Items where Division is "School of Sciences" and Year is 2008

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Number of items: 76.


Barton, A (2008) 'New Labour's management, audit and `what works' approach to controlling the `untrustworthy' professions.' Public Policy and Administration, 23 (3). pp. 263-277.

Barton, A (2008) 'The media and illicit drug use: fairy tales for the early 21st century?' In: D'Artrey, M, ed. Con_xts?: media, representation and society. Chester Academic Press, Chester. ISBN 9781908258755

Barton, A and Squire, G (2008) Screening and brief intervention in the Charles Cross Custody Suite – final report. University of Plymouth.

Buckley, K (2008) 'Gender and the media' (2007) by Rosalind Gill [book review]. Gender and Education, 20 (3). pp. 294-295.

Bystrom, L.M, Lewis, B.A, Brown, D.L, Rodriguez, E and Obendorf, R.L (2008) 'Characterisation of phenolics by LC–UV/Vis, LC–MS/MS and sugars by GC in Melicoccus bijugatus Jacq. ‘Montgomery’ fruits.' Food Chemistry, 111 (4). pp. 1017-1024.


Caulfield, L.S, Darker, I and Ward, H (2008) 'An analysis of offending in young people looked after by local authorities.' Youth Justice, 8 (2). pp. 134-148.

Caulfield, L.S, Wilson, D and Atherton, S (2008) Promoting positive change: assessing the long-term psychological, emotional and behavioural effects of the Good Vibrations gamelan in prisons project. Centre for Criminal Justice Policy and Research, Birmingham City University.

Chaffey, N (2008) Handbook of plant science [book review]. Annals of Botany, 101 (4). pp. 613-614.

Chaffey, N (2008) Physiology and behaviour of plants [book review]. Annals of Botany, 102 (1). pp. 141-142.

Chaffey, N (2008) Plant anatomy: an applied approach [book review]. Annals of Botany, 102 (3). pp. 481-482.

Chaffey, N (2008) 'Traditional laboratory projects using tried and tested methodology create room for experimentation.' In: Student research projects: guidance on practice in the biosciences. Centre for Bioscience, Leeds, pp. 38-40. ISBN 9780954875138


De Sequeira, A (2008) New food product development – from development to factory to plate. In: 14th World Congress of Food Science and Technology – Food for Health and Wellbeing – Where Tradition Meets the Future, 19 - 23 October 2008, Shanghai, China.

Devadason, R (2008) 'To plan or not to plan? Young adult future orientations in two European cities.' Sociology, 42 (6). pp. 1127-1145.

Devadason, R and Bradley, H (2008) 'Fractured transitions: young adults' pathways into contemporary labour markets.' Sociology, 42 (1). pp. 119-136.


Eccleston, C, Wastell, S, Crombez, G and Jordan, A (2008) 'Adolescent social development and chronic pain.' European Journal of Pain, 12 (6). pp. 765-774.

Etchells, P.J, Benton, C, Ludwig, C and Gilchrist, I (2008) 'Hitting a moving target: interaction between 'when' and 'where' in saccade programming.' Perception, 37. p. 132.


Grimshaw, R, Malek, M, Oldfield, M, Smith, R, Davies, Z, Downes, C, Gavin, P and Smith, A (2008) Young people who sexually abuse. Centre for Crime and Justice Studies.


Haslett, S.K (2008) Coastal systems. 2nd ed. Routledge, Abingdon. ISBN 9780415440608

Haslett, S.K and Bryant, E.A (2008) 'Historic tsunami in Britain since AD 1000: a review.' Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, 8 (3). pp. 587-601.



Jabarrivasal, N and Gillmore, G (2008) 'The study of radon levels and absorbed dose in the staff and visitors of Alisadr Cave.' International Journal of Low Radiation, 5 (2). pp. 91-97.

Jeffers, J.M (2008) 'The representative and impartial jury in the criminal trial:an achievable reality in Ireland today?' Irish Criminal Law Journal, 18 (2). pp. 34-41.

