Number of items at this level: 197.
Curry, J
ORCID: 0000-0003-2872-0678, Mouat, T, King, R and Downes-Martin, S
Exercises in cyber resilience.
In: Cities2050: Securing the Future in a Connected World, 19 - 20 May 2015, RSA, London, UK.
Gifford, T
'All souls’ day 2010, Sella.'
North, C, ed.
Red rock dreaming: evocations of life on the Levant coast.
McFarlands Publishing, Isle of Man, p. 27.
Gifford, T
'America in Spain.'
McCarthy, J.M, ed.
Contact: mountain climbing and environmental thinking.
University of Nevada Press, Reno, NV, pp. 213-219.
ISBN 9780874177466
Gifford, T
'Cyprus souvenir.'
Cadences: A Journal of Literature and the Arts in Cyprus, 9.
pp. 105-106.
Gifford, T
'Death of a cat.'
Ramsden, J, ed.
Cat kist: the Redbeck anthology of contemporary cats.
Redbeck Press, Bradford, p. 68.
ISBN 9781904338277
Gifford, T
Real : an exhibition by three of Cumbria's leading figurative painters.
Tullie House Museum and Art Gallery, Carlisle, p. 4.
Gifford, T
Gifford, T, ed.
The Climbers' Club centenary journal.
Cordee, Leicester, pp. 9-10.
ISBN 9780901601674
Gifford, T
Interdisciplinary Studies in Literature and Environment, 21 (1).
p. 143.
Gifford, T
Bates, R.H, ed.
Mystery, beauty, and danger: the literature of the mountains and mountain climbing published in English before 1946.
Peter E. Randall Publisher, Portsmouth, NH, vii.
ISBN 9780914339915
Gifford, T
'From Jack Scout Crag.'
Wood, P, ed.
The sea: a celebration.
David & Charles, Newton Abbot, p. 110.
ISBN 9780715300367
Gifford, T
'Hinkley G.'
Jelley, C, ed.
A walk down the rift: poems from the great Somerset imposition.
Flycatcher Press, England, p. 54.
ISBN 9780993340406
Gifford, T
'In the Sorbonne.'
Head, K.J and
Blessinger, P, eds.
Teaching as a human experience: an anthology of contemporary poems.
Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Newcastle upon Tyne, pp. 67-69.
ISBN 9781443876551
Gifford, T
Gifford, T, ed.
John Muir: his life and letters and other writings.
Baton Wicks, London, pp. 7-10.
ISBN 9781898573074
Gifford, T
Gifford, T and
Smith, R, eds.
Orogenic zones: first five years of the International Festival of Mountaineering Literature.
Bretton Hall College of Education, Wakefield, pp. 1-5.
ISBN 9780952469308
Gifford, T
John Muir: the eight wilderness-discovery book.
The Mountaineers, Seattle, WA, pp. 13-20.
ISBN 9780898863352
Gifford, T
'John Muir.'
Baird Callicott, J and
Frodeman, R, eds.
Encyclopedia of environmental ethics and philosophy.
Macmillan Reference USA, Michigan, USA, pp. 76-78.
ISBN 9780028661407
Gifford, T
'La Pileta.'
ISLE: Interdisciplinary Studies in Literature and Environment, 19 (3).
pp. 582-583.
Gifford, T
Green Humanities: A Journal of Ecological Thought in Literature, Philosophy & the Arts, 1 (Winter).
p. 193.
Gifford, T
'On Monday in the mountains.'
North, C, ed.
Red rock dreaming: evocations of life on the Levant Coast.
McFarlands Publishing, Isle of Man, p. 13.
Gifford, T
Littlewood Press, Todmorden.
ISBN 9780946407620
Gifford, T
Routledge, London.
ISBN 9780415147330
Gifford, T
'Pastoral, anti-pastoral, post-pastoral.'
Westling, L, ed.
The Cambridge companion to literature and the environment.
Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 17-30.
ISBN 9781107628960
Gifford, T
'Scottish portraits.'
Steck, A,
Roper, S and
Harris, D, eds.
Ascent: the mountaineering experience in word and image. 14th revised ed.
American Alpine Club, Golden, CO, pp. 103-111.
ISBN 9780930410803
Gifford, T
'Six stages in the greening of Ted Hughes.'
Gifford, T,
Robertson, N and
Womald, M, eds.
Ted Hughes, nature and culture.
Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke, Hampshire, UK.
ISBN 9783319975733
Gifford, T
'Ted Hughes.'
Bullock, A and
Woodings, R.B, eds.
The Fontana biographical companion to modern thought.
Collins, London, pp. 346-347.
