Number of items: 106.
Abou-Elnaga, A.F, Rehan, I.F, Thompson, R.R.J, Abou-Ismail, U.A, Mahmoud, M.E, Mohamed, R.A, Mohammed, H.H, Sabek, A.A and Elhussiny, M.Z
'The effects of group versus single housing on home cage behaviour in two strains of laboratory mice.'
Slovenian Vetinary Research, 56 (22-Sup).
pp. 39-49.
August, T.A, West, S.E, Robson, H, Lyon, J, Huddart, J, Velasquez, L.F and Thornhill, I
'Citizen meets social science: predicting volunteer involvement in a global freshwater monitoring experiment.'
Freshwater Science, 38 (2).
pp. 321-331.
Boas, I et al
'Climate migration myths.'
Nature Climate Change, 9 (12).
pp. 901-903.
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Brown, C, Hanley, B, Haysom, I, Dodd, C, Khan, I, Goodburn, K, Manning, L, Walker, M, Peck, M, Wareing, P and Atterbury, R
Science policy report: food manufacturing and processing.
Society for Applied Microbiology, London.
Bull, R, Paulo, R.M and Albuquerque, P.B
'The impact of the cognitive interview in the UK and recent research in Portugal.'
Dickinson, J.J,
Compo, N.S,
Carol, R,
Schwartz, B.L and
McCauley, M.R, eds.
Evidence-based investigative interviewing: applying cognitive principles.
Routledge, New York, NY, pp. 29-41.
ISBN 9781138064690
Bystrom, L.M, Bezerra, D.P, Hsu, H-T, Zong, H, Lara-Martínez, L.A, De Leon, J.P, Emmanuel, M, Méry, D, Gardenghi, S, Hassane, D, Neto, C.C, Cunningham-Rundles, S, Becker, M.W, Rivella, S and Guzman, M.L
'Cranberry A-type proanthocyanidins selectively target acute myeloid leukemia cells.'
Blood Advances, 3 (21).
pp. 3261-3265.
Caulfield, L.S and Simpson, E
'Arts-based interventions in the justice system.'
Ugwudike, P,
Graham, H,
McNeill, F,
Raynor, P,
Taxman, F.S and
Trotter, C, eds.
The Routledge companion to rehabilitative work in criminal justice.
Routledge, Abingdon, pp. 396-408.
ISBN 9781138103320
Clarke, N
ORCID: 0000-0003-2375-4510, Pechey, R, Pilling, M, Hollands, G.J, Mantzari, E and Marteau, T.M
'Wine glass size and wine sales: four replication studies in one restaurant and two bars.'
BMC Research Notes, 12.
Denman, A.R, Crockett, R.G.M, Groves-Kirkby, C.J, Phillips, P.S and Gillmore, G
'Exploring the relationship between social deprivation and domestic radon levels in the East Midlands, UK.'
Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, 199.
pp. 84-98.
Gioli, G, Thapa, G, Khan, F, Dasgupta, P, Nathan, D, Chhetri, N, Adhikari, L, Mohanty, S.K, Aurino, E and Mapstone Scott, L
'Understanding and tackling poverty and vulnerability in mountain livelihoods in the Hindu Kush Himalaya.'
Wester, P,
Mishra, A,
Mukherji, A and
Shrestha, A, eds.
The Hindu Kush Himalaya assessment.
Springer, Cham, pp. 421-455.
ISBN 9783319922874
Heffer, N
ORCID: 0000-0002-6597-0134, Jicol, C, Karl, A, Ashwin, C and Petrini, K
Examining multisensory processing of social and non-social information in relation to the degree of trait anxiety in a non-clinical sample.
In: BNA2019 Festival of Neuroscience, 14 - 17 April 2019, Dublin, Ireland.
Holbourne, Z, Vitale, A and Ryde, J
Arts against racism and borders.
In: Migration Mobilities Bristol Events Series, 13 May 2019, University of Bristol, UK.
Johnson, R.M, Edwards, E, Jeffers, J.M, Kuniyal, J.C, Mishra, H, Pandey, B.W, Phillips, V, Roy, N, Seviour, J, Sharma, D.D, Sharma, P, Sharma, V, Singh, H and Singh, R.B
HiFlo-DAT: Indian Himalayan Flood Database, for Disaster Risk Reduction in the Kullu District.
In: British Society for Geomorphology Meeting, 9 - 11 September 2019, University of Sheffield, Sheffield, UK.
Jones, O
Kobayashi, A, ed.
International encyclopaedia of human geography, 2nd ed.
Elsevier, Amsterdam, pp. 399-405.
ISBN 9780081022955
Jones, O, Gorell Barnes, L and Lyons, A
'Voicing waters: (co-)creative reflections on sound, water, conversations and hydrocitizenship.'
Doherty, K,
Duffy, M and
Harada, T, eds.
Sounding places: more-than-representational geographies of sound and music.
Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, pp. 76-96.
ISBN 9781788118927
Khouja, J.N, Munafò, M.R, Tilling, K, Wiles, N.J, Joinson, C, Etchells, P.J, John, A, Hayes, F.M, Gage, S.H and Cornish, R.P
'Is screen time associated with anxiety or depression in young people? Results from a UK birth cohort.'
BMC Public Health, 19.
Kinnear, F.J, Wainwright, E, Perry, R, Lithander, F.E, Bayly, G, Huntley, A, Cox, J, Shield, J.P.H and Searle, A
'Enablers and barriers to treatment adherence in heterozygous familial hypercholesterolaemia: a qualitative evidence synthesis.'
