Number of items: 225.
Bentham, R
Tremain, S, ed.
Flowers on a shoestring.
Institute of Physics Publishing, Bristol.
Bentham, R
'Short story.'
Gay, J and
Hargrave, E, eds.
Her Majesty: 21 stories by women.
Tindal Street Press, Birmingham.
ISBN 9780953589579
Bhatti, G
'On the doctoral endeavour.'
Walford, G, ed.
Doing a doctorate in educational ethnography.
Studies in educational ethnography
JAI Press, Amsterdam.
ISBN 9780762309061
Chaffey, N
Chaffey, N, ed.
Wood formation in trees: cell and molecular biology techniques.
CRC Press, London, pp. 1-8.
ISBN 9780415272155
Chaffey, N
'Wood microscopical techniques.'
Chaffey, N, ed.
Wood formation in trees: cell and molecular biology techniques.
CRC Press, London, pp. 17-40.
ISBN 9780415272155
Chilver, J
Venue: The Saatchi Gallery, Top floor 30 Underwood Street, London N1 7XJ.
Cologne-Brookes, G
'Sophie's choice: dialogic worlds.'
Bloom, H, ed.
William Styron's 'Sophie's choice'.
Chelsea House Publishers, Philadelphia, pp. 21-55.
ISBN 0791063402
Dutton, S, Peacock, P and Swindells, S
Entropic Gym.
Mercer Union, Toronto, Canada, 14 March - 20 April 2002.
Dutton, S and Swindells, S
Artists' Publication.
ISBN 1843870010
English, L
'Let me be.'
Swift, T and
Norton, P, eds.
Short fuse: the global anthology of new fusion poetry.
Rattapallax Press, New York.
ISBN 9781892494535
English, L
'The city.'
Swift, T and
Norton, P, eds.
Short fuse: the global anthology of new fusion poetry.
Rattapallax Press, New York, pp. 113-115.
ISBN 9781892494535
Gifford, T
'Gary Snyder and the post-pastoral.'
Bryson, J.S, ed.
Ecopoetry: a critical introduction.
University of Utah Press, Salt Lake City, UT, pp. 77-87.
ISBN 9780874807011
Gillmore, G, Grattan, J, Pyatt, B, Phillips, P.S and Pearce, G
'Radon, water and abandoned metalliferous mines in the UK: environmental and human health implications.'
Merkel, B.J,
Planer-Friedrich, B and
Wolkersdorfer, C, eds.
Uranium in the aquatic environment: proceedings of the international conference 'Uranium Mining and Hydrogeology III and the International Mine Water Association Symposium' Freiberg, Germany, 15-21 September 2002.
Springer, Berlin, pp. 65-76.
ISBN 9783642628771
Harrison, K, Gibson, J and Lees, N
Ceramic contemporaries 4.
Royal College of Art, London; Harley Gallery; Wrexham Art Gallery; Collins Gallery; Aberystwyth Arts Centre, 2002 - 2003.
ISBN 0952749025
Hyde, J, Palazhy, J and Ziegler, C
Trans avatar.
Touring production, October - November 2002.
Ivic, C
'John Norden.'
Baker, C, ed.
Absolutism and the scientific revolution, 1600-1720: a biographical dictionary.
The Great Cultural Eras of the Western World
Greenwood Press, Westport, Connecticut, pp. 282-283.
ISBN 9780313308277
Ivic, C
'John Speed.'
Baker, C, ed.
Absolutism and the scientific revolution, 1600-1720: a biographical dictionary.
The Great Cultural Eras of the Western World
Greenwood Press, Westport, Connecticut, pp. 356-357.
ISBN 9780313308277
Ivic, C
'Michael Drayton.'
Baker, C, ed.
Absolutism and the scientific revolution, 1600-1720: a biographical dictionary.
The Great Cultural Eras of the Western World
Greenwood Press, Westport, Connecticut, pp. 97-98.
ISBN 9780313308277
Ivic, C
'Samuel Daniel.'
Baker, C, ed.
Absolutism and the scientific revolution, 1600-1720: a biographical dictionary.
The Great Cultural Eras of the Western World
Greenwood Press, Westport, Connecticut, pp. 84-85.
ISBN 9780313308277
Jones, O
Place, memory and emotion.
In: Emotional Geographies International Conference, 2002, Lancaster University, Lancaster, UK.
Kampe, T and Belem, L
In: Ouro Preto Festival, Ouro Preto, Brasil, 2002.
Lalic, M
In: Colour: a Life of its Own, Muscarnok Kunsthalle, Budapest, Hungary, 28 May - 20 August 2002.
Lewis-Smith, C
Alpha magnifico.
In: TAN Dance, Theatre Taliesin, Swansea, UK, 2002.
