Open Quaternary: a new, open access journal for Quaternary research [editorial]

Herridge, V, Pilaar Birch, S and Law, M ORCID: 0000-0002-6127-5353 (2015) 'Open Quaternary: a new, open access journal for Quaternary research [editorial].' Open Quaternary, 1.

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For Quaternary research, open access to research outputs is of paramount importance. Our data and findings are well-known to provide a vital ‘bridge’ between deep time and the present. Palaeontological, biological, geological and archaeological data facilitate the usefulness of research at all timescales in order to address human-scale problems such as climate change, biodiversity loss and natural hazards. Furthermore, the high resolution of Quaternary datasets make them ideal for addressing these issues directly, elucidating the natural and cultural processes that continue to shape our world and enhancing our ability to predict and prepare for future change. The value of Quaternary research to other academics, policy makers and the lay public is clear, and open access publication removes barriers to our research outputs, facilitating dissemination, encouraging multidisciplinary use and enhancing impact (Wagner 2010). With the rise of the open access mega-journal, a specialist open access journal for the Quaternary provides a place where the field can build a strong and coherent research agenda, while also improving access to, and highlighting the value of, our research.

Item Type: Article
Subjects: G Geography. Anthropology. Recreation > GB Physical geography
G Geography. Anthropology. Recreation > GE Environmental Sciences
G Geography. Anthropology. Recreation > GN Anthropology
Q Science > QE Geology
Divisions: School of Sciences
Date Deposited: 19 Jun 2015 14:41
Last Modified: 30 Mar 2023 05:30
ISSN: 2055-298X
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