Socio-spatial authenticity at co-created music festivals

Szmigin, I, Bengry-Howell, A, Morey, Y, Griffin, C and Riley, S (2017) 'Socio-spatial authenticity at co-created music festivals.' Annals of Tourism Research, 63 (March). pp. 1-11.

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From the early days of hippie counter-culture, music festivals have been an important part of the British summer. Today they are commercialised offerings without the counter-cultural discourse of earlier times. Drawing on participant observation, interviews and focus groups conducted at a rock festival and a smaller boutique festival, the paper examines how their design, organisation and management are co-created with participants to produce authentic experiences. The paper contributes to research on authenticity in tourism by examining how authenticity emerges and is experienced in such co-created commercial settings. It presents the importance that the socio-spatial plays in authenticity experiences and how socio-spatial experience and engagement can also be recognised as a form of aura.

Item Type: Article
Keywords: Authenticity; Music festivals; Co-creation; Socio-spatial; Aura
Divisions: School of Sciences
Date Deposited: 09 Mar 2017 00:33
Last Modified: 15 Aug 2021 09:45
ISSN: 0160-7383
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