Items where Division is "School of Sciences" and Year is 2009

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Number of items: 71.


Barton, A and Johns, N, eds. (2009) Evaluating the political achievement of New Labour since 1997: social policy and the public trust. The Edwin Mellen Press, Lewiston, NY. ISBN 9780773446953

Cardwell, M, Clark, L, Meldrum, C and Wadeley, A (2009) Psychology for A2 level for AQA A. 4th ed. Collins Educational, London. ISBN 9780007255047

Smith, G.M, Zuur, A, Ieno, E. N and Saveliev, A. A (2009) Mixed effects models and extensions in ecology with R. Statistics for Biology and Health . Springer. ISBN 9780387874579

Book Chapter or Section

Barton, A (2009) 'Controlling practice: New Labour’s management, audit and ‘what works’ approach to controlling the ‘untrustworthy’ professions.' In: Barton, A and Johns, N, eds. Evaluating the political achievement of New Labour since 1997: social policy and the public trust. The Edwin Mellen Press, Lewiston, N.Y. ISBN 9780773446953

Barton, A and Johns, N (2009) 'Evaluating New Labour’s social and public policy within the conceptual framework of trust.' In: Barton, A and Johns, N, eds. Evaluating the political achievement of New Labour since 1997: social policy and the public trust. The Edwin Mellen Press, Lewiston, N.Y. ISBN 9780773446953

Ingram, G, Piazza, J and Bering, J (2009) 'The adaptive problem of absent third-party punishment.' In: Høgh-Olesen, H, Tønnesvang, J and Bertelsen, P, eds. Human characteristics: evolutionary perspectives on human mind and kind. Cambridge Scholars, Newcastle, pp. 205-229. ISBN 9781443802130

Jones, O (2009) 'After nature: entangled worlds.' In: Castree, N, Demeritt, D, Liverman, D and Rhoads, B, eds. A companion to environmental geography. Wiley-Blackwell, Oxford, pp. 294-312. ISBN 9781405156226

Jones, O (2009) 'Dwelling.' In: Thrift, N and Kitchin, R, eds. International encyclopedia of human geography. Elsevier, London, pp. 266-272. ISBN 9780080449111

Jones, O (2009) 'Nature-culture.' In: Thrift, N and Kitchin, R, eds. International encyclopaedia of human geography. Elsevier, London, pp. 309-323. ISBN 9780080449111

MacVean, A (2009) 'Critical incidents.' In: Harfield, C, ed. Blackstone's police operational handbook: practice and procedure. Oxford University Press, Oxford, pp. 743-750. ISBN 9780199561018

MacVean, A (2009) 'Policing critical incidents.' In: Harfield, C, ed. Blackstone's operational handbook: practice and procedure. Oxford University Press, Oxford, pp. 743-750. ISBN 9780199561018

Markopoulos, G, Richardson-Klavehn, A, Bergström, Z, Magno, E, Sweeney-Reed, C and Wimber, M (2009) 'On the intimate relationship between neurobiology and function in the theoretical analysis of human learning and memory.' In: Neuroimaging of Human Memory: Linking cognitive process to neural systems. Oxford University Press, Oxford. ISBN 9780199217298

McBeth, M (2009) 'Long live the 'Velorution'! Cycling, gender and emotions.' In: Letherby, G and Reynolds, G, eds. Gendered journeys, mobile emotions. Ashgate, Aldershot, pp. 165-177. ISBN 978-0754670346

Wainwright, E and Wainwright, D (2009) 'Can the economic and social cost of sickness absence be reduced by improving the quality of working life?' In: Whitfield, K, ed. Employee well-being and working life: towards an evidence-based policy agenda. Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) / Health and Safety Executive (HSE), Swindon, Wiltshire, pp. 37-45.

Winlow, H (2009) 'Darwinism (and Social Darwinism).' In: Kitchin, R and Thrift, N, eds. International encyclopedia of human geography. Elsevier, Amsterdam; Boston, Mass. ISBN 9780080449111

Winlow, H (2009) 'Lamarck(ian)ism.' In: Kitchin, R and Thrift, N, eds. International encyclopedia of human geography. Elsevier, Amsterdam; Boston, Mass. ISBN 9780080449111

Winlow, H (2009) 'Mapping, race and ethnicity.' In: Kitchin, R and Thrift, N, eds. International encyclopedia of human geography. Elsevier, Amsterdam; Boston, Mass. ISBN 9780080449111


Albertson, D.N and Grubbs, L.E (2009) 'Subjective effects of 'Salvia Divinorum': LSD- or Marijuana-like?' Journal of Psychoactive Drugs, 41 (3). pp. 213-217.

