Items where Division is "School of Sciences" and Year is 2003

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Number of items: 32.


MacVean, A and Spindler, P, eds. (2003) Policing paedophiles on the Internet. New Police Bookshop, Bristol. ISBN 9781903639122

Barton, A (2003) Illicit drugs: use and control. Routledge, Abingdon. ISBN 9780415281720

Cardwell, M (2003) Complete A-Z psychology handbook. 3rd ed. Hodder & Stoughton, London. ISBN 9780340872697

Cardwell, M (2003) Schaum's A-Z psychology. McGraw-Hill Professional Publishing, Columbus, Ohio. ISBN 9780071419383

Cardwell, M and Flanagan, C (2003) A2 psychology AQA (A)unit 5: module 5 individual differences. Student Unit Guides . Philip Allan, Deddington, Oxon. ISBN 9780860036838

Book Chapter or Section

Johnson, R.M and Warburton, J (2003) 'Regional assessment of contemporary debris flow activity in Lake District mountain catchments, northern England: occurrence, scale, and process.' In: Rickenmann, D and Chen, C, eds. Debris flow hazards mitigation: mechanics, production and assessment. MillPress, Rotterdam, pp. 965-976. ISBN 907701778X

Jones, O (2003) 'Owain Jones on Chris Philo.' In: McKendrick, J, ed. First steps: a primer on the geographies of children and youth. Limited Life Working Party on Children, Young and Families of the Royal Geographical Society with the Institute of British Geographers, London, p. 8.

Jones, O (2003) ''The restraint of beasts': rurality, animality, Actor Network Theory and dwelling.' In: Cloke, P, ed. Country visions. Prentice Hall, Harlow, pp. 283-307. ISBN 9780130896018

Koh, A, Fish, P, Moore, R and Trivedi, D (2003) 'Coastal change analysis: a quantitative approach using digital maps, aerial photographs and LiDAR.' In: McInnes, R.G, ed. Proceedings of the International Conference on Coastal Management 2003. Thomas Telford, London, pp. 197-212. ISBN 0727732552


Barton, A and James, Z (2003) '"Run to the sun": policing contested perceptions of risk.' Policing and Society, 13 (3). pp. 259-270.

Cloke, P and Jones, O (2003) 'Grounding ethical mindfulness for/in nature: trees in their places.' Ethics, Place and Environment, 6 (3). pp. 195-213.

Haslett, S.K, Cundy, A.B, Davies, C.F.C, Powell, E.S and Croudace, I.W (2003) 'Salt marsh sedimentation over the past c. 120 years along the west Cotentin coast of Normandy (France): relationship to sea-level rise and sediment supply.' Journal of Coastal Research, 19 (3). pp. 609-620.

Haysom, I and Sharp, K (2003) 'The survival and recovery of bacteria in vacuum cleaner dust.' Perspectives in Public Health, 123 (1). pp. 39-45.

Jeffers, J.M (2003) 'Dead or alive?: the fate of natural law in Irish constitutional jurisprudence.' Galway Student Law Review, 2. pp. 2-16.

Johnson, R.M, Warburton, J and Evans, M (2003) 'Discussion on 'the extent of soil erosion in upland England and Wales'.' Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 28 (2). pp. 219-223.

Jones, O, Williams, M and Fleuriot, C (2003) ''A new sense of place?' Mobile 'wearable' information and communications technology devices and the geographies of urban childhood.' Children's Geographies, 1 (2). pp. 165-180.

Kjennerud, T and Gillmore, G (2003) 'Integrated Palaeogene palaeobathymetry of the northern North Sea.' Petroleum Geoscience, 9 (2). pp. 125-132.

Lee, A, Barnes, J, Harris, J, Boubert, L and David, A (2003) 'Reality monitoring and visual hallucinations in Parkinson's disease.' Neuropsychologia, 41 (5). pp. 565-574.

Lee, A, Harris, J, Atkinson, E, Nithi, K and Fowler, M (2003) 'Hemispace differences in the visual perception of size in left hemi-Parkinson’s disease.' Neuropsychologia, 41 (7). pp. 795-807.

MacVean, A (2003) 'Web of deceit.' Police Review, 101 (5740).

McGuire-Snieckus, R, McCabe, R and Priebe, S (2003) 'Patient, client or service user? A survey of patient preferences of dress and address of six mental health professions.' Psychiatric Bulletin, 27 (8). pp. 305-308.

Morgan, C (2003) 'The figurational imagination and international relations.' Figurations: Newsletter of the Norbert Elias Foundation (20). pp. 3-6.

Smart, A (2003) 'Reporting the dawn of the post-genomic era: who wants to live forever?' Sociology of Health and Illness, 25 (1). pp. 24-49.

Conference or Workshop Item

Edwards-Evans, C (2003) Arendt and Foucault’s critiques of sovereignty. In: Annual Conference of the Centre for Social and Political Thought, September 2003, University of Sussex, Brighton, UK.

Jones, O (2003) ‘A new sense of place?’ Children, wearables and urban space. In: Mobile Bristol: Wearables Computing Devices seminar, 2003, Hewlett Packard, Bristol, UK.

Jones, O (2003) 'A new sense of place?’ Mobile technologies and the geographies of urban childhood. In: The Association of American Geographers Annual Conference, 2003, New Orleans.

Jones, O and Cloke, P (2003) The square and the cemetery: trees, place and agency in the city. In: The Association of American Geographers Annual Conference, 2003, New Orleans.

Jones, O, Williams, M and Fleuriot, C (2003) Wearable computing and the geographies of urban childhood: working with children to explore the potential of new technology. In: Small Users – Big Ideas: Interaction Design and Childhood, 2003, University of Central Lancashire, Preston, UK.

Watson, D (2003) Creating species-rich grassland on a clay landfill cap. In: 23rd Annual Meeting and AGM of the British Ecological Society, 9 - 11 September 2003, Manchester Metropolitan University.

Winlow, H (2003) Ethnicity, migration and Irish national identity. In: Conference of Irish Geographers, 2 - 4 May 2003, Trinity College Dublin.

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