Number of items: 121.
Barks, S.K, Bauernfeind, A.L, Bonar, C.J, Cranfield, M.R, de Sousa, A.A
ORCID: 0000-0003-2379-3894, Erwin, J.M, Hopkins, W.D, Lewandowski, A.H, Mudakikwa, A, Phillips, K.A, Raghanti, M.A, Stimpson, C.D, Hof, P.R, Zilles, K and Sherwood, C.C
'Variable temporoinsular cortex neuroanatomy in primates suggests a bottleneck effect in eastern gorillas.'
Journal of Comparative Neurology, 522 (4).
pp. 844-860.
Caes, L, Boerner, K.E, Chambers, C.T, McGrath, P.J, Stinson, J.N, Campbell-Yeo, M, Birnie, K.A, Dol, J, Jordan, A, Huguet, A, MacLaren Chorney, J, Parker, J.A and Schinkel, M.G
A bibliometric analysis illustrating trends in pediatric pain research between 1975 and 2010.
In: IASP 15th World Congress on Pain, 6-11 October 2014, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Caulfield, L.S and Wilkinson, D
Forensic psychology.
Psychology Express
Pearson, Harlow.
ISBN 9781447921677
Cottam, L, Gibson, E, Harnett, J, Spiers, R, Thomas, L, Watson, D, Watts, D and Weiss, M
The feasibility of biodiversity enhancements in woodland ground flora around Whatley Quarry: final report submission to the Quarry Life Award Project.
Gardenghi, S, Renaud, T.M, Meloni, A, Casu, C, Crielaard, B.J., Bystrom, L.M, Greenberg-Kushnir, N, Sasu, B.J, Cooke, K.S and Rivella, S
'Distinct roles for hepcidin and interleukin-6 in the recovery from anemia in mice injected with heat-killed Brucella abortus.'
Blood, 123 (8).
pp. 1137-1145.
Grant, A, Foster, T.M, Temple, W, Jackson, S, Kinloch, J.M and Poling, A
'Reinforcer magnitude and demand under fixed-ratio schedules with domestic hens.'
Behavioural Processes, 103.
pp. 199-210.
Hasson, S, Lucarini, V, Khan, M.R, Petitta, M, Bolch, T and Gioli, G
'Early 21st century snow cover state over the western river basins of the Indus River system.'
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 18 (10).
pp. 4077-4100.
Hunter, M.S, Sharpley, C.F, Stefanopoulou, E, Yousaf, O, Bitsika, V and Christie, D.R.H
'The Hot Flush Beliefs and Behaviour Scale for Men (HFBBS-Men) undergoing treatment for prostate cancer.'
Maturitas, 79 (4).
pp. 464-470.
Janik McErlean, A.B, Susilo, T, Rezlescu, C and Banissy, M.J
Enhancing facial emotion recognition with tACS induced gamma oscillations.
In: Fourteenth Annual Meeting of the Vision Sciences Society, 16 - 21 May 2014, St. Pete Beach, Florida, USA.
Johnson, R.M, Edwards, E, Gardner, J and Mohan, B
'Village heritage and resilience in damaging floods and debris flows, Kullu Valley, Indian Himalaya.'
Convery, I,
Corsane, G and
Davis, P, eds.
Displaced heritage: responses to disaster, trauma, and loss.
Boydell Press, Woodbridge, pp. 207-224.
ISBN 9781843839637
Please click the title to check availability.
Jones, O
'8 (urban) places of trees: affective embodiment, politics, identity and materiality.'
Sandberg, L.A,
Bardekjian, A and
Butt, S, eds.
Urban forests, trees and greenspace: a political ecology perspective.
Routledge, London, pp. 111-131.
ISBN 9780415714105
Jones, S, Cotterill, R, Dewdney, N, Muir, K and Joinson, A
'Finding Zelig in text: a measure for normalising linguistic accommodation.'
Tsujii, J and
Hajic, J, eds.
Proceedings of COLING 2014, the 25th International Conference on Computational Linguistics: technical papers.
Dublin City University/ACL, Dublin, Ireland, pp. 455-465.
ISBN 9781941643266
Please click the title to check availability.
Kelker, M.S, Berry, C, Evans, S.L, Pai, R, McCaskill, D.G, Wang, N.X, Russell, J.C, Baker, M.D, Yang, C, Pflugrath, J.W, Wade, M, Wess, T.J and Narva, K.E
'Structural and biophysical characterization of bacillus thuringiensis insecticidal proteins Cry34Ab1 and Cry35Ab1.'
PLoS ONE, 9 (11).
Kinloch, J.M, McEwan, J.S and Foster, T.M
Methods in stimulus equivalence research.
In: The Psychological Society of Ireland Division of Behaviour Analysis Conference, 4-5 April 2014, Sheraton Hotel, Athlone, Ireland.
