Item Type: Conference or Workshop Item (Poster)
Divisions: School of Sciences
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Date Deposited: 26 Nov 2014 16:37
Last Modified: 15 Aug 2021 09:38
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