Re-interpreting 'The master builder': a response to J.S. Hurst

Wright, E.H (2010) 'Re-interpreting 'The master builder': a response to J.S. Hurst.' Forum for Modern Language Studies, 46 (3). pp. 297-309.

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This essay offers a twenty-first century response to an article written by J. S. Hurst that was published in the July 1968 issue of Forum for Modern Language Studies. Hurst's essay tenders an interpretation of Ibsen's arguably most difficult play, The Master Builder (Bygmester Solness), but, in light of subsequent criticism, it has been possible to reveal alternative vantage points and in many places original readings of the text that were overlooked by Hurst at that time. This polemical essay responds to some of the questions set up by Hurst in his article of 1968 by focusing on the critical debates that surround the play's central characters and its problematic ending, and concludes with a discussion of the classification of the play as a proto-symbolist drama.

Item Type: Article
Keywords: Ibsen Henrik, The Master Builder, Hurst J. S., drama, 1890s, realism, symbolism
Divisions: School of Writing, Publishing and the Humanities
Date Deposited: 30 Jan 2013 10:02
Last Modified: 11 Oct 2022 17:15
ISSN: 0015-8518
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