Johns, N, Barton, A and May, H (2008) Strategic services review of services provided to BME offenders in the South West. Ministry of Justice.

Johnson, R.M, Warburton, J and Milledge, D (2008) 'Assessment of shallow landslide activity following the January 2005 storm, North Cumbria.' Proceedings of the Cumberland Geological Society, 7 (3). pp. 263-284.

Johnson, R.M, Warburton, J and Mills, A (2008) 'Hillslope–channel sediment transfer in a slope failure event: Wet Swine Gill, Lake District, northern England.' Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 33 (3). pp. 394-413.

Jones, O (2008) "Another place": affective time-spaces of tidal processes as rendered in art and literature. In: RGS-IBG Annual Conference, 27-29 August 2008, London.

Jones, O (2008) 'Approaching the otherness of childhood: methodological considerations.' In: van Blerk, L and Kesby, M, eds. Doing children's geographies: methodological issues in research with young people. Routledge, London, pp. 195-212. ISBN 9780415448208

Jones, O (2008) Emptiness and presence in photographed and (un)remembered landscapes of the Severn Estuary. In: Performativity and Emptiness Symposium, 7 June 2008, Avonmouth, UK.

Jones, O (2008) 'Of trees and trails: place in a globalised world.' In: C, N, Massey, D.B and Sarre, P, eds. Material geographies: a world in the making. Sage, London, pp. 214-264. ISBN 9781847874696

Jones, O (2008) Opening space: walking the common. In: 12th Biennial Conference of the International Association for the Study of Commons, 14-18 July 2008, University of Gloucestershire, Cheltenham, UK.

Jones, O (2008) Participatory research methods and rural studies. In: RGS-IBG Annual Conference, 27-29 August 2008, London.

Jones, O (2008) Severn Beach: margins and registers. In: Avonmouth/Severn Beach Littoral Weekend Workshop, 25-27 January 2008, Avonmouth, UK.

Jones, O (2008) Slicing open the parturiency of emptiness. In: Performativities of Emptiness: Littoral Symposium, 17 March 2008, Avonmouth, UK.

Jones, O (2008) Walking tidal time-spaces of the Bristol Channel shore: vido and autoethnographies of memoried place. In: Peripatetic Practices: Workshop on Walking, 31 March 2008, Royal Holloway, London.

Jones, O and Cloke, P (2008) 'Non-human agencies: trees in place and time.' In: Knappett, C and Malafouris, L, eds. Material agency: towards a non-anthropocentric approach. Springer, Guildford, pp. 79-96. ISBN 9780387747101

Jordan, A and Eccleston, C (2008) 'A review of the current status of measurement of the impact of adolescent chronic pain.' The Journal of Pain, 9 (4,2).

Jordan, A, Eccleston, C and Crombez, G (2008) 'Parental functioning in the context of adolescent chronic pain: a review of previously used measures.' Journal of Pediatric Psychology, 33 (6). pp. 640-659.


Kinloch, J.M (2008) The formation of equivalence relations: paired stimulus and matching-to-sample procedures. In: 4th Conference of the European Association for Behaviour Analysis, 9-12 September 2008, Madrid, Spain.

Kinloch, J.M, Foster, T.M and McEwan, J (2008) Extinction-induced variability in human behaviour: possible effects of reinforcement history. In: The Society for the Quantitative Analyses of Behaviour, 31st Annual Conference, 22-24 May 2008, Chicago, USA.

Kinloch, J.M, Foster, T.M and McEwan, J (2008) A comparison of paired-stimulus (respondent) and matching-to-sample procedures in the formation of derived equivalence relations. In: The Association for Behaviour Analysis International, 34th Annual Convention, 23-27 May 2008, Chicago, USA.


