A world of Disney: building a transmedia storyworld for Mickey and his friends

Freeman, M (2017) 'A world of Disney: building a transmedia storyworld for Mickey and his friends.' In: Boni, M, ed. World building: transmedia, fans, industries. Amsterdam University Press, Amsterdam, pp. 93-108. ISBN 9789089647566

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This chapter will explore the building of transmedia storyworlds during the 1920s and 1930s. Incorporating some of the work on franchising and licensing, such as that done by Derek Johnson and Avi Santo (as well as my own work), I will outline some of the ways in which this period – against the backdrop of the rise of consumer culture in the US – led to the corporatisation of transmedia storytelling as an industrial practice. Specifically, using The Walt Disney Company as a case study, I will explore at the use of Disney characters (such as Mickey Mouse, Minnie, Mouse, Pluto, and Donald Duck, etc) as a storyworld across comic strips, cartoons, and merchandise, etc – outlining some of the key industrial practices of this period as well as the broader cultural influences of the 1920s and 1930s that altogether impacted upon the rise and popularisation of what we now see as transmedia storyworlds.

Item Type: Book Chapter or Section
Keywords: transmedia, storyworld, Disney, intertextuality, immersion
Divisions: Bath School of Art, Film and Media
Date Deposited: 22 Jul 2015 10:20
Last Modified: 05 Jan 2022 15:22
URI / Page ID: https://researchspace.bathspa.ac.uk/id/eprint/6290
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