Number of items: 111.
Allen, D
In: Hospitality, Bath Abbey, Bath, UK, 5 June - 21 July 2013.
Allen, D
Recent Work.
Howard Gardens Gallery, Cardiff, UK, 2013.
Ashton, D
Researching media education.
In: Media Education Research Journal (MERJ)/HEA Researchers' retreat, 17 May 2013, Birmingham City University, Birmingham, UK.
Ashton, D and Noonan, C
'Cultural work and higher education.'
Ashton, D and
Noonan, C, eds.
Cultural work and higher education.
Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke, pp. 1-21.
ISBN 9781137013934
Brown, A.R
'Suicide solutions? Or, how the emo class of 2008 were able to contest their media demonization, whereas the headbangers, burnouts or 'children of ZoSo' generation were not.'
Hjelm, T,
Kahn-Harris, K and
Levine, M, eds.
Heavy metal: controversies and countercultures.
Equinox, London.
ISBN 9781845539412
Brown, A.R, Dawes, L and Fellezs, K
Race with the devil: the racial politics of heavy metal music and fandom or, who gets to play with heavy metal, anyway?
In: Popular Culture Association of Canada (PCAC), 3rd Annual Conference, 9 - 11 May 2013, Calgary, Alberta, Canada.
Dalwood, D
Keynote address.
In: Contemporary Painting’s Relationship with Art History, 2013, Newcastle University, Newcastle, UK.
Dalwood, D
Solo exhibition.
Kunsthaus CentrePasquArt, Biel, Switzerland, 21 April - 16 June 2013.
ISBN 978869844268
Dunseath, J
Bored game.
In: The Imaginary App, Museum London, Ontario, Canada, 28 September - 20 October 2013.
Dutton, S and Curtin, B
Possession (1) [curators].
Bangkok Arts and Culture Centre, Bangkok, Thailand, 4 March - 26 May 2013.
ISBN 9783033037809
Farrar, R
From Bristol to Brooklyn: in search of soundmarks.
In: The Noises of Art: Audiovisual Practice in History, Theory and Culture. Aberystwyth University in collaboration with the Courtauld Institute of Art, 4 - 6 September 2013, Aberystwyth University, Aberystwyth, UK.
Feasey, R
'Tweens and tween fashion.'
Stange, M,
Oyster, C and
Sloan, J, eds.
The multimedia encyclopedia of women in today's world. 2nd ed.
ISBN 9781452270388
Harrison, K
Blanks in between.
In: London Design Festival, Paper Tiger, London, 14 - 22 September 2013.
Harrison, K
Lucie Rie vs grindcore [2012].
In: Sound Matters: Exploring Sound Through Forms, touring exhibition, 1 June 2013 - 24 May 2014.
ISBN 9781903713372
Harrison, K
Lucie Rie vs grindcore [2012].
In: Conversations with Lucie Rie, Art Gallery of Greater Victoria, Victoria, British Columbia, Canada, 17 October 2013 - 9 March 2014.
Lax, A
Agar & The Offering.
In: British Ceramic Biennial Award, The Potteries Museum and Art Gallery, Stoke-on-Trent, UK, 28 September - 10 November 2013.
Medjesi-Jones, A
'Mediated image.'
Journal of Visual Art Practice, 12 (1).
pp. 101-107.
Medjesi-Jones, A
Laurent Delaye Gallery, London, UK, 28 June - 27 July 2013.
Neudecker, M
Kunstmuseum, Trondheim, Norway, 16 February –15 September 2013.
Purves, P
In: Digital Researchers Seminar, April 2013, Bath Spa University, Bath, UK.
Shepley, A and Dutton, S
The Institute of Ruin.
In: Sensuous Knowledge 7, 23 - 25 January 2013, Kunsthgskolen/National Institute for the Arts, Bergen, Norway.
Snell, R and Neudecker, M
Between Two Tides.
Motorcade/FlashParade, Bristol, UK, 14 - 23 June 2013.
Taylor, A
Aerial (2013) and Preparations (2013).
In: Great and Small: An Exploration of the Way Artists Work on a Large Scale and in More Concentrated Formats, Peter Pinson Gallery, Waterloo, Australia, 28 May - 15 June 2013.
Taylor, A
The Jerwood Drawing Prize.
In: The Legacy of the Cleveland International Drawing Biennale, 27 June 2013, mima, Middlesbrough.
Taylor, A
The Drawing Room, Sydney, Australia, 4 August - 16 September 2012.
Taylor, A
The insistence of drawing.
In: The Insistence of Drawing: A Symposium, 11 July 2013, The School of Arts, University of Northampton.
Tooby, M
At the mad shepherdess.
In: Diffusion: Cardiff International Festival of Photography., Chapter, Cardiff, 12 - 19 May 2013.
Tooby, M
'Simplicity and subject.'
William Scott: simplicity and subject.
Bath & North East Somerset Council, Bath, pp. 14-23.
Turk, G
The Years.
Ben Brown Fine Arts, London, UK, 26 April - 14 June 2013.
Turk, G, Curtis, D, Collins, J and Sinclair, I
Gavin Turk.
Prestel, London.
ISBN 9783791348346
Tweed, C
I am the tantalum.
In: Geologies of Value and Vestige Symposium, 10 July 2013, Centre for Useless Splendour, Kingston University, UK.
Tweed, C
Re-writing the overcode.
In: Trans – what? Across and Beyond (Artistic) Research: Symposium, 28 July 2013, Supermarkt Creative Resource Centre, Berlin, Germany.
Tweed, C
i am algorithm.
Aspex Gallery, Portsmouth, UK, 26 April - 7 July 2013.
Wood, J and Harrison, P
Voorkamer Gallery, Lier, Belgium, 13 October - 17 November 2013.
Wood, J and Harrison, P
Work of Fiction.
Studio Trisorio, Naples, 19 April - 31 May 2013.
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