Number of items: 63.
Denman, A.R, Crockett, R.G.M, Groves-Kirkby, C.J, Phillips, P.S, Gillmore, G and Woolridge, A.C
'The value of Seasonal Correction Factors in assessing the health risk from domestic radon - a case study in Northamptonshire, UK.'
Environment International, 33 (1).
pp. 34-44.
Dunn, R.M, Hopkins, A, Buller, H, Jones, O, Morris, C, Wood, J.D, Whittington, F.M and Kirwan, J
'Can biological diversity act as an input into sustainable rural development? A case-study using salt marsh-raised lamb.'
Hopkins, J.J, ed.
High value grasslands: providing biodiversity a clean environment and premium products.
British Grassland Society, Cirencester, pp. 158-166.
ISBN 9780905944364
El-Rishi, H, Hunt, C, Gilbertson, D, Grattan, J, McLaren, S, Pyatt, B, Duller, G, Gillmore, G and Phillips, P
'The past and present landscapes of the Wadi Faynan: geoarchaeological approaches and frameworks.'
Barker, G,
Gilbertson, D.D and
Mattingly, D, eds.
Archaeology and desertification: the Wadi Faynan Landscape Survey, southern Jordan.
Levant Supplementary Series, Vol 6
Council for British Research in the Levant, London, pp. 59-96.
ISBN 9781842172865
Etchells, P.J, Benton, C, Porter, G, Clark, A, Penton-Voak, I and Nikolov, S
'Turning the other cheek: the viewpoint dependence of facial expression after-effects.'
Proceedings B, 274 (1622).
pp. 2131-2137.
Fazeli, H, Coningham, R.A.E, Young, R.L, Gillmore, G, Maghsoudi, M and Raza, H
'Socio-economic transformations in the Tehran Plain: final season of settlement survey and excavations at Tepe Pardis.'
Iran - Journal Of The British Institute Of Persian Studies, 45 (1).
pp. 267-286.
Gillmore, G, Coningham, R.A.E, Young, R, Fazeli, H, Rushworth, G, Donahue, R and Batt, C.M
'Holocene alluvial sediments of the Tehran Plain: sedimentation and archaeological site visibility.'
Wilson, L,
Dickinson, P and
Jeandron, J, eds.
Reconstructing Human-Landscape Interactions.
Cambridge Scholars, Newcastle upon Tyne, pp. 37-67.
ISBN 9781847181886
Grieve, J, Harfield, C and MacVean, A
SAGE course companions : knowledge and skills for success
SAGE, Los Angeles ; London.
ISBN 9781412935425
Jones, O
Oakes, T and
Price, P.L, eds.
The cultural geography reader.
Routledge, London, pp. 232-240.
ISBN 9780415418737
Jones, O, Buller, H, Morris, C, Kirwan, J, Wood, J, Whittingham, F, Hopkins, A and Dunn, R
Tasty science: interdisciplinarity within and beyond geography.
In: RGS-IBG Annual Conference, 29 - 31 August 2007, London.
Kerr, J.R, Christian, P, Hodgetts, A, Langford, P.R, Devanur, L.D, Petty, R, Burke, B, Sinclair, L.I, Richards, S.C.M, Montgomery, J, McDermott, C.R, Harrison, T.J, Kellam, P, Nutt, D.J, Holgate, S.T and Thomas, M
'Current research priorities in chronic fatigue syndrome/myalgic encephalomyelitis: disease mechanisms, a diagnostic test and specific treatments.'
Journal of Clinical Pathology, 60 (2).
pp. 113-116.
Sherwood, C.C, Raghanti, M.A, Stimpson, C.D, Bonar, C.J, de Sousa, A.A
ORCID: 0000-0003-2379-3894, Preuss, T.M and Hof, P.R
'Scaling of inhibitory interneurons in areas V1 and V2 of anthropoid primates as revealed by calcium-binding protein immunohistochemistry.'
Brain, Behavior and Evolution, 69 (3).
pp. 176-195.
Skellern, A
Mapping the 1607 flood.
In: The 1607 flood in the Bristol Channel and Severn Estuary: storm or tsunami?, 27 January 2007, University of Wales.
Smart, A, Ellison, G, Tutton, R, Outram, S, Ashcroft, R and Martin, P
'Racial categories in medicine: a failure of evidence-based practice?'
PLoS Medicine, 4 (9).
pp. 1434-1436.
Smart, A, Martin, P, Ashcroft, R, Ellison, G and Tutton, R
Reviving "racial medicine"?: the use of race/ethnicity in genetics and biomedical research, and the implications for science and healthcare.
St. George's Hospital, Faculty of Health and Social Care Sciences, London.
ISBN 9780954989071
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