ISBN 9780002163293
Gifford, T
'Ted Hughes and South Yorkshire.'
Gammage, N, ed.
The epic poise: a celebration of Ted Hughes.
Faber & Faber, London, pp. 216-218.
ISBN 9780571196869
Gifford, T
'Ted Hughes's social ecology.'
Gifford, T, ed.
The Cambridge companion to Ted Hughes.
Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 81-93.
ISBN 9780521145763
Gifford, T
'Truss Buttress, Swindale.'
Stainforth, G, ed.
Lakeland: landscape of imagination.
Constable, London, p. 164.
ISBN 9780094718005
Gifford, T
'The book of The Burren.'
Steck, A and
Roper, S, eds.
The best of Ascent: twenty-five years of the mountaineering experience.
Diadem Books, London, pp. 304-309.
ISBN 9780906371572
Gifford, T
'The bull of the Bernia.'
North, C, ed.
Red rock dreaming: evocations of life on the Levant Coast.
McFarlands Publishing, Isle of Man, p. 22.
Gifford, T
'A logjam on Lawson’s fork.'
Duarte, J and
Vale de Gato, M, eds.
Natural in verso.
Mariposa Azul, Lisbon, Portugal, p. 117.
ISBN 9789728481421
Gifford, T
The rope.
Redbeck Press, Bradford.
ISBN 9780946980352
Gifford, T and Kerslake, L
Feminismo/s (22).
pp. 13-16.
Gifford, T, Lui, G, Haueter, S and Talbert, V
'Outdoor gate.'
Writing in Education, 13.
pp. 15-16.
Jenkins, C
Geraghty, L, ed.
Directory of world cinema: American Hollywood.
Directory of world cinema, 5
Intellect, Bristol, pp. 208-210.
ISBN 9781841504155
Moss, S
Barlow, J and
Paul, M, eds.
Wing beats: British birds in haiku.
Natural History Book Service, Totnes, pp. 9-12.
ISBN 9781903543245
Moss, S
Garden birds.
Collins gem
HarperCollins, London.
ISBN 9780007176144
Newman, J
100 videogames.
BFI Publishing, London.
ISBN 9781844571628
Newman, J
Ear candy.
360 Magazine (6).
pp. 100-105.
Newman, J
Game(play) preservation.
In: International Conference for Game Preservation, 18 January 2013, Shigureden, Kyoto.
Newman, J
'The great gaming crash of '83'.'
Blain, L, ed.
Guinness world records 2014: gamer's edition.
Guinness World Records, London, pp. 82-83.
ISBN 9781904994749
Newman, J and Simons, I
'Using the Force: Star Wars: the video game, intertextuality, narrative, and play.'
Page, R and
Thomas, B, eds.
New narratives: stories and storytelling in the digital age.
Frontiers of Narrative
University of Nebraska Press, Lincoln, Nebraska, pp. 239-253.
ISBN 9780803217867
Newman, J, Simons, I and Kim, S
Modern playing.
In: EKC 2013 conference in 'EU Korea Conference on Science and Technology: Open Innovation, Science and Technology Closer to Humanity), Brighton, 24-26 July 2013.
Palmer, A.K, Riley, M, Clement, S, Evans, K.L, Brockett, B.F.T and Opara, V
ORCID: 0000-0002-5148-3204
'In and out of place: diverse experiences and perceived exclusion in UK greenspace settings.'
Environment and Planning E: Nature and Space.
Rigby, K
What is ecopoetry?
In: Public Lecture Series, 24 April 2008, Melbourne Poets’ Union, Melbourne, Australia.
Slade, C
Cartoons and educating.
In: The Fifth Congress of the Americas, 18 - 20 October 2001, University of the Americas, Cholula, Mexico.
Slade, C
Telenovelas and moral realism.
In: Telenovelas & Soap Opera: Negotiating Reality, 19 March 2002, Humanities Research Centre, Australian National University, Canberra.
Slade, C
Transnational television.
In: Journalism in the 21st Century: Between Globalization and National Identity, 16 - 17 July 2009, University of Melbourne, Australia.
Slade, C
The paradoxes of popular culture.
In: Confederation of Australasian Teachers of Media Conference: Joining the Dots, 19 April 2002, University of Canberra, Australia.
Thomas, M, Evans, A, Snooks, H, Well, B, Turner, J and Wollard, M
What are the highest priorities for research in prehospital care: the results of a review and consultation exercise.
In: Health Services Research Network and National Institute for Health Research Service Delivery and Organisation (NIHR SDO) Programme Joint Annual Conference, 5 - 6 June 2008, Manchester University, Manchester, UK.
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