Number of items: 156.
Rigby, K
'"Piping in their honey dreams": towards a creaturely ecopoetics.'
Middelhoff, F,
Schönbeck, S,
Borgards, R and
Gersdorf, C, eds.
Texts, animals, environments: zoopoetics and ecopoetics.
Rombach Verlag, Freiburg, Germany, pp. 281-295.
ISBN 9783793099284
Rigby, K
'Nature, language, and religion: Herder and beyond.'
Dürbeck, G,
Stobbe, U,
Zapf, H and
Zemanek, E, eds.
Ecological thought in German literature and culture.
Lexington Books, Lanham, MD, pp. 31-42.
ISBN 9781498514927
Rigby, K
Keynote address.
In: Fifth International Symposium on Literature and Environment in East Asia (ISLE-EA), 4 - 6 November 2016, Dongguk University, Seoul, Korea.
Rigby, K
'Deep sustainability: ecopoetics, enjoyment and ecstatic hospitality.'
Johns-Putra, A,
Parham, J and
Squire, L, eds.
Literature and sustainability: concept, text and culture.
Manchester University Press, Manchester, pp. 52-75.
ISBN 9780719099670
Please click the title to check availability.
Rigby, K
Adamson, J,
Pellow, D.N and
Gleason, W.A, eds.
Keywords for environmental studies.
NYU Press, New York, pp. 79-81.
ISBN 9780814760833
Rigby, K
The cultural history of natural disaster.
In: Symposium on Investigating Catastrophe: Commemoration, Accountability, and the Public Record of Disaster, 5 - 7 June 2013, University of Western Australia, Perth, Australia.
Bergthaller, H, Emmett, R, Johns-Putra, A, Kneitz, A, Lidström, S, McCorristine, S, Pérez Ramos, I, Phillips, D, Rigby, K and Robin, L
'Mapping common ground: ecocriticism, environmental history, and the environmental humanities.'
Environmental Humanities, 5.
pp. 261-276.
Rigby, K
'Animal calls.'
Moore, S.D, ed.
Divinanimality: animal theory, creaturely theology.
Fordham University Press, New York, pp. 116-131.
ISBN 9780823263196
Rigby, K
Pastoral under pressure.
In: Encountering Australia: Transcultural Conversations, 24 - 26 September 2014, Monash University Prato Centre, Prato, Italy.
Rigby, K
'Romanticism and ecocriticism.'
Garrard, G, ed.
The Oxford handbook of ecocriticism.
Oxford University Press, Oxford, pp. 60-79.
ISBN 9780199742929
Rigby, K
The poetics of decolonisation.
In: The Fifth Biennial International Conference of the Contemporary Women’s Writing Association (CWWA) : Contemporary Women's Writing and Environments, 3 - 5 July 2014, State Library of New South Wales, Melbourne, Australia.
Rigby, K
'Writing after nature.'
Hiltner, K, ed.
Ecocriticism: the essential reader.
Routledge, London, pp. 357-367.
ISBN 9780415508599
Rigby, K, Robin, L and Wehner, K
In: The Fifth ASLEC-ANZ Biennual Conference: Affective Habitus: New Environmental Histories of Botany, Zoology and Emotions, 19 - 21 June 2014, Australian National University, Canberra, Australia.
Rigby, K
''Das Erdbeben in Chili' and the romantic reframing of natural disaster.'
Lü, Y,
Stephens, A,
Lewis, A and
Voßkamp, W, eds.
Wissensfiguren im Werk Heinrich von Kleists.
Rombach, Freiburg, pp. 137-50.
ISBN 9783793096856
Rigby, K
'In a eucalypt forest.'
Campbell, S, ed.
The face of the Earth: natural landscapes, science, and culture.
University of California Press, Berkeley, pp. 274-277.
ISBN 9780520269262
Rigby, K
Changing the climate: utopia, dystopia and catastrophe.
In: Changing the Climate: Utopia, Dystopia and Catastrophe - The Fourth Australian Conference on Utopia, Dystopia and Science Fiction, 30 August - 1 September 2010, Monash University, Clayton, Australia.
Rigby, K
Changing the climate: imagining catastrophe.
In: The Global Environmental Changes and Human Security (GECHS) Synthesis Conference: Human Security in an Era of Global Change, 22 -24 June 2009, University of Oslo, Oslo, Norway.