Barton, A, Squire, G and Patterson, M (2009) 'Screening and brief intervention for alcohol use in a custody suite: the shape of things to come?' Social Policy and Society, 8 (4). pp. 463-473.

Bystrom, L.M, Lewis, B.A, Brown, D.L, Rodriguez, E and Obendorf, R.L (2009) 'Phenolics, sugars, antimicrobial and free-radical-scavenging Activities of Melicoccus bijugatus Jacq. fruits from the Dominican Republic and Florida.' Plant Foods for Human Nutrition, 64 (2). pp. 160-166.

Christopher, G and Thomas, M (2009) 'Social problem solving and chronic fatigue syndrome: preliminary findings.' Stress and Health, 25 (2). pp. 161-169.

Daykin, N, Irwin, R, Kimberlee, R, Orme, J, Plant, M, McCarron, L and Rahbari, M (2009) 'Alcohol, young people and the media: a study of radio output in six radio stations in England.' Journal of Public Health, 31 (1). pp. 105-112.

Etchells, P.J, Benton, C, Ludwig, C and Gilchrist, I (2009) 'Intercepting moving targets: estimating motion integration and saccadic dead time.' Journal of Vision, 9 (8). p. 428.

Etchells, P.J, Duensing, S, Heard, P, Perks, L, Haigh, S and Leonards, U (2009) 'Eye movements of science centre visitors.' Perception, 38 (supp.). p. 167.

Gillmore, G, Coningham, R.A.E, Fazeli, H, Young, R.L, Magshoudi, M, Batt, C.M and Rushworth, G (2009) 'Irrigation on the Tehran Plain, Iran: Tepe Pardis - the site of a possible Neolithic irrigation feature?' Catena, 78 (3). pp. 285-300.

Haslett, S.K (2009) 'Higher education conference attendendance and engagement with the scholarship of teaching and learning: a Welsh perspective.' Journal of Applied Research in Higher Education, 1 (2). pp. 66-73.

Haslett, S.K (2009) 'Prior use of Google Earth by undergraduate Geography students.' Planet, 22 (1). pp. 43-47.

Haslett, S.K and Bryant, E.A (2009) 'Meteorological tsunamis in southern Britain: an historical review.' Geographical Review, 99 (2). pp. 146-163.

Haslett, S.K, Mellor, H.E. and Bryant, E.A (2009) 'Meteo-tsunami hazard associated with summer thunderstorms in the United Kingdom.' Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, Parts A/B/C, 34 (17-18). pp. 1016-1022.

Irwin, R (2009) 'Psychosexual problems and infertility.' Journal of Fertility Counselling, 16 (1). pp. 34-41.

Johns, N, Squire, G and Barton, A (2009) 'Street pastors: from crime prevention to re-moralisation.' Papers from the British Criminology Conference, 9. pp. 39-56.

Kinloch, J.M, Foster, T.M and McEwan, J.S.A (2009) 'Extinction-induced variability in human behaviour.' The Psychological Record, 59 (3). pp. 347-370.

McGarty, C, Bliuc, A-M, Thomas, E.F and Bongiorno, R (2009) 'Collective action as the material expression of opinion-based group membership.' Journal of Social Issues, 65 (4). pp. 839-857.

Smith, A, Thomas, M and Sadlier, M (2009) 'Healthy Minds at Work, part 4 - Multi-convergent therapy: a possible intervention to aid return to work.' Occupational Health at Work, 6 (3). pp. 30-32.

Snooks, H, Evans, A, Wells, B, Perconi, J, Thomas, M, Woollard, M, Guly, H, Jenkinson, E, Turner, J and Huntley-Sharpe, C (2009) 'What are the highest priorities for research in emergency prehospital care?' Emergency Medical Journal, 26 (8). pp. 549-550.

Thomas, M and Smith, A (2009) 'An investigation into the cognitive deficits associated with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.' The Open Neurology Journal, 3. pp. 13-23.

Vitale, A and Cullinan, V (2009) 'Using computerized procedures for testing and training abstract comparative relations.' Proceedings of the 21st Annual Meeting of the Psychology of Programming Interest Group.

Wadeley, A (2009) 'Eclectic approaches in theory and practice.' Psychology Review, 14 (4). pp. 5-7.

Wainwright, E and Wainwright, D (2009) 'Interpreting the rights in the NHS constitution.' BMJ, 338. p. 428.

Weston, N.J, Lewis, M. B, Mills, C and Hills, P. J (2009) 'Navon letters affect face learning and face retrieval.' Experimental Psychology, 56 (4). pp. 258-264.

Weston, N.J, Newell, B, Tunney, R and Shanks, D (2009) 'The effectiveness of feedback in multiple-cue probability learning.' Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 62 (5). pp. 890-908.

