Entangled histories, part 2: releasing the de-generate body

Kampe, T (2017) 'Entangled histories, part 2: releasing the de-generate body.' Journal of Dance & Somatic Practices, 9 (1). pp. 75-93.

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Official URL: http://doi.org/10.1386/jdsp.9.1.75_1


This second part of writing on the research project Releasing the Archive, undertaken by Carol Brown and Thomas Kampe in collaboration with dancers of New Zealand Dance Company (NZDC), aims to discuss notions of contemporary somaticinformed re-transmission of the work of Gertrud Bodenwieser (Vienna 1890 – Sydney 1959) as acts of cultural repair. The article unpacks, through historical texts and dancers’ notebooks, how the diasporic work of Gertrud Bodenwieser, influenced by Modernist body-culture pioneer Bess Mensendieck (c. 1866–1957 ), aimed to construct a practice of somatic realism concerned with emancipatory perspectives on twentieth century western personhood. The author discusses proto-somatic and proto-feminist roots of Bodenwieser’s corporeal practices as critical processes, and reveals how Bodenwieser’s discovery-based pedagogies invite and foster dancers’ psycho-physical agency within collaborative modes of creation. The article critiques the application of The Feldenkrais Method as a contemporary somatic modality to support the revitalizing of a re-emerging ecstatic and eccentric highly dynamic bodycoding. It contextualizes Releasing the Archive as a trans-cultural and intergenerational articulation of coming to terms with the complexities of a nearly forgotten European exiled dance legacy.

Item Type: Article
Keywords: Ausdruckstanz; Bodenwieser; Feldenkrais Method; Körperkultur; Mensendieck; modern dance diaspora; bodyculture
Divisions: Bath School of Music and Performing Arts
UoA: Music & Performing Arts
Date Deposited: 25 Jul 2017 15:16
Last Modified: 15 Aug 2021 09:47
ISSN: 1757-1871
URI / Page ID: https://researchspace.bathspa.ac.uk/id/eprint/9804
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