Krom, M.D, Ben David, A, Ingall, E.D, Benning, L.G, Clerici, S, Bottrell, S, Davies, C.L, Potts, N.J, Mortimer, R.J.G and van Rijn, J
'Bacterially mediated removal of phosphorus and cycling of nitrate and sulfate in the waste stream of a “zero-discharge” recirculating mariculture system.'
Water Research, 56.
pp. 109-121.
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ORCID: 0000-0002-6127-5353
'Mollusc shells from archaeological building materials.'
Szabo, K,
Dupont, C,
Dimitrijevic, V,
Gomez Gastelum, L and
Serrand, N, eds.
Archaeomalacology: shells in the archaeological record.
Archaeopress, Oxford, pp. 253-256.
ISBN 9781407313085
Lefevre, C.E, Etchells, P.J, Howell, E.C, Clark, A.P and Penton-Voak, I.S
'Facial width-to-height ratio predicts self-reported dominance and aggression in males and females, but a measure of masculinity does not.'
Biology Letters, 10 (10).
Manuel, M, Coningham, R, Gillmore, G and Fazeli, H
'Societal change and sustainability within the Central Plateau of Iran: an archaeological viewpoint.'
Sillitoe, P, ed.
Sustainable development: an appraisal from the Gulf Region.
Berghahn, Oxford, pp. 38-61.
ISBN 9781782383710
Marshall, R, Mistrello, J, Sirisena, S.D, Ghavami, A and Krishnamoorthy, S
'Determination of the antioxidant capacity, total phenolic and
avonoid contents of seeds from three commercial varieties of
culinary dates.'
International Journal of Food Studies, 3 (1).
pp. 34-44.
McGuire-Snieckus, R, Markopoulos, G, Coombs, M, Stevens, D, Vitale, A and Wainwright, E
Differences between placement and non-placement students: a mixed methods approach.
In: BPS (British Psychological Society) Mathematical, Statistical and Computing Psychology Section: Scientific Meeting, 13 December 2014, Keele University, Keele, UK.
McInnes, R, Smith, G.M, Greaves, J, Watson, D, Wood, D and Everard, M
Defra Payments for Ecosystem Services (PES): Pilot PES Research Project. The Tortworth Brook Project: Final Report.
Bristol Avon Rivers Trust (BART), Bristol.
McKeown, M, Cresswell, M and Spandler, H
'Deeply engaged relationships: alliances between mental health workers and psychiatric survivors in the UK.'
Burstow, B,
LeFrançois, B.A and
Diamond, S, eds.
Psychiatry disrupted: theorizing resistance and crafting the (r)evolution.
McGill-Queen's University Press, Montreal, Canada, pp. 145-161.
ISBN 9780773543300
Please click the title to check availability.
Mears, R and Harrison, E
'Researching changes in higher education occupations.'
Gornall, L,
Cook, C and
Daunton, L, eds.
Academic working lives: experience, practice and change.
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC, London: New York, pp. 280-287.
ISBN 9781441185341
Morgan, C
'Extended sentences for public protection.'
Taylor, P,
Corteen, K and
Morley, S, eds.
A companion to criminal justice, mental health and risk.
Policy Press, Bristol, pp. 101-102.
ISBN 9781447310334
Morgan, C
'Populist punitiveness.'
Taylor, P,
Corteen, K and
Morley, S, eds.
A companion to criminal justice, mental health and risk.
Policy Press, Bristol, pp. 216-217.
ISBN 9781447310334
Surridge, B, Gooddy, D.C, Newton, R, Moore, O, Heaton, T.H.E, Lapworth, D.J and Davies, C.L
Development and initial application of δ18Op to understand phosphorus cycling in river, lake and groundwater ecosystems.
In: EGU General Assembly, 27 April - 2 May 2014, Vienna, Austria.
Słowakiewicz, M, Thomas, L, Tucker, M.E, Zheng, Y, Whitaker, F and Pancost, R.D
Biogeochemistry of Holocene intertidal microbial mats of Qatar: implications for petroleum source rock
formation in carbonate-evaporite systems.
In: 19th International Sedimentological Congress: Sedimentology at the Crossroads of New Frontiers, Geneva, Switzerland, 18 - 22 August 2014.
Thomas, L, Slowakiewicz, M, Pancost, R, Tucker, M, Sher May, D and Whitaker, F
'Holocene intertidal microbial mats of Qatar and their implications for petroleum source rock formation in carbonate-siliciclastic-evaporite systems.'
International Petroleum Technology Conference 2014 (IPTC) Proceedings: Unlocking Energy Through Innovation, Technology and Capability, Doha, Qatar, 19-22 January 2014.
Society of Petroleum Engineers, Richardson, Texas.
ISBN 9781632660053
doi: IPTC-17400-MS
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