Rigby, K
'Romancing the gift.'
Manolopoulos, M, ed.
With gifted thinkers: conversations with Caputo, Hart, Horner, Kearney, Keller, Rigby, Taylor, Wallace, Westphal.
Peter Lang, Bern, pp. 165-197.
ISBN 9783034300988
Rigby, K
Common ground in creation.
In: Towards Religious Harmony: Mentions of God in Poetry and Prose, 13 - 17 July 2008, St. Anne’s College, Oxford University, Oxford, UK.
Rigby, K
Negative ecopoetics and the prophetic imagination.
In: Activism, Apocalypse and the Avant-Garde : The Fifth Bi-Annual Conference for the Association for Study of Literature and the Environment (ASLE), 10 - 13 July 2008, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh.
Rigby, K
What is ecopoetry?
In: Public Lecture Series, 24 April 2008, Melbourne Poets’ Union, Melbourne, Australia.
Rigby, K
'(K)ein Klang der aufgeregten Zeit? Enlightenment, Romanticism and ecological modernity.'
Magerski, C,
Savage, R and
Weller, C, eds.
Moderne begreifen. Zur Paradoxie eines sozioästhetischen Deutungsmusters = Understanding modernity: paradoxes of an interpretative paradigm.
Deutscher Universitätsverlag,, Wiesbaden, pp. 145-156.
ISBN 9783835060715
Rigby, K
The wrong dream.
In: Two Fires Festival, 1 April 2007, Braidwood Central School Library, New South Wales, Australia.
Rigby, K
'Ecopoetics of the Limestone Plains.'
Cranston, C.A and
Zeller, R, eds.
The littoral zone: Australian contexts and their writers.
Rodopi, Amsterdam, pp. 153-175.
ISBN 9789042022188
Rigby, K
Facing catastrophe.
In: Nature Matters: Materiality and the More-than-Human in Cultural Studies of the Environment, 25 - 28 October 2007, York University, Toronto, Canada.
Rigby, K
Consuming Canberra.
In: ASLE-ANZ Inaugural Biennial Conference: Be True to the Earth, 31 March - 1 April 2005, Monash University, Melbourne, Australia.
Rigby, K
A place in time.
In: Environments and Ecologies in an Expanded Field, 3 - 4 July 2004, Art Gallery of South Australia, Adelaide, Australia.
Rigby, K
Reconciliation with the earthly.
In: Australian Chaplains’ Association Annual Conference, 5 February 2004, University of Melbourne, Melbourne, Australia.
Rigby, K
Whose body?
In: Women Scholars in Religion and Theology Conference, 25 January 2004, Australian Catholic University, Melbourne, Australia.
Rigby, K
'The rebirth of nature in Romantic thought.'
Heinze, H and
Weller, C, eds.
Die Lektüre der Welt: Zur Theorie, Geschichte und Soziologie kultureller Praxis - Festschrift für Walter Veit = Worlds of reading: on the theory, history and sociology of cultural practice - Festschrift in honour of Walter Veit.
Peter Lang, Frankfurt, pp. 387-397.
ISBN 9783631522257
Rigby, K
'Tuning in to spirit of place.'
Cameron, J, ed.
Changing places: re-imagining Australia.
Longueville Books, Double Bay, N.S.W., pp. 107-115.
ISBN 9781920681067
Rigby, K
Wolfreys, J, ed.
Introducing criticism at the 21st century.
Edinburgh University Press, Edinburgh, pp. 151-178.
ISBN 9780748615759
Rigby, K
Ecology and poetry.
In: Earth Philosophies Australia Bush Camp, 8 - 12 July 2001, Mullumbimby, New South Wales, Australia.
Rigby, K
Ecocriticism in Australia.
In: ASLE 4th Biennial Conference: Making a Start Out of Particulars, 19 - 23 June 2001, Northern Arizona University, Flagstaff, Arizona.
Rigby, K
'Myth, memory, attunement: towards a sensuous semiotics of place.'
Houston, C,
Watson, A and
Kurasawa, F, eds.
Imagined places : the politics of making space.
School of Sociology, Politics and Anthropology, La Trobe University, Bundoora, pp. 175-182.
ISBN 9781864464719
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