Winlow, H (2009) 'Mapping the contours of race: Griffith Taylor's zones and strata theory.' Geographical Research, 47 (4). pp. 390-407.

Woiwode, C (2009) 'Risk reduction and urban development: the case study of Ahmedabad, India.' Geographische Rundschau International, 5 (3). pp. 20-25.

Conference or Workshop Item

Jeffers, J.M (2009) Minding the gap: knowledge, local decision-making and adaptation to climate change in Ireland’s coastal cities. In: Association of American Geographers Annual Meeting, 22-27 March 2009, Las Vegas, Nevada, US.

Jones, O (2009) Close to: on the embodied, emplaced (and thus) geographical becomings of animals. In: Knowing Animals: Cross-Fertilization Between Natural and Social Sciences for Understanding the Quality of Life of Animals, 5-6 March 2009, Florence, Italy.

Jones, O (2009) Creative industries and sustainable rural development. In: Exploring Creative Cities: The Cultural and Economic Values of Cultural Industries, 28-30 May 2009, Rotterdam, Netherlands.

Jones, O (2009) Re-imagining children in the city. In: Childhood in the 21st Century Seminar Series, March 2009, University of the West of England, UK.

Jones, O (2009) The Severn Crossings: displacement and parallaxes of memory, self and landscape around the Servern Estuary. In: Living Landscapes Conference, 18-21 June 2009, Aberystwyth University, Wales.

Jones, O (2009) The parallax of memory as experienced in the everyday landscape of train commuting. In: RGS-IBG Annual Conference, 26-28 August 2009, Manchester, UK.

Kinloch, J.M, Foster, T.M and McEwan, J (2009) Matching-to-sample and paired-stimulus procedures in the formation of derived equivalence relations. In: Association for Behaviour Analysis International, 35th Annual Convention, 22-26 May 2009, Phoenix, USA.

Kinloch, J.M, Foster, T.M and McEwan, J (2009) The effect of the number of paired-stimulus or matching-to-sample trials on the formation of equivalence relations. In: The Society for the Quantitative Analyses of Behaviour, 32nd Annual Conference, 21-23 May 2009, Phoenix, USA.

Kinloch, J.M, Foster, T.M and McEwan, J (2009) The effect of the number of training trials and stimulus arrangement (linear, many-to-one, one-to-many) on the facilitation of derived equivalence relations in operant and associative procedures. In: New Zealand Association for Behaviour Analysis, 6th Annual Conference, 28-30 August 2009, University of Auckland, New Zealand.

McEwen, L.J and Jones, O (2009) Intimate knowledge: building local/lay knowledge and sense of place into Flood Resilience planning after the July 2007 floods in the UK. In: RGS-IBG Annual Conference, 26-28 August 2009, Manchester, UK.

Short, C and Jones, O (2009) Memory, place and conservation. In: RGS-IBG Annual Conference, 26-28 August 2009, Manchester, UK.

Winlow, H (2009) State cartographies and exclusion: mapping American Indian reservations, 1850-1950. In: RGS (Royal Geographic Society) 10th Annual International Conference: Geography, Knowledge and Society, 25 - 29 August 2009, University of Manchester and Manchester Metropolitan University.

Woiwode, C (2009) Risk governance and communication in a megacity of tomorrow: the case of Ahmedabad, India. In: Risk, Vulnerability and Sustainable Development, 7 - 9 September 2009, Leipzig, Germany.

Commissioned Report

Barton, A, Ellis, L and Johns, N (2009) Evaluation of the Longreach Parenting Project. University of Plymouth.

Barton, A, Johns, N and Squire, G (2009) Street pastor evaluation. University of Plymouth.

Johns, N, Barton, A and Squire, G (2009) A final evaluation of the Plymouth Street Pastor Scheme. University of Plymouth.

Johns, N, Squire, G, Barton, A and Bilek, E (2009) Assertive targeted interventions and treatment for priority alcohol offenders. University of Plymouth.


Chaffey, N (2009) Plant microtubules: development and flexibility [book review]. Annals of Botany, 103 (3). v-vi.

Chaffey, N (2009) Root hairs. Plant cell monographs, volume 12 [book review]. Annals of Botany, 103 (8). vii-vii.

Chaffey, N (2009) Teaching plant anatomy [book review]. Annals of Botany, 104 (1). viii-ix.

Chaffey, N (2009) The plant cytoskeleton: a key tool for agro-biotechnology [book review]. Annals of Botany, 103 (8). viii-viii.

Winlow, H (2009) Mapping manifest destiny: Chicago & the American West [book review]. Cartographica, 44 (2). pp. 129-130.

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