BMJ Open, 9 (7).
Lewis, J, Rosen, C, Booth, R, Davies, P, Allen, M and Law, M
ORCID: 0000-0002-6127-5353
'Making a significant place: excavations at the Late Mesolithic site of Langley’s Lane, Midsomer Norton, Bath and North-East Somerset.'
Archaeological Journal, 176 (1).
Looseley, A, Wainwright, E, Cook, T.M, Bell, V, Hoskins, S, O’Connor, M, Taylor, G and Mouton, R
'Stress, burnout, depression and work-satisfaction amongst UK anaesthetic trainees; a quantitative analysis of the Satisfaction and Wellbeing in Anaesthetic Training study.'
Anaesthesia, 74 (10).
pp. 1231-1239.
Mustafa, D, Gioli, G, Memon, M, Noshirwani, M, Idris, I and Ahmed, N
'Pinning down social vulnerability in Sindh Province, Pakistan: from narratives to numbers, and back again.'
Disasters, 43 (2).
pp. 311-335.
Paulo, R.M
Nunes, L,
Fonte, C,
Alves, S,
Sani, A,
Estrada, R and
Caridade, S, eds.
Dicionário enciclopédico comportamento e saúde mental.
Pactor, Lisboa.
Paulo, R.M
Nunes, L,
Fonte, C,
Alves, S,
Sani, A,
Estrada, R and
Caridade, S, eds.
Dicionário enciclopédico comportamento e saúde mental.
Pactor, Lisboa.
Pecorelli, J.P, Macphie, K.H, Hebditch, C, Clifton-Dey, D.R.J, Thornhill, I and Debney, A.J
'Using citizen science to improve the conservation of the European eel (Anguilla anguilla) in the Thames River Basin District.'
Freshwater Science, 38 (2).
pp. 281-291.
Pike, S
Muncie, J and
McLaughlin, E, eds.
The Sage dictionary of criminology. 4th ed.
Sage, London.
ISBN 9781526436726
Sedgmond, J, Lawrence, N.S, Verbruggen, F, Morrison, S, Chambers, C.D and Adams, R.C
'Prefrontal brain stimulation during food-related inhibition training: effects on food craving, food consumption and inhibitory control.'
Royal Society Open Science, 6 (1).
Sookdeo, A, Kromer, B, Büntgen, U, Friedrich, M, Friedrich, R, Helle, G, Pauly, M, Nievergelt, D, Reinig, F, Treydte, K, Synal, H-A and Wacker, L
'Quality dating: a well-defined protocol implemented at ETH for high-precision 14c-dates tested on late glacial wood.'
Visser, F, Woodget, A, Skellern, A, Forsey, J, Warburton, J and Johnson, R.M
'An evaluation of a low-cost pole aerial photography (PAP) and structure from motion (SfM) approach for topographic surveying of small rivers.'
International Journal of Remote Sensing, 40 (24).
pp. 9321-9351.
Wainwright, E, Looseley, A, Mouton, R, O’Connor, M, Taylor, G and Cook, T.M
'Stress, burnout, depression and work satisfaction among UK anaesthetic trainees: a qualitative analysis of in‐depth participant interviews in the Satisfaction and Wellbeing in Anaesthetic Training study.'
Anaesthesia, 74 (10).
pp. 1240-1251.
Williams, T, Gaffney, K, Wadeley, A, Cavill, C, Freeth, M, Brooksby, A and Sengupta, R
'THU0408 Achieving disease remission in axial spondyloarthritis: a two-centre retrospectice analysis of relevant baselines patient characteristics.'
Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases, 78 (Sup. 2).
p. 490.
Williams, T, Wadeley, A, Cavill, C, Freeth, M and Sengupta, R
269 - In axial spondyloarthritis, magnitude of improved disease activity after six months of biologic disease-modifying treatment may be more relevant to short-term functional outcome than achieving an inactive disease state [conference abstract].
Rheumatology, 58 (Sup. 3).
Please click the title to check availability.
Williams, T, Wadeley, A, Hardcastle, S, Webb, J, Shipley, J and Ahmed, T
'Does measuring the bone mineral density of patients identified as having an osteopaenic X-ray appearance affect bone health treatment decisions? A real-world retrospective analysis.'
Clinical Medicine, 19 (Sup. 3).
pp. 16-17.
Wills, A.J, Edmunds, C.E.R
ORCID: 0000-0002-0524-8756, Le Pelley, M.E, Milton, F, Newell, B.R, Dwyer, D.M and Shanks, D.R
'Dissociable learning processes, associative theory, and testimonial reviews: a comment on Smith and Church (2018).'
Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 26 (6).
pp. 1988-1993.
Winlow, H
'Darwinism and social Darwinism.'
Kobayashi, A, ed.
International encyclopedia of human geography. 2nd ed.
Elsevier, Amsterdam, pp. 149-158.
ISBN 9780081022955
Winlow, H
Kobayashi, A, ed.
International encyclopedia of human geography. 2nd ed.
Elsevier, Amsterdam, pp. 77-86.
ISBN 9780081022955
Winlow, H
'Mapping, race and ethnicity.'
Kobayashi, A, ed.
International encyclopedia of human geography. 2nd ed.
Elsevier, Amsterdam, pp. 309-321.
ISBN 9780081022955
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