Marriner, R
'Derrida and the Parergon.'
Smith, Paul and
Wilde, Carolyn, eds.
A Companion to Art Theory.
Blackwell Publishing, pp. 349-359.
ISBN 631207627
McKechnie, R
Islands of in-difference.
In: International Insular Investigations: Islands in Prehistory, 13 - 18 September 2001, Deia Archaeological Museum & Research Centre.
McKechnie, R
'Islands of indifference.'
Waldren, W H and
Ensenyat, J A, eds.
World islands in prehistory : international insular investigations.
BAR International series
Archaeopress, Oxford.
ISBN 9781841714738
McKechnie, R and Welsh, I
'When the global meets the local: critical reflections on reflexive modernisation.'
Buttel, F,
Dunlap, R,
Dickens, P and
Gijswit, A, eds.
Sociological theory and the environment: classical foundations, contemporary insights.
Rowman and Littlefield, Lanham, pp. 286-310.
ISBN 9780742501867
Middleton, J
Capstone, Oxford.
ISBN 9781841122168
Middleton, J and Gorzynski, B
Strategy express.
Capstone, Oxford.
ISBN 9781841122182
Morris, W, Facer, K, Fleuriot, C and Jones, O
'Mobile Bristol: a new sense of place.'
Ljungstrand, P and
Holmquist, L.E, eds.
Ubicomp2002: adjunct proceedings.
Viktoria Institute, Göteborg, pp. 27-29.
Neale, J
Lost at Sea.
Houghton Mifflin.
ISBN 0-618-43236-1
Neale, J
The history of Sherpa climbers.
In: Annual International Festival of Mountaineering Literature, 9 November 2002, University of Leeds, Leeds, UK.
Nixon, E and Malbrán, R
Shakespeare a dos tiempos.
In: La Mancha Theatre Company, National tour of Chile and Mexico City, 2002-2003.
Rieser, M
Understanding Echo.
ISEA 2002, Nagoya, Japan. Watershed Media Centre, Bristol 2002..
Rigby, K
Wolfreys, J, ed.
Introducing criticism at the 21st century.
Edinburgh University Press, Edinburgh, pp. 151-178.
ISBN 9780748615759
Salter-Dvorak, H
'Changing consciousness of EFL learners through project work in the community.'
Cormeraie, S,
Killick, D and
Parry, M, eds.
Revolutions in consciousness: local identities, global concerns in languages and intercultural communication. Proceedings of the 1st IALIC Conference held at Leeds Metropolitan University, December 2000.
Leeds Metropolitan University, Leeds.
ISBN 9781898883098
Sammells, N
Wilde now.
In: Oscar Wilde Symposium, 2002, Magdalen College, Oxford.
Slade, C
Telenovelas and moral realism.
In: Telenovelas & Soap Opera: Negotiating Reality, 19 March 2002, Humanities Research Centre, Australian National University, Canberra.
Slade, C
Time and space in media memories.
In: Cultural Frontiers in Question : Nation, Religion, Refugees, 12 July 2002, National Museum, Canberra, Australia.
Slade, C
The paradoxes of popular culture.
In: Confederation of Australasian Teachers of Media Conference: Joining the Dots, 19 April 2002, University of Canberra, Australia.
Slade, C, Marie-France, D, Splitter, L, Lafortune, L, Pallascio, R and Mongeau, P
'Are the philosophical exchanges of pupils aged 10 to 12 relativistic or inter-subjective?'
Critical and Creative Thinking : the Australasian Journal of Philosophy for Children, 10 (2).
pp. 1-19.
Slade, C, Marie-France, D, de la Garza, T, Lafortune, L, Pallascio, R and Mongeau, P
'El lugar des relativismo en los intercambios filosoficos de los alumnos.'
Perfiles Educativos, 24 (96).
pp. 5-32.
Snell, R
Highly charged.
In: Landscape now..., Paton Gallery, London, 2002.
Snell, R
The Saatchi Gallery, London, 22 February 2002 - 17 May 2002.
ISBN 0953858766
Turk, G
Copper Jubilee.
New Art Gallery, Walsall, UK, 28 June - 1 September 2002.
ISBN 0946652643
Vyner, T
World team.
Red Fox, London.
ISBN 9780099427582
Whitty, G
'Quasi-markets in education.'
Levinson, D.L,
Cookson, P.W and
Sadovnik, A.R, eds.
Education and sociology : an encyclopedia.
RoutledgeFalmer, London, pp. 473-484.
ISBN 9780815316152
Yasuda, T
Deform to Form.
Contemporary Applied Arts, London; Flow Gallery, London; Alpha House Gallery, Sherborne, Dorset.
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