Social media trails, mapping and mashing memories at the Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park

White, R (2016) 'Social media trails, mapping and mashing memories at the Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park.' Livingmaps Review, 1 (1).

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Report and artist's commentary on the Living Maps walkshop on the former London 2012 Olympic Park. Richard White and Toby Butler facilitated the walk which was one of three Living Maps walkshops in and around the Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park on May 17 2015. In the walkshop, Richard demonstrated his collaborative practice working with mobile media, mapping, memory and myth. The paper offers an account of this practice and a commentary on the experimental use of walking, socialmedia and smart device location services to reveal and map cultural heritage. The paper concludes with observations on the experience and lessons learned. It closes with comments about enabling participation and the potential for developing a heritage activity from an ephemeral to a longer lasting presence.

Item Type: Article

The full text of the article and others from this issue are also available to read at the URL above.

Keywords: walking; social media; heritage; Olympics; memory; London 2012
Divisions: Bath School of Art, Film and Media
Date Deposited: 22 Apr 2016 15:01
Last Modified: 06 Jan 2022 19:36
ISSN: 2398-0338
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