Interactive and participatory worlds

Freeman, M (2017) 'Interactive and participatory worlds.' In: Wolf, M. J. P, ed. The Routledge companion to imaginary worlds. Routledge, New York, pp. 198-206. ISBN 9781138638914

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This chapter explores some of the pertinent issues surrounding interactive and participatory worlds, both in and outside of the context of media convergence and participatory culture. Exploring the cultural, creative and interactive components of a range of participatory worlds, the chapter outlines the historical contexts by which audiences began to interact with imaginary worlds during the early part of the twentieth century, before examining the dynamics of participatory worlds in the age of digital convergence. Finally, the chapter offers new perspectives on participatory and interactive worlds by considering the underlying rationales that can underpin why audiences choose to participate in storyworlds across media.

Item Type: Book Chapter or Section
Divisions: Bath School of Art, Film and Media
Date Deposited: 06 Jan 2017 09:52
Last Modified: 05 Jan 2022 15:22
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