Laurier, E, Lorimer, H, Brown, B, Jones, O, Juhlin, O, Noble, A, Perry, M, Pica, D, Sormani, P, Strebel, I, Swan, L, Taylor, A.S, Watts, L and Weilenmann, A (2008) 'Driving and 'passengering': notes on the ordinary organization of car travel.' Mobilities, 3 (1). pp. 1-23.

Lee, A (2008) Distortions of upper visual space in Parkinson's disease. In: 6th International Congress on Mental Dysfunctions and other Non-Motor Features in Parkinson's Disease and Related Disorders, 16-19 October 2008, Dresden, Germany.

Lee, A, Robertson, D, Greenhouse, P and Sampson, W (2008) 'Body position sense in Parkinson.' Parkinsonism and Related Disorders, 14. S31.

Lee, A, Robertson, D, Greenhouse, P and Sampson, W (2008) Body position sense in Parkinson's disease. In: 2nd International Congress on Gait & Mental Function, 1-3 February 2008, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.


MacVean, A (2008) 'Introduction to Part IV: the future of intelligence.' In: Harfield, C, MacVean, A, Grieve, J.G.D and Phillips, D, eds. The handbook of intelligent policing: consilience, crime control, and community safety. Oxford University Press, Oxford, pp. 207-210. ISBN 9780199533138

MacVean, A (2008) 'The governance of intelligence.' In: Harfield, C, MacVean, A, Grieve, J.G.D and Phillips, D, eds. The handbook of intelligent policing: consilience, crime control, and community safety. Oxford University Press, Oxford, pp. 63-74. ISBN 9780199533138

MacVean, A and Harfield, C (2008) 'Science or sophistry: issues in managing analysts and their products.' In: Harfield, C, MacVean, A, Grieve, J.G.D and Phillips, D, eds. The handbook of intelligent policing: consilience, crime control, and community safety. Oxford University Press, Oxford, pp. 93-104. ISBN 9780199533138

Markopoulos, G, Wimber, M, Bäuml, K, Bergström, Z, Heinze, H and Richardson-Klavehn, A (2008) 'Neural markers of inhibition in human memory retrieval.' The Journal of Neuroscience, 28 (50). pp. 13419-13427.

McKechnie, R (2008) 'Unruly narratives: discovering the active self.' In: Robinson, D, ed. Narrative, memory and identities. University of Huddersfield, Huddersfield. ISBN 9781862180734

McKechnie, R and Körner, B (2008) Carrying the flame forward: tracing the inter- and intragenerational Legacies of '68 through the routes of activist life stories. In: 1968: Impact and Implications BSA Theory Study Group Conference, 3 - 4 July 2008, Birkbeck Institute for Social Research, London.

Mears, R (2008) 'The social context of health and illness.' In: Brotherton, G and Parker, S, eds. Your foundation in health and social care : a guide for foundation degree studies. SAGE, London. ISBN 9781412920391


Paterson, C and MacVean, A (2008) 'Defining deviant lifestyles: understanding anti-social behaviour and problem drug use through critical methodologies.' In: Hogard, E, Ellis, R and Warren, J, eds. Community safety: innovation and evaluation. Chester Academic Press, Chester, pp. 260-284. ISBN 9781905929269

Perfect, T.J, Weston, N.J, Dennis, I and Snell, A (2008) 'The effects of precedence on Navon-induced processing bias in face recognition.' Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 61 (10). pp. 1479-1486.

Perfect, T.J, Weston, N.J, Schooler, J and Dennis, I (2008) 'Navon processing and verbalisation: a holistic/featural distinction.' European Journal of Cognitive Psychology, 20 (3). pp. 587-611.


Simm, D ORCID: 0000-0002-0440-9546 (2008) Charlton, R. 2008: Fundamentals of fluvial geomorphology [book review]. Progress in Physical Geography, 32 (3). pp. 347-349.

Simm, D ORCID: 0000-0002-0440-9546 (2008) 'Supporting independent fieldwork in developing countries.' In: Maskall, J and Stokes, A, eds. Designing effective fieldwork for the environmental and natural sciences. GEES Subject Centre learning and teaching guide . Higher Education Academy Subject Centre for Geography, Earth and Environmental Sciences, Plymouth. ISBN 9781841022017

Smart, A, Ellison, G, Tutton, R, Outram, S and Martin, P (2008) 'An interdisciplinary perspective on the impact of genomics on the meaning of 'race', and the future role of racial categories in biomedical research.' NTM. Journal of the History of Science, Technology and Medicine, 16 (3). pp. 378-386.

Smart, A, Tutton, R, Ashcroft, R, Martin, P, Balmer, A, Elliot, R and Ellison, G (2008) 'Social inclusivity vs analytical acuity? A qualitative study of UK researchers regarding the inclusion of minority ethnic groups in biobanks.' Medical Law International, 9 (2). pp. 169-190.

Smart, A, Tutton, R, Martin, P, Ashcroft, R and Ellison, G (2008) 'Genotyping the future: scientists' expectations about race/ ethnicity after BiDil.' Journal of Law, Medicine & Ethics, 36 (3). pp. 464-470.

Smart, A, Tutton, R, Martin, P, Ellison, G and Ashcroft, R (2008) 'The standardization of race and ethnicity in biomedical science editorials and UK biobanks.' Social Studies of Science, 38 (3). pp. 407-423.


Thomas, M, Evans, A, Snooks, H, Well, B, Turner, J and Wollard, M (2008) What are the highest priorities for research in prehospital care: the results of a review and consultation exercise. In: Health Services Research Network and National Institute for Health Research Service Delivery and Organisation (NIHR SDO) Programme Joint Annual Conference, 5 - 6 June 2008, Manchester University, Manchester, UK.

Thomas, M, Sadlier, M.J and Smith, A.P (2008) 'A multiconvergent approach to the rehabilitation of patients with chronic fatigue syndrome: a comparative study.' Physiotheraphy, 94 (1). pp. 35-42.

Thomas, M, Smith, A.P and Sadlier, M (2008) A multi convergent therapy for the rehabilitation of patients with CFS: short-term and long-term outcomes. In: Chronic Illness Management Conference, 2008, Healthcare Conference Centre, Harrogate, UK.

Thomas, M, Snooks, H, Evans, A, Gaze, S and Thomson, C (2008) Involving people in an emergency and un-scheduled care research network: the challenges and successes to date. In: INVOLVE 6th National Conference: Public Involvement in Research - Getting it Right and Making a Difference, 11 - 12 November 2008, East Midlands Conference Centre, Nottingham, UK.

Thomas, M, Stewart-Brown, S, Snooks, H and Simkiss, D (2008) Using mixed methods to evaluate a complex public health family intervention in a community based setting: study design. In: AWARD Conference, 2008, Swansea Grand Theatre, Swansea, Wales.


Vitale, A, Barnes-Holmes, Y, Barnes-Holmes, D and Campbell, C (2008) 'Facilitating responding in accordance with the relational frame of comparison: systematic empirical analyses.' The Psychological Record, 58 (3). pp. 365-390.

Vitale, A and Cullinan, V (2008) 'The contribution of relational frame theory to the development of interventions for impairments of language and cognition.' Journal of Speech-Language Pathology and Applied Behaviour Analysis (SLP-ABA), 2-3 (4-1). pp. 122-135.


Wadeley, A (2008) 'A little Chanticleer.' Psychology Review, 14 (3). p. 34.

Winlow, H (2008) The anthropology of morality in Melanesia and beyond, Barker J. ed. [book review]. Island Studies Journal, 3 (2). pp. 255-257.

Woiwode, C (2008) Communicating urban risks in India: a study of two low-income settlements and the administrative realities in Ahmedabad. Entwicklungsethnologie Jg. 16, H. 1 . Verlag für Entwicklungspolitik, Saarbrücken. ISBN